Did neanderthals go to heaven?

1) "Logic" hasn't dissolved one iota of the bible... You keep stating this as fact and have yet to prove your point. This statement is wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to begin, you need to either shut up about it or state your evidence!

I can't continue to repeat myself over and over again.

LOGIC:(1) : a science that deals with the principles and criteria of validity of inference and demonstration : the science of the formal principles of reasoning.

Logic dictates to us what is and is not reasonable to believe or to support as factual. If you can't conclude the gross absence of logic in the biblical stories, then I can't help you to understand.
Logic" hasn't dissolved one iota of the bible...
The great flood.
Logic" hasn't dissolved one iota of the bible...
Adam & Eve.
Logic" hasn't dissolved one iota of the bible...
Logic" hasn't dissolved one iota of the bible...
The resurrection of Christ.
Logic" hasn't dissolved one iota of the bible...
The depiction of time from the start (Genesis) to the end of time (Revelations) with no mention of scientifically proven events that were far more consequential then what IS mentioned.
The burden is not upon me to "prove" the presence of illogical text in the Bible. It is upon you to prove the logic behind the aforementioned events. Logic is a term that is not subject to debate. We all know what it is. What is debatable is where the term is allowed to be applied.
Jhony5 said:
The Great Flood
Many cultures incorporated some "great flood" myth into their religious texts, including Christians, Hindus, Sumerians, Babylonians....you get the picture.

Undersea explorers believe they may have found what was the origin of the "great flood myths". So, logic doesn't defy that particular aspect of the Bible anymore.


Many ancient Middle Eastern cultures have legends of a great flood, including the Bible story of Noah.

Columbia University researchers William Ryan and Walter Pittman speculated in their 1997 book "Noah's Flood" that when the European glaciers melted, about 7,000 years ago, the Mediterranean Sea overflowed into what was then a smaller freshwater lake to create the Black Sea.

Last year Ballard found indications of an ancient coastline miles out from the current Black Sea coast. The new discovery provides evidence that people once lived in that now inundated region.

Does this prove the Bible is true? Absolutely not, since other cultures predating Christianity had many many similarities to the Bible, including the floods.
Jhony5 said:
I can't continue to repeat myself over and over again.
Unless, of course, you redundantly repeat yourself over and over again! :D

Jhony5 said:
LOGIC:(1) : a science that deals with the principles and criteria of validity of inference and demonstration : the science of the formal principles of reasoning.

Logic dictates to us what is and is not reasonable to believe or to support as factual. If you can't conclude the gross absence of logic in the biblical stories, then I can't help you to understand.
I will stipulate what logic is... How does logic invalidate the bible?

Jhony5 said:
The great flood.

Adam & Eve.


The resurrection of Christ.

OK... I am waiting...

Jhony5 said:
The depiction of time from the start (Genesis) to the end of time (Revelations) with no mention of scientifically proven events that were far more consequential then what IS mentioned.
The burden is not upon me to "prove" the presence of illogical text in the Bible. It is upon you to prove the logic behind the aforementioned events. Logic is a term that is not subject to debate. We all know what it is. What is debatable is where the term is allowed to be applied.
1) Debating 101... The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the one who proposes a statement. YOU proposed the statement that logic has "dissolved" the authenticity of the bible... I am still waiting on the proof.
2) There is agood reason for this rule, a debator can propose any preposterous statement as long as he absolved from backing up the statement.
3) I fail to see how a story can be either true or false simply by the absence or presence of known fact. For example: "Hogan's Heroes" is not a TRUE story because U.S. forces were in Europe fighting Nazi forces in the early 1940's. Homer's "Iliad" is not a False story because it fails to mention the "bronze age".
angie said:
Many cultures incorporated some "great flood" myth into their religious texts, including Christians, Hindus, Sumerians, Babylonians....you get the picture.

Undersea explorers believe they may have found what was the origin of the "great flood myths". So, logic doesn't defy that particular aspect of the Bible anymore.


Minus the whole thing about the great flood encompassing the entire planet, not a small section of it. So back pedal all you want, science HAS proven the bible wrong on that point.
Crazywumbat said:
Minus the whole thing about the great flood encompassing the entire planet, not a small section of it. So back pedal all you want, science HAS proved the bible wrong on that point.

I don
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
2) There is agood reason for this rule, a debator can propose any preposterous statement as long as he absolved from backing up the statement.

Sort of like proposing something rediculous such as an omnipotent, omniscient being, presiding over humanity?
Crazywumbat said:
Minus the whole thing about the great flood encompassing the entire planet, not a small section of it. So back pedal all you want, science HAS proven the bible wrong on that point.
In Biblical times (and prior), they thought where they were WAS the whole world.
How am I backpedaling? I've already stated I'm not a Christian, so obviously I don't take the Bible as anything other than fables, with traditional stories told by word of mouth (IE the flood) incorporated into it.
snafu said:
I don’t believe anything has or can be proven or disproved with the present technology.

