Search results

  1. Spleefman

    Clean Sweep for Michael Jackson!

    I think that goofey looking "I wanna be a white-boy" monkey-****er needs to stay the hell away from kids! :mad: Cases like these are almost impossible to prove......The State of California had no business trying to take this case on......they should have hired out of state! I mean...if you...
  2. Spleefman

    Flush a copy of the Koran down the shitter

    It's called not taking everything so GODAMNED seriously AIG! Once again, you prove another point. You and your ilk take **** way too ****ing seriously! No wonder you ****ers are responsible for 85% of the hotspots on the planet! You can't take a joke, you can't make a joke, and you condemn...
  3. Spleefman

    Why never America?

    Let me ask you Gentilhomme.... Do you like the Medical Care Program in Canada? Pros.....and Cons please.
  4. Spleefman

    Why never America?

    I deffinately dug the Canadian beer when I was up there! As well as the Northern Lights this dude turned me onto! :D The people were pretty ****ing cool as well! Had a damn good time! When we left Austin to go there it was about 99 degrees.......when we got to Ottawa, it was 56! Godamn I...
  5. Spleefman

    Flush a copy of the Koran down the shitter

    you never see any pictures of Jesus taking a **** do ya? How about one flipping everyone off? Jesus...... Now I am going to hell! :(
  6. Spleefman

    Flush a copy of the Koran down the shitter

    Qu'ran Toilet Paper.....for the best wipe you ever hated! Brought to by the fine people at GF!!!!!!! Guys...we could share this and become rich........not to mention piss a few Muslims off! Ok.....just to where we can make it even I am willing to stand down my faith, and approve .....The...
  7. Spleefman

    Flush a copy of the Koran down the shitter

    Toilet paper with Qu'ran verses on each sheet! :D
  8. Spleefman

    Two party system (two seperate Herds)

    May your Shwartz stay with you! :D
  9. Spleefman

    Two party system (two seperate Herds)

    Right there with you! I gave up on the two party system awhile back..... Both parties have sold this country down the shitter! (Right along with those Qu'rans! :D ) Go to this thread and take the quiz.....find out what your political leanings say to your findings, and take the poll...
  10. Spleefman

    Flush a copy of the Koran down the shitter

    The bombs blowing up in Afghanistahn and Iraq are not American bombs. Why am I wasting my time with's like holding a converstation with a toilet. No matter how many times I try to flush reason out of still just do nothing more than redirect ****!
  11. Spleefman

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    Damn Snafu...who were ya pissed at in that photo up there? :D
  12. Spleefman

    What do you know about SATAN...

    The way I look at it is some group of people are right, and everybody else is wrong...this leads me to the belief we better all learn to get along...incase we get another chance for not being such a *****! :D Hell I have been attacked by Christians in my own faith...which has led me to beleive...
  13. Spleefman

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    Good Lord...I just realized how ****ed up I looked in that picture......that's sad! :(
  14. Spleefman

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    Here's a pic of my daughter and I.....
  15. Spleefman

    What do you know about SATAN...

    Oh I don't take it as a crack. In this day and age it's really easy to answer a question by Googling everything. I try to gain knowledge by searches and or books....bibles, etc., then try to communicate my opinions based on gathered information. I have stated that I am a Christian...but I am...
  16. Spleefman

    What do you know about SATAN...

    I'm not completely following your line of question........expound please.
  17. Spleefman

    Sick Of Ranting About Same Old ****

    Awww...he included mine in the family album.......I'm touched Phreak!!!!! :o I don't approve of where you tried to touch me....but just the same...I'm touched! :p
  18. Spleefman

    What do you know about SATAN...

    So you are saying that you do Barry Manillow tunes??? That's pretty Satanistic!
  19. Spleefman

    Spleefy's Extras....

  20. Spleefman

    What do you know about SATAN...

    I thought my ex-wife was Satan. :p