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  1. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    Yah your posts have been quite respectable, i enjoy that muchly, but God seems to be out for a ****. As i'm sure you've noticed, there is a **** load of nut cases bastardising your religion and using it as an excuse for mass murder. If god really existed, and those were it''s words which are...
  2. Gentilhomme

    Another rant on homosexuality.

    Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is...
  3. Gentilhomme

    I hate cops

    Nice to see compassion is still running strong.... I agree that junkies, in alot of cases, are just scum. but the scummy ones were scum before they were junkies too so it isn't a fair assetment. When you think about the kind idiots you're talking about, its that same personality that lets them...
  4. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    By your same rational, there is no more proof of other galaxies then there is evolution. (Well all signs point to it, evenwithout looking, but i don't have a telescope so i guess it dosn't, do pa do...) It all makes perfect sense, like saying "how did that slug get here?" well, follow the damn...
  5. Gentilhomme

    Another rant on homosexuality.

    Yah, you said pretty much all of it. I would however like to address your references to many famous or 'Great' People(s) that happened to be gay. Aside form showing the very ignorent that gays can be just as tuff as the next guff (Whcih anyone with the reasoning power of a monkey holding a...
  6. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    The fact that we;re here proves absolutly nothing for religion, Science does give us a good logical example of why we are here. In the same way that 2+2=4, ameba+mutation=man (we'll toss in a few million years too) These arne't terribly complicated principals were you to accually learn why...
  7. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    ok MRIH, you keep talking about the here and now but the simple concept that you keep missing is the fact that History holds just as much truth as the moment. We were humans then and we are humans now, evil minds are evil minds and so fourth. And if you think that Islam never had funds...
  8. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    Well i guess i've been put on some block list or something as no posts have appeared to me for awhile. SO, i will say gooday gentlemen. It's been swell.
  9. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    nah that was just me ****ing things up. de la, j'aime excuse. now lets get back on track. And just to save SOME face, don't use 'vous' when talking down to somebody. 'Vous' is pluriel or polite, respectful. C'est; tu parles francais comme une vache espagnole. :cool:
  10. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    Pour ces de vous qui savez rien du la langue francais, Gentilhomme=Gentleman. Prends tes conclusions du cet fait. And to make MIRH happy i fixed up my last post a little.
  11. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    Ok ok, Christien- Is primary religion in most stable countries (no offence) These states can control any numbskullery that starts to happen. Exception- When the state supports the actions of these people (Ref: KKK; the states that support them are going to stand aside as much as possible) Then...
  12. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    That is some of the most entertaining Popery i've ever heard. A link of somekind would be nice though to give some more validity to this. I knew some of that but it could be shouted down as BS. Good work though.
  13. Gentilhomme

    BBC message boards/Christianity

    Maybe you could go to the media with your story.... Wait a minit, THERES NOTHING BUT THE BBC!!!! (Down with monopolies) Oh and by the way, if i'm not mistaken the BBC is a owned by the British gov. If you're a British citizen could you not file suit against them for shutting you up without...
  14. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    Just as a little back-up, even though this central figure commited acts that we now deem sickening it dosn't change the fact that the current incarnation of islam dose not teach pedophilia. "Now while no one person during the Crusades was as important to Christianity as Mohammed is to Islam...
  15. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    Ok, i'm a little drunk right now and felt the need to post something, somewhere, so..................................... A bolt of lightning, the thunder that followed and an attempt to scream all ended in failure! I tried to scream out for Batman to rush to my aid but my voice came out as only...
  16. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    People don't model their lives after after every aspect of their religious figures, they get a message, one that means something to them, then they go form there (the ones that do go letter for letter we call nutcases, psycopaths and various other names that befit their grim interptation of...
  17. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    I've tried, and wish to no longer hear the jingoistic rants. If you are as intelligent as you clame then start making some good points. 90% of what your saying is insults, if you can't fill at least a paragrapth of reasonable thought then there is really no point in my reading of your posts...
  18. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    Fair enough point, but slapping the same label on minority of ****-heads as is the title of an otherwise decent group only leads to the persecution and suffering of those decent people due to 1) the acts of those ****-heads who carrey a simular banner 2) the ignorent masses that are persecuting...
  19. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    Firstly, god i'm glad to see there is somebody with half a brain. Secondly, the only thign i;ld like to say is; saying Christrens suck too won't go anywhere good, any religon isn't good or bad. One, whats good or bad will varie, its followers will differ from the morals of other religions (but...
  20. Gentilhomme

    Science and Religion

    You've really little. If you're missing the point then thats your problem, Firstly, again with the nazis....not every nazi was for the whole nutcase trip, the **** heads really were the minority, but they had power. ( If you didn't know this, try reading The Wave, its kinda dumb but it might...