If this in reference to the flood. Sedimentary laying has completely debunked any possibility of this ever having happened. No question whatsoever.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Unless, of course, you redundantly repeat yourself over and over again! :D

I will stipulate what logic is... How does logic invalidate the bible?

OK... I am waiting...

1) Debating 101... The burden of proof is ALWAYS on the one who proposes a statement. YOU proposed the statement that logic has "dissolved" the authenticity of the bible... I am still waiting on the proof.
2) There is agood reason for this rule, a debator can propose any preposterous statement as long as he absolved from backing up the statement.
3) I fail to see how a story can be either true or false simply by the absence or presence of known fact. For example: "Hogan's Heroes" is not a TRUE story because U.S. forces were in Europe fighting Nazi forces in the early 1940's. Homer's "Iliad" is not a False story because it fails to mention the "bronze age".

SO what your ****in saying, honestly, is that you find the story of Adam & Eve to be logical? Go ahead and say it. Please.

Your debating the correct usage of the word 'logic'. As opposed to addressing my points. Lets talk about your 'Hogans Heros' analogy just briefly. Its "logical" for one to say that Hogans Hero's was a comedy set in a world war II time frame. Its "illogical" to say that Hogans Hero's was a true story based on the complete lack of supporting evidence. Now take that and translate it directly to the bible. One could logically claim that it was set correctly in a historical context. One CANNOT claim that the tales of the flood, Adam and Eve, Genesis, or the resurrection are logical in anyway whatsoever. YOU CAN'T SAY THIS!
How does logic invalidate the bible?
Because...............sedementary layering, which we all learned in elementary school, shows this to be purposterous..............women weren't created from the rib of a man...............The earth does not sit upon pedestals, as claimed in the book of genesis...............AND DEAD PEOPLE DON'T ****ING WALK GOD DAMMIT!!!!! Dispute my logic. Just try mother****er. I dare you to continue to stick your head up your ass.
Jhony5 said:
SO what your ****in saying, honestly, is that you find the story of Adam & Eve to be logical? Go ahead and say it. Please.

Your debating the correct usage of the word 'logic'. As opposed to addressing my points. Lets talk about your 'Hogans Heros' analogy just briefly. Its "logical" for one to say that Hogans Hero's was a comedy set in a world war II time frame. Its "illogical" to say that Hogans Hero's was a true story based on the complete lack of supporting evidence. Now take that and translate it directly to the bible. One could logically claim that it was set correctly in a historical context. One CANNOT claim that the tales of the flood, Adam and Eve, Genesis, or the resurrection are logical in anyway whatsoever. YOU CAN'T SAY THIS!

Because...............sedementary layering, which we all learned in elementary school, shows this to be purposterous..............women weren't created from the rib of a man...............The earth does not sit upon pedestals, as claimed in the book of genesis...............AND DEAD PEOPLE DON'T ****ING WALK GOD DAMMIT!!!!! Dispute my logic. Just try mother****er. I dare you to continue to stick your head up your ass.
You win, it's illogical.
Outlaw2747 said:
I can easily debunk the whole story of Noah's Ark with ONE animal.

A shrew.

Oh come on. Its perfectly LOGICAL for a man to gather 4 billion species together and travel around on a boat with them all for months.

I have to ask. Why a shrew?
snafu said:
Thanks for askin. I thought it was just me that didn't get that. :rolleyes:
You know....stuck on an ark, with an intolerable, bitchy, nagging woman. Noah would've abandoned ship.
Why a shrew? Consider its biological history. Also keep in mind there are SEVERAL species of shrew.

The shrew is a furry little critter that looks like a mouse. It is primarily a carnivore (first flaw to Noah's Ark). But there is something else that needs to be known. If this animal doesn't eat for about an hour or two (depending on the species) it DIES OF STARVATION. (second flaw)

Now let's do the simple math. It is a carnivore, it would require several types of animal for it to survive which would include arthropods, rodents, and small reptiles and amphibians. EVERY HOUR OR SO. Now imagine how much this animal possibly goes to the bathroom (third flaw). It would not survive its 40 day ordeal. Let's not forget there are only two of every animal on this ship. None of them can be used for food for the others or it will just defeat the purpose.

If this doesn't deny the enitre story of Noah's Ark, then I don't know what does. Oh and I am quite sure the shrew has been around alot longer than mankind. We are a very recent species by comparison.
Now imagine how much this animal possibly goes to the bathroom

I'd be more concerned with the elephant droppings.

I saw a show once where they tried to show what the ark would have to have looked like in order to even come close to holding that many animals, feed, and storage. It was like 2 or 3 city blocks in size.

The whole theory doesn't float. (((hehehehe)) Get it? Float? Harharharhar heee hee hooo hooo har dee ho
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I guess you either believe in miracles or you don't...

True. I am not trying to **** on anybody who believes in God though. I am just simply explaining why I personally think the story didn't happen. AT LEAST not in the way the Bible depicts is.