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  1. Crispy Critter

    And another thing!

    Dude it's only a couple paragraphs and it discribes the circle of life from evolution to the worship of one god. The paragraphs detail how Marx found it to mean communism completes the circle and American founders chose the other means to complete the circle. The unknown is what culture is in...
  2. Crispy Critter

    And another thing!

    Possibly if you read an article in Microsoft Encarta Encydlopedia key word Anthropology, sub section IX, sub section C. 2 Subject Anthropological Evolution Theories through Morgan and Taylor's theories it may shed some light on the discussion. ;)
  3. Crispy Critter

    Pearls Of Wisdom

    From my dear old dad, to keep negros out of the watermellon or corn patch hang a root over the entrance. It's a culture thing Royal Orleans will get, the southern blacks fear spirits and if you hang a root over your doorway or gateway and invite them over for drinks they won't enter under the...
  4. Crispy Critter

    Kerry to call for impeachment investigation

    You have to look at North Korea's nuclear threat in this way; Madeline/Clinton gave them a nuke when they didn't have a grid any better than a K-mart $5.00 extension cord. She negotiated feverishly to have the nuke material returned and then delivered the heating oil and allowed the tankers to...
  5. Crispy Critter

    I hate cops

    I think people who can
  6. Crispy Critter

    Kerry to call for impeachment investigation

    I despise Kerry for his false bullshit. When he teamed up with Jane Fonda he was still a reserve commissioned officer appointed by congress. She is a traitor and so is he! There were just too many canceled weekend passes because Kerry and Jane were going to protest Fort Bragg. Training for...
  7. Crispy Critter

    Pearls Of Wisdom

    62.My dad
  8. Crispy Critter

    And another thing!

    Thoughtful post and well stated! I agree with association of cruelty away from animals. To be cruel one must be operating with a thought process and not instincts. Hunting methods are as you state in most cases but within the individual species the weak is systematically eliminated and as you...
  9. Crispy Critter

    Kerry to call for impeachment investigation

    No one man can make a democrat you have to be either born one or brainwashed. How has the Patriot Act affected you personally? We never went to Iraq to free anyone we went there to make an example and I think the neighborhood is taking notes. The war was a just war, the war was because Saddam...
  10. Crispy Critter

    Kerry to call for impeachment investigation

    Read story at Title Kerry Touts Bush Impeachment Memo Failed presidential candidate John Kerry said Thursday that he intends to confront Congress with a document touted by critics of President Bush as evidence that he committed impeachable crimes by falsifying evidence...
  11. Crispy Critter

    Pearls Of Wisdom

    44) Never allow two adult women to occupy the house you intend to share. 45) Don
  12. Crispy Critter

    And another thing!

    Vortex So what are you trying to say that you agree with Silver dragon 87? When the Americans (western European white guys) colonized our great country they were white supremacist similar to the KKK. They killed everyone who got in their way. They conquered and enslaved the West Indies...
  13. Crispy Critter

    And another thing!

    Loco Wombat I
  14. Crispy Critter

    And another thing!

    Here's the bullet. That is about the stupidest conclusion I
  15. Crispy Critter

    Secular Nation V. Christian Nation

    Returning to the topic regardless how much I would like to follow this debate, refute this! The whole fledgling confederation went through hell when they finally decided no more taxation without representation. There was no central government to fund the war. The articles of Confederation...
  16. Crispy Critter

    funny pics

    Hill airy ass! The second pic "owned X2" is a hoot.
  17. Crispy Critter

    Memorial Day open letter

    What the hell does that mean? I will start by with a qualified apology. I read you letter again and your continued assertion you voted for Bush and that you are not gay and do actually have a wife and three children you adore. Let me explain why I placed you in with the far left and considered...
  18. Crispy Critter

    I will be President

    In the 60's - 70's the army compounds in Korea had Turkish steam baths and massage. Three hours of pampering for $2.50. GI you wantie special? It only $0.50 more for chargie massage...giggle giggle.
  19. Crispy Critter

    Memorial Day open letter

    Well Robert Byrd Jr. why do you dismiss an opportunity to debate your correctness? My guess is that your twenty years military experience was that of a soldier
  20. Crispy Critter

    Memorial Day open letter

    I offered a choice "Thought some of you may like to sign an open letter to the troops." Thinking some may want to sign the letter in italics which is at the link I provided. I copied the letter in italics so if you preferred to quick reply you could click the email link. If you would like...