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  1. B

    gay marriage

    Okay...... ****. Maybe I kinda over did it there. Sorry.......... It finally hit me.... that I been getting frustrated about the diversity. Yet, I am talking about how homosexuality is wrong..... hmmmm..... ****! I am a paradox or a hypcrite myself. However, my opinion about the whole christain...
  2. B

    Racial Riots in Australia

    Racism is discusting! I don't get why this diversty is such a big deal. Countires should just give the immigrants employment along with the immigrants heritage to remain prominent. If they tried that they have possiblities to have peace.... However, there must be better way to solve this than...
  3. B

    gay marriage

    Excuse me can you read? ....soon humanity is going to be extinct because of this aggravation...... Not to mention it is a shame to humanity.
  4. B

    Your favourite movie/tv quote ^^

    Well I 'll be one to name another quote from Family Guy Peter is in church and drink a sip of wine then peter turn to the priest. Peter:WHO! Is that really Jesus' blood? Priest nodds yes Peter:He must have drinking 24/7 Dammmiiitttttt!!!!!!! Family Guy rules!!!!! There is another one...
  5. B

    gay marriage

    At this point England is crazy! Look! Gay have disbeliefs in God because christian have been against it. However, marriage is christain thing. Wouldn't that make gays and christain hypocrites? GOD DAMMIT!!!!! someone stop homesexuality!!!! soon humanity is going to be extinct because of...