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  1. mattthebuddha

    Those damn Liberals

    Ha ha, funny stuff.
  2. mattthebuddha

    SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ?? Short 10 Question your results!

    ACCORDING TO YOUR ANSWERS, The political description that fits you best is... . LIBERAL LIBERALS usually embrace freedom of choice in personal matters, but tend to support significant government control of the economy. They generally support a government-funded "safety net" to help the...
  3. mattthebuddha


    Hey AITUK. If you took all government away, there would be killing and murder abound. And if humans have nothing controling them, there is nothing stoping them from doing anything bad i.e. rape, beat. But when someone is raped and/or beaten, you want to make rules against it. The someone...
  4. mattthebuddha

    the Revnge is coming American pigs (Off Topic Forum-retro post)

    You really are a bunch of racist pigs, aren't you? And, yes, the Muslims could be, very loosely, considered a race. And what's this about Iraq sanctions being lifted? You said it yourself. AL QEADA(sp?) was responsible. Not Saddam. Quit watching the Fox News Channel!!! So, umm, quit...
  5. mattthebuddha

    For everyone

    You are understating his stupidity, but if I say how stupid Bush really is, I might get kicked off of GF.