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  1. V

    Vagina offends women.

  2. V

    What Keeps You Out Of Prison?

    At the moment its this computer screen that is holding me back from beat the **** out of you....for posting something so stupid..
  3. V

    Men Who Hit Women.

    So if a woman is beating you senseless... Which it can happen because making a ***** thread like this i would assume you get beat by women, You're not going to at least punch that bitch right back...Ugh.The both swings both ways bitch your not getting special attention because you have a beaver.
  4. V

    i love him ... still

  5. V

    The Lost Wallet Test

    So this lady, Left her purse in a park bench. I picked it up and pat her on the bank to hand her purse. As i pat her on the back she replies with " Sorry im married "..... .................... Suit yourself bitch im keeping your ****. Half box of cigarettes and some **** change.
  6. V

    i love him ... still

    Try hanging yourself....Or a bullet to the head that way you will stop wasting every one's time with your Middle school drama you rugrat.
  7. V

    Whats on my mind today!

    Might of kept reading if this bullshit would have the slightest bit of intrest...BTW cider =X
  8. V

    why i am willing to fight...

    Try to enjoy your life you idiot...The **** is going after all this going to do for you besides getting your dumb young ass killed. You're not going to help every person you come across with in the war...Your going to get baited and ****ed in the ass by some crazy terrorist. Take the ****ing job...
  9. V


    grow the **** up and quit your bitching. 16 Still has alot to learn. and if your older than 16. Then you shouldnt be living with your mom well unless your in the basement.....working in mcdonalds. Grow up or go to jail can support you. Other than that dont cry because your sibling is bothering...
  10. V

    Smoking: Kicking the Habit.

    Bad idea on the getting laid part On quitting smoking. After a good lay It's only right to light one up. Ahhh. this menthol sensation in the back of my throat is giving me the heebe jeebes! O_O
  11. V

    Road rage!

    Ever been going 40 MPH or so, And some one jumps in front of you at 15 MPH..... ........... I should buy a monster truck.