Flush a copy of the Koran down the shitter

First thing you've said in over 25 posts or more that actually made some ****ing sense. Keep it up and you might get out of the idiot box after all.
LOL, told ya man. I got harsh opinions on certain things and do display intelligence. Guess it just depended on what I insult...lol!

But in any case, I really oppose of that "They hurt us, we do nothing." bullshit. We Americans cn go from country to country fighting and stuff, but at the same time we gotta be "nice". Like when they throw rocks at us....we cannot do ****. I think that is bull. Or attack only when fired upon. By the time that happens, a ****ing soldier is already killed. I know they are trying to avoid any unecessary bloodshed on our part but in hostile areas like Iraq and Somalia, it cannot be helped.
Man what the **** ever. **** that book. If they wanna burn flags AND cut innocent people's heads off, then we will burn books. Plan and simple. I don't belive in that "they treat us like ****, we treat them nice" bullshit. "Do into others as others has done unto you." You can relplace a ****ing book, you cannot replace a person.

They should be happy we are not walking around chopping THEIR heads off.
Oh my God a couple of kaafirs want to burn the Qu'ran!
You actually think you are achieving something by doing this.
Let's do the math.
There are over a billion muslims in this world.Each household has about 5 copies or more of the Qu'ran,not counting the copies in the mosques around the world which probably have over 100 copies each.

So you aren't even putting a slight dent!
I could also say that i will burn a copy of the bible each day,but that would just be really stupid and childish and it would mean I actually give a damn about the bible to waste my precious time in such a way.
By the way GAS bills are really high lately!
It's just a book. Religion is stronger than just the text written on the pages. And a country is stronger than some stars and stripes. What does it matter? You still have your pride and strength and beliefs no matter what others do. They can't take that.

However, I'm still amused by this thread =D
The bombs blowing up in Afghanistahn and Iraq are not American bombs.

Why am I wasting my time with you......it's like holding a converstation with a toilet. No matter how many times I try to flush reason out of you...you still just do nothing more than redirect ****!
id buy a few cases, hmm picture it, Koran toilet paper, tissues, targets, and other items we use every day :D
Qu'ran Toilet Paper.....for the best wipe you ever hated!

Brought to by the fine people at GF!!!!!!! Guys...we could share this and become rich........not to mention piss a few Muslims off!

Ok.....just to where we can make it even I am willing to stand down my faith, and approve .....The Holy Bible Toilet Paper.

We could call it....Holy **** Toilet Paper!

That's right...Holy **** Toilet Paper....for a wipe so soft, it made even Jesus say his father's name in vain! :D
Spleefman said:
We could call it....Holy **** Toilet Paper!

That's right...Holy **** Toilet Paper....for a wipe so soft, it made even Jesus say his father's name in vain! :D
which reminds me, Jesus' crap musta been holy crap ;D

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