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  1. F

    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    Komrade Vostok Hazard wrote: Educated engineers and technicians who can actually spell 'work'. That's apart from the machines that are designes and assembled by computer driven production lines without any brickheaded worker with his hand out, ready to sabotage at any opportunity. Sober...
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    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    eisanbt wrote: Nice point, Eis. I really enjoy your work and especially the ability to to go beyond two syllables.Frank exchange of views & all that.
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    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    Komrade Vostok Hazard wrote: Indeed they were not. They were put together with mechanical slaves - machines and computers - the real 'workers' - not the criminal malingerers that look for any way to get a freebie at any opportunity. The machines also have a better code of ethics too. They do...
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    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    Jhony5 wrote: Gee, you've really got a way with words - both of them. But why so vague & subtle and airy fairy? You're allowed to actually say what you really think, you know - or am I asking too much? Just can't wait to hear your version of "The Great Workers' Manifesto" - or are you a bit...
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    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    What have the workers ever done for us? No much, except delivered for their despotic bosses a hell on earth when paradise was an option. Somebody just had to build - The Pyramids - a monument to monumental madness. The Great Wall of China - keeping out the rabbits? The great Gulags &...
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    "Racism?" - There's No Such Thing!

    NazzNegg wrote:
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    Hitler - A Jewish War Hero?

    NazzNegg I really enjoy your work, NN - masterful grasp of the essentials. Note too, that there was but a singular method by which the Gestapo and the German bureaucracy could establish who in any community was or was not a Jew - the person who kept such meticulous records was none other than...
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    "Racism?" - There's No Such Thing!

    snafu wrote: In actual practice, though, you will never hear ANYONE separate their arguments into neat, tidy little piles. I have yet to hear where any ethnic doesn't reach for the 'racist' sledgehammer as the automatic first option rather than the last desperate resort. Here, in Australia...
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    Cloning Our Dead Children?

    Oh, Roy, Roy, please! - we antisocial psychopathic killers don't just brutally and crassly 'murder' anymore - we "INTERACT" lovingly, caringly and sympathetically with our beloved 'victims' - there just isn't any need to be so rude. Cheers!
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    Marilyn - Why So Popular?

    Phantom wrote: No question - Marilyn doing the viper tongued wife in "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf" would not have been achievable or appropriate. But that was not the spirit of my thread. I was simply pointing out that Marilyn (for whatever artistic or personal reason) was able to nail every...
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    Marilyn - Why So Popular?

    I'd like to agree with you, Hugo, but there's just one thing that gets in the way. It's like comparing Charlie Chaplin to Fatty Arbuckle or Buster Keaton. Chaplin is the recognised monolith not because he was around at a certain time, but because he had a quality (and volume) of work which was...
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    Marilyn - Why So Popular?

    Phantom wrote: Well, even the gorgeous Hedy Lamarr who was responsible for the development of the homing torpedo was aware of the myth & the reality of a public life, as was Marilyn. But dumb they certainly were not. All too true. She certainly was hard headed enough to know the business end...
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    Marilyn - Why So Popular?

    Sure, you can also put Barbie in a wheelchair, but it won't stop the kiddies clamouring for their icon. Most entertainers are tarted up to show froth & bubble anyway, but that's not the issue. We also know that Marilyn was far from stupid, because, let's face it, she was a savvy professional...
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    Ask The Genie For - A Gay Baby?

    Wish I had a damned retainer - all I've got is the 'retaining wall' - and it doesn't look too safe, either. Count yer blessings, I say. Cheers!
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    Why Are Jews So Cruel?

    You would consider that a culture - not a race - so inextricably enmeshed in a history of woe, humiliation, suffering and social outrage - a society so marinaded in violence and degradation of every description, would eagerly choose a more sympathetic and less venomous code of behaviour itself...
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    Myth - Today's Meaning

    There once was a notion that Man invented Myth/Religion in order to explain the forces of Nature. Yet now we head towards the conclusion that Myth has a more mundane core. That it is actually about our everyday reality set in an allegorical format. Does modern man wonder about the essential...
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    Marilyn - Why So Popular?

    When I was a teenage boy, it was to go to heaven to look at a Marilyn Monroe movie, picture or anything. There were other more glamorous, more explicit, more stylised women back then, but there was only one Marilyn. Now that I'm in the afternoon tea break of my life, when life's rear view mirror...
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    Cloning Our Dead Children?

    Why? Is there someone they didn't get even with? Not all the parking lots have been dug up yet you know - have patience. Cheers!
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    Ask The Genie For - A Gay Baby?

    RoyalOrleans wrote: Jeez, mate, you really have the knack of throwing every lawyer in the neighbourhood into a lethal tailspin - but I'll tell ya what - what a great song title - the schmaltz alone is worth millions, you irrepressible, sentimental fool you. Jump on it. Cheers!
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    Bring Back The Lunatic Asylum!

    Yeah - and just because I'm paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get me. Im in a state of total awareness - but you can tell my condition from the ones that have been playing shootem-up games too long. They walk into lifts backwards. Cheers!