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  1. E

    Stars Without Makeup

    i hate the way the mags scrutanise these people,like one was showing kirsten dunst biting into a sandwhich with a caption like, 'wow shes hungry' or something stupid theyre human..leave them alone...but i guess i read the mags so that must make me quite sad, lol
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    Stars Without Makeup

    lol, thanks, amy looks good, sweet and thanks, i hate my name, its so boring, wots u real one, u prob have sed already but heh... *hugs*
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    Heart LP´s Journal

    hey, thats so kewl the student councl thing, i neva get picked cuz i always forget about it....but the yrs i have its always been really repetative and boring, we got free coke and crisps even though im not a huge crisp fan but heh...whos so complain well hope urs is better than the ones i...
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    Stars Without Makeup

    dont wanna seem lazy or stupid but i looked and i cant find the pic of amy...which pg is it on do u no...?
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    em's pointless journal

    ok well i havent been on cuz my stupid stepdad hid the comp lead...i no its stupid but i only just found was in his drawers...yuck had to go through his stinken underwear anyway must explain who lu is lu is my ex she hit on all my mates behind my back basically (shes a girl btw)...
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    em's pointless journal! wot a bitch,i hate her thnks for telling.... hmmm my journal really isnt working really is it? might have to rite about my day i guess
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    lpp's journal

    possibly....but im not too sane either we can be weird together *pulls a weird face*
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    lpp's journal

    lol, going crazy lol uv already gone mate... :p
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    lpp's journal

    hey lpp!!! im posting like u wanted me to and i gonna just say hi cuz i dont no wot ur all tlking about...apart from eating... i ate normalish luch but i neva eat that so its no biggy how r u? *BIG HELLO HUG TO EVERYONE*
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    em's pointless journal

    thanks, i really value ur friendship...thats y i hate it when u hurt urself....
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    the anorexic thread

    thanks im glad too...i hated looking like i did after a while..dont let those people get to u...if ur happy thats all that matters ;)
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    em's pointless journal

    my day was crap, had a ****ing exam last one of the week though YEY but i had a netball match and a hockey thing which wasnt too bad...had to go to the doctors and felt kinda stupid in my baggy trackies and my baggy jumper with the school name on the back...
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    has any1 experience any supernatural stuff?

    whoa, thats worse than mine, at least mine were family, theres a girl in my class who look like the ring girl :D
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    Serial Killer blames Linkin Park

    i couldnt be bothered to read the whole thread so i dunno if u guys have mentioned this people say this all the time..with the jody jones case that guy told the papers nirvana (misspelt?~soz i dont listen to them) and marylin manson told him to kill he was into satanism and everything though...
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    ur so rite, about the forum and sniper....
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    em's pointless journal

    my kinda sucked really like a boring classrm, got shouted at because i was late...whoops anyway, with my giving up o the cutting, i relapsed...i dont no if i'll be able to do mum and stepdad are fighting at the moment really loud....hope he doesnt hit her...
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    i want to die...but then again i don't

    awww poor u thats a terrible thing to have happened at least u no u have some1 in ur life who cares 4 u..and u have all of us...we'll all be here for u when eva u need a shoulder to cry on or and ear to moan to... *BIG HUG* dont let the Fb get u down, stupid mother ****er will get his...
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    has any1 experience any supernatural stuff?

    ive seen my great gran and my grand dad, but nothing particularly frinds house was haunted and the person hated things on the walls and the TV set, wheneva they put stuff on it the person/ghost whateva got pissed off...
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    the cutting thread

    agreed, y put up with that when u deserve people who appreciate u?
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    Cutting...A serious issue.

    aww poor u *big hug* try and resist the urges...and dont let the guy have control ova u like that..remember no man is eva worth ur tears and the one who is will neva make u cry... corny i no...but true really sorry im in a good mood, i rite corny **** when im happy