the anorexic thread

[LP]GotLinkinPark? said:
Yeah, addictive. I see what you mean......Well not really because I've never been addicted to anything. But I get it.

kewkl i'm glad you understand....[lp]glp for understanding why now
lpp said:
kewkl i'm glad you understand....[lp]glp for understanding why now
Your welcome. I just wanna help people and understand things like this. I want to be a phycologist.......That's when I realised that I sucked at helping people. lol
SNiPeRViRuS said:
I want to learn physcology, but thats just cuz I want to be convincing when I am talking to people without having to resort to that much force.
I just decided not too long ago that I wanted to. I want to because I want to help people (mostly teenagers) with their problems, like the ones you see on here. If you want to act incredibly smart, go into philosiphy. You can't really do much with it, but I know a guy who is going to college for it. He can word his way in or out of anything.
Me too......I still do not see how people do that. I get sooo hungry right before lunch because I never eat breakfast, so lunch is my main meal of the day.
i weigh 200 pounds lol but im 6'4" ....and not really all that fat got a little gut thats it, differently not skinny though lol
im so glad im over the worst of my anorexia, i look on later pics and i look awful, im neva at the perfect weight though....

my mom use to be anorexic when she was my age. im 5ft 5 and 100 to 105 lbs. so everyoen thinks i am. oh im going to be 22. and my metablism hasent slowed down yet its really fast. i eat alot most days and i just dont gain weight. and i hate it when people make anorexic jokes and say **** its annoying. but oh well i prob will be skinny for the rest of me life lol.
emma said:
im so glad im over the worst of my anorexia, i look on later pics and i look awful, im neva at the perfect weight though....

Congrats thats a big acoplisment though to even gain weight
thanks im glad too...i hated looking like i did after a while..dont let those people get to u...if ur happy thats all that matters ;)