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  1. M

    *Projekt Revolution 2007* (All tour stuff here)

    /\/\ how did you miss out on getting tickets?
  2. M

    *Projekt Revolution 2007* (All tour stuff here)

    that's what makes it an even better show! haha!
  3. M

    *Projekt Revolution 2007* (All tour stuff here)

    if you're listening to the last two tracks, don't be fooled...Mike actually DID forget how many songs they were doing ... ...he first says that Bleed It Out is their 'last one'... ...then at the beginning of Faint, he says 'I love when we have one more for you' that actually happened at...
  4. M

    *Projekt Revolution 2007* (All tour stuff here)

    /\/\ lol everyone's waiting on jeezy too!
  5. M

    *Projekt Revolution 2007* (All tour stuff here)

    /\/\ that and (at least for me) the .zip version takes abuot 30 minutes to download, while the torrents take HOURS (one torrent, 5 hours, another i canceled after it said 21 days)
  6. M

    My second time at projekt revolution

    depending on local, you can spend as little as $25.00
  7. M

    *Projekt Revolution 2007* (All tour stuff here)

    /\/\ i second that!!! i want to be able to hear what i saw again!
  8. M

    *Projekt Revolution 2007* (All tour stuff here)

    :boast: HAHAHAHA!!!:boast: I can't help but smile and laugh a little...:) :rolleyes: 8P I ALREADY HEARD IT!!! (:thumbsup: i was there!:thumbsup: ) lol :lol: and glad too, seeing how they apparently didn't do QWERTY and another song at their next show where they did Setlist C.
  9. M

    New Setlists for PR07!

    well, either which way, i found someone who was at the concert too, and they're going to get me a copy of the live version, so in a couple days, i'll be able to put up the actual list that they did... but that list does seem more accurate, i would just switch songs 4 and 5, because i know...
  10. M

    New Setlists for PR07!

    for the Amen part, for some reason I don't remember...I heard it as part of the music playing, but I don't know who (if any of them) did that part...EVERYONE was doing the AMENs, and for some reason, I wasn't looking for any-one person singing them... but I wouldn't put it past Chester being...
  11. M

    New Setlists for PR07!

    09 yeah, thats what i had for it, so that is why i am unsure about song 09... but number 10 definitely was Hands Held High, unless they played a different song, and the crowd sang Hands Held High! lol. But they DID do Hands Held High!
  12. M

    New Setlists for PR07!

    as for 'With You' being on setlist C, unfortunately I do not believe it is...I had printed out all three set lists and took them to the concert to see which one they did, and here is what I have as for my notes on those missing songs... what is in paranthesis is my own notes that i wrote...
  13. M

    New Setlists for PR07!

    well it seems like it's been a couple years...:mad: for some reason i remember hearing a song being entitled 'QWERTY' before i last saw them on the Meteora Tour....must be my mistake. :-|
  14. M

    New Setlists for PR07!

    apparently LP is making it, so it really isn't 'bootleg' per say... QWERTY was awesome! I didn't recognize it, cause I hadn't heard it in a couple years (i just listened to their main CDs, and 'forgot' about my underground ones on my computer!) But it is definitely a show worth seeing...
  15. M

    New Setlists for PR07!

    LP LIVE CDs i went to the Mountain View show, and of course it was awesome. We were lucky enough that LP played SET C!!!! (I'm still trying to get the missing songs figured out, as i think there may have only been three missing, instead of four...) They were advertising the LIVE CDs...