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  1. Tracker

    Muslims praying 5 times a day? What's with that?

    Muslims out there - please explain. Perhaps I am not fully informed. What I have read and heard is that you have to pray five times a day. Is that true? What the heck, is 'your' God hard of hearing or what? Does this make sense to you - REALLY? If this is true what in your "Qu'ran" says...
  2. Tracker

    Weekly Church Service

    Growing up as a Catholic, my parents were adament that we all go to Church every Sunday. I did it for the longest time, but as I got older (not that old) I felt that it was not for me. My sister - who is 4 years older - keeps giving me the guilt trip. Telling me I should be going to church...
  3. Tracker

    Men - how many of you are in the closet?

    Seriously guys! Women are much more sexy than men - no question. Look around you. Men wake up - brush their teeth, get dressed and they go. Women take such better care of themselves. Much easier on the eyes! Of course a tanned, muscular contruction type guy is out of this world. Oh yeah...
  4. Tracker

    Women only. Satisfying yourself after he leaves

    Well you know EXPERIENCE counts for a hell of alot. If women are clueless - then teach! Women WANT men to show them, move their hands, their body - whatever - show women what you want. Don't be shy about it. Same thing goes for women - show your guy - seductively and gently, teach. No one...
  5. Tracker

    Women only. Satisfying yourself after he leaves

    I'm still pretty new to the site - sorry - I obviously have some learning to do! :confused:
  6. Tracker

    Women only. Satisfying yourself after he leaves

    Hey girls! How many of you have had to take matters in your own 'hands' after he has left? Just quite didn't do it just that oh so right way :D . Is it the minority?
  7. Tracker

    Men - how many of you are in the closet?

    O.K. You big guys - how many of you put on the straight act? Statistics say that more men than we know of are actually fantasizing about other men. How true is that? It's always nicer on the eyes to see 2 women - but come on now be honest. How many of you have these dreams? Maybe you're not...
  8. Tracker

    Slutty Teens and their stupid parents

    BRAVO for you. The teenagers out there are pushing the limits that their PARENTS allow them. Seems these days parents want to be friends with their kids. In the old days - I'm not that old but... - kids listened to their parents. Of course there are the good and the bad parents. Parents who...
  9. Tracker


    I can just picture it! Maybe not the best reaction - but I understand. I can't even imagine what that must be like. But next time - try saying "I am NOT one of them - I hate them as much as you do! And smile!
  10. Tracker

    Another pregnant women killed by her husband

    Hey - last time I checked it takes TWO to get pregnant. Men cannot play innocent here. Women can say they're on the pill - but hey unless you know and trust her, why would you put your future in her hands? Many lie for many reasons! Not to mention disease! USE the condom - no matter what...
  11. Tracker

    Another pregnant women killed by her husband

    O.K. - I guess that would do it! Darn you!
  12. Tracker


    You're right. No one should judge an individual for what others in their race or religion do. But please don't let it get you down. That sounds stupid - I know. But the best thing you can do is be yourself. Be kind, speak against those of your whatever that are awful. The people who know...
  13. Tracker

    Another pregnant women killed by her husband

    What is up with these guys? Has this happened as often in the past? Is it just that we have so much 24 hour news coverage that we're hearing more about this type of murder? Where are we going when even divorce isn't good enough? Why murder? All about money?? You're gonna think I'm weird...
  14. Tracker

    Breaking up is hard to do? Off Topic Forum does it best.

    Problem is how do you know when it becomes dangerous? You always see these stories about those damn idiots end up killing you. I had one of those and called the police after he broke into my apartement cause "he wanted to talk". A detective called him in front of me and him what he wanted...
  15. Tracker

    is violence ever an appropriate response to racism?

    Racism is inevitable! People judge others based on their experiences. There are crazy, stupid, lazy and violent people in every race, religion or whatever. It depends who you meet on your path in life. It takes a strong character to be able to separate the people from the idiot person. We...
  16. Tracker

    Of course people view Muslims as Terrorists

    What can be done to stop this hatred? Who can we 'encourage' to speak out? I agree that the word must get out. No one group is responsable for the 'crazy ones'. There are bad people in every religion - people who choose to twist words to their twisted views. But HOW can we stop this...
  17. Tracker

    Of course people view Muslims as Terrorists

    :confused: O.K. Muslims say why are you condeming us for a minority of muslims who are terrorists? Well it's because they use "your God" as their reason. How do you explain this? Why is the Quran (I think that is how it is spelled) so easily mis-interpreted? This is what is causing all your...