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  1. Q

    My idea to stop violence

    You're from Canadia hey rofl
  2. Q


    Speaking from personnal experience, (I have been a user, dealer and grower) Dope doesn't do **** for your mind, except **** you up, most of the people I knew, who were in the buisness are now dead, brain damaged, or in mental institutions, or jail. But if you are doing to grow and use the wacky...
  3. Q

    one of the funniest cartoons ever

    WARNING not suitable for children
  4. Q

    Facism anyone?

    I also think, you think I'm a commi for quoting George Orwell's 1984, which proves you really have your head up your mothers arse, 1984 is pro democracy sweet cheeks, not pro commi. Alen? don't you mean Alien? Hitler was indoctrinated into evil the RELGION! Look it up, read some history that...
  5. Q

    Facism anyone?

    Is the nice where you live, with your head shoved up your mothers butt
  6. Q

    Shave or not to shave

    I shaved my chest hair once, it was hell when it started to grow back, so now I get my back hair and chest hair waxed ever month and yes it does hurt like hell lol :D
  7. Q

    A question about Islam & Nation of Islam

    They both full of ****, but wait that is all religions
  8. Q

    Tv Adds

    Yes I know they're television ads, but they adds to my pain
  9. Q

    Iran have been caught red handed!!!

    The differenece between the russian communist government and the religious fanatics in the middle east getting the bomb is a simple, the russian were smart enough to know it was a loose loose situation and that is what saved us from a full scale nuclear war. But the bomb in the hands of the...
  10. Q

    My idea to stop violence

    You can count? ROFL
  11. Q

    Tv Adds

    Here in Australia free to air tv is still the normal way of things, pay to tv is way to expensive for the most part, the only problem is the adds! In general adds piss me off, during the day its the usual high pressure buy buy buy adds, with everthing up to half price off!! You know why they...
  12. Q

    My idea to stop violence

    I learn't it from you :D
  13. Q

    My idea to stop violence

    Its pretty simple. Each person is injected with nano bots, these nano bots then build a small metal ring (pain clamp) around the spinal cord, which is then tied into the aggression part of the human brain. When ever someone becomes agressive the Pain Clamp then contracts around the spinal cord...
  14. Q

    Abortion should not be a right it should be required!

    May the next Hitler please stand :p But I do agree with you, people should have to get a licence before they can have children, perhaps it would thin out the numbers of the half arse religions around the world and by half arse relgions I mean all of them!!!!!
  15. Q

    Reasons we should invade .... If we wanted world domination

    Any nation, my reason is: Because they ****ed my sister and bragged about it to there mates, whore!
  16. Q

    Sick jokes here

    what's a bottle full of flies used for an aboriginal vibrator ---------------------------------------------------------- what's white and sits in the tree a fridge --------------------------------------------------------- what's blue and white and sits in a tree a fridge wearing and denim...
  17. Q

    Sick jokes here

    that's not a joke :p rofl :D
  18. Q

    Sick jokes here

    Let me get this started. There are two guys in a pub after a few hours drinking, the topic of dares comes up the 1st guy turns to the second and says "I have a dare for you" he then reaches into a bag and pulls out of pint of snot. he then dares the 2nd guy to drink it for 100 cash the 2nd guy...
  19. Q

    Another loser bitch...Child killer

    Agreed, take her out side and shoot her in the head, if she truly believed in god she wouldn't have done it in the first place, "Do not murder" funny how so many of these half wits forget that until the the deed is done.
  20. Q

    How long will we let the oil companies SHAFT us?

    My god that is cheap! The Howard goverