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  1. Asmodai

    Alright, guys, it's down to the line. Windows or Mac?

    Yeah, Bill Gates... I don't even like him, but it isn't like I have room to talk. -_- I go to a high school that's privately funded by the psycho.
  2. Asmodai

    What if God and Satan, made up after all these years ??

    Assuming that both of them exist... I think that there is a balance in between them, and that's what earth is.(Agree with you, Phreak) "God" and "Satan" are just names for what we perceive as the two forces that make up reality. Though, personally, I think God and Satan are symbols for...
  3. Asmodai

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Oh dear, I've been posting without introdicing myself. For shame. I'm... well, I know quite a few members here, and other than that you'll just have to find out from my posts... or assume. -waves- So, hi.
  4. Asmodai

    Interesting results on how America feels about BUSH.

    Doesn't really surprise me. >< Though... if less than half of the people approve of him, and yet he still got elected, does that mean people switched over between then and now, or is the system even weirder than I thought? And considering how fast sprang up after the last...
  5. Asmodai

    Alright, guys, it's down to the line. Windows or Mac?

    Aww, but I have the good new one.... -steeples fingers- And it was free too.
  6. Asmodai

    Is masterbating better than sex?

    lmao, Thank you, Phreak, that wonderfully vivid image is never going to leave me. >< Buuut.. I think I'd be out of this conversation, seeing as how I've never had an orgasm no matter what (ooh, sharing time. >.>). Among other reasons, the meds I've had to take since before the onset of puberty...
  7. Asmodai

    Even heard anyone say ... ?

  8. Asmodai

    a non muslim question

    Mind ever doing that under supervision of my secret world domination/repair comittee? You can be vice-leader of the luftwaffe and everything. XD
  9. Asmodai

    who do religious rights aply to anyway?

    I have very, VERY mixed feelings about this. On the first hand, declaring any religion, expecially one as (in my experience with wiccans) harmless and actually pretty healthy as Wicca, "non-mainstream" in a court of law and threatening to take their child is ****ing sick. What happened to...
  10. Asmodai

    Alright, guys, it's down to the line. Windows or Mac?

    I'd love to use linux, and people keep telling me they'll teach me, but A)I have the feeling I'd just fail at it to the point where it wouldn't work, and B)I usually only use this computer for communication and art, which work well enough. (I'm back on my own, now, huzzah!) I'd call myself...
  11. Asmodai

    Even heard anyone say ... ?

    Eeeeeeeehhhhhhh -flinch- Though, a friend and I were reading Cosmo magazine the other night for a laugh - every issue has a "what to do if you're in your mid twenties and have never had an orgasm" article. That edges out of funny and into kind of sad.
  12. Asmodai

    Alright, guys, it's down to the line. Windows or Mac?

    Just had a conversation about this as I threatened to throw my friend's macintosh computer out the window after I failed to get on the internet myself. She says she's a Mac girl, born and bred, but I can't use them if I tried - and believe me I do, when it's a choice between that and going...
  13. Asmodai

    Even heard anyone say ... ?

    I knoooww, I'm paying attention now . You guys sure teach one to be careful reading through the first time. XD Thanks.
  14. Asmodai

    Even heard anyone say ... ?

    >_< After waiting the ten minutes to be able to scroll back up the page on this damned computer, I saw the word 'bad'. I humbly don the dunce cap of misreading. XD
  15. Asmodai

    Even heard anyone say ... ?

    Phreak - 33 and never had a blowjob? You poor dear. ;)
  16. Asmodai

    One Person's Thoughts On Children

    I guess that's true for most of them, but if as a parent and individual your perceptions of 'best' are really screwed up, it can't be good for the kid. Like trying to trap your children into creepy cult religious practices, etc. Think of the average idiot you meet on the street who pisses you...
  17. Asmodai

    One Person's Thoughts On Children

    If you parent how you talk, then your daughter's a pretty lucky girl. Wanting a child to make their own decicions and be happy is what parenting should be about. And being proud of them in whatever they chose/makes them happy. But I wouldn't say that's what most parents would want - and I've...
  18. Asmodai

    For everyone

    I'm not even going to get into the main conversation, because I would waste time with inane arguments that I'm sure everyone has heard before... But what the **** is up for jumping down Oppenheimer's throat for being German? Fullato- If he had used nationality in his argument, yours would have...
  19. Asmodai

    One Person's Thoughts On Children

    Wow, this DID deteriorate fast, didn't it? Ridiculous name-calling aside, the fact that everyone immediately assumes SD was talking about being gay when she said nothing of the sort is interesting, and probably reveals a lot about personal insecurities... but back to the real topic. I agree...