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  1. C

    Penguins are so gay

    I am willing to take it further and suggest that it lays the groundwork for environmentally conditioning a child to believe that being gay is not only normal, but special. It is not only acceptable, but fantastic. It moves beyond confusion into the realm of laying a groundwork for brainwashing...
  2. C

    The whole gay thing.

    Double post. Mea culpa.
  3. C

    The whole gay thing.

    This was a remarkably stupid line of argument on my part, and for that I appologize. It requires that you accept my anecdotal evidence, and that of some therapists I claim to know, or counter with your own anecdotal evidence, which presumes your friends are close enough to divulge such...
  4. C

    The whole gay thing.

    You aren't providing enough input. Because THOSE things are not the primmers does not mean that there is not a thread that binds them. What about overbearing religious overtones? What about something to rebel AGAINST in authority or society in order to define ones self as different? What about...
  5. C

    The whole gay thing.

    I don't know if you have been to prison, but I will tell you what they don't want you to know. It isn't just rape... oh that happens... rather a lot... power and control stuff... and a diseased sadism... but they have loving relationships too. No superior, no dominant... gentle, loving...
  6. C

    The whole gay thing.

    You can't put pinko liberal in front of it or I will reflexively vomit hate text. I am not familiar with it, but chances are no. I will research and get back to you. Because when men beat women, it knocks congenital adrenal hyperplasia loose from their brains and introduces it into their...
  7. C

    Penguins are so gay

    I'm pretty bad about thread hijacking too. I really do want to debate some preconcieved accepted notions on homosexuality before entertaining discourse this far removed. I wanted to come back to this once everyone understood what everyone thought. Laughably it is my attempt NOT to jack this...
  8. C

    Adopt children from our own damn country

    I like the disease in your thought dude. You hit that on the head, and I never would have come up with the words for it.
  9. C

    The whole gay thing.

    Adopted? For what cause? Does it get them less jail? Does it make the kids feel better? No. It is a sweeping TRUISM. You disregard the overwhelming, and I am in the deep decimal points of the 99%, of pedophiles who acknowledge that they were themselves victimized at some point? On what authority...
  10. C

    The whole gay thing.

    We DO teach and learn sexual preference is the point. You think pedophiles jump out of the woodwork wanting to bang kids? No. They were ALL ****ING ABUSED. You are contradicting yourself if you are now saying that you think all the greeks were BORN into buggery. It was a socially influenced...
  11. C

    Penguins are so gay

    Yes. There is a program called Jawz that reads it to them and deciphers links from text... etc. Porn does need some work though.
  12. C

    The whole gay thing.

    It is one or the other.
  13. C

    Adopt children from our own damn country

    Yup... what eisanbt said. That is why... and the whole notion of bio-parents showing up and wanting something... especially from a celeb. Doesn't make it right, just makes it a thing. I say you have to adopt at least one American baby for every two foriegn ones. If the judge knows who you are...
  14. C

    The whole gay thing.

    I know it took place, I was the one who brought it up, my argument is that it is not GENETIC but socially influenced behavior.
  15. C

    Pictures of our members?

    Couldn't find your pic Orlando. Funny that. I don't think I look like that gay elf either... but curly hair does not a big fat hurting make. I aint purdy like jhony, but I ain't goofy either.
  16. C

    The whole gay thing.

    My point was not to draw a correlation between the two but point out that I have every right to look down on any group that have a damaging effect on society. Not the most difficult logic to follow. While we are on the subject, why are pedos predominantly gay? For all the spell checkers... I...
  17. C

    The whole gay thing.

    First of all, if you are going to imply that you are mentally superior to me, it helps not to misspell "complicated". Is that simple enough? The thread in question required two posts due to a 10k character limit, this one is minute in contrast... oh I'm sorry, that would require some research...
  18. C

    The whole gay thing.

    That doesn't even make sense.
  19. C

    Penguins are so gay

    Well ****. Here I am trying to start a thread on the gay thing so that terms and conditions can be defined, and you are extrapolating it 4 generations into gay penguin adoption. A lot of presumption is made, that I am not sure is fact. I don't think you can debate such things presuming that it...
  20. C

    The whole gay thing.

    My black thread was way too long for the short attention span of the internet savy. All things of perfection tend to be, so I will address the issue of gays, because, for me, it is as short as a chinamans dingy. I don't hate gay people, but I do hold some contempt for most of them. I sneer at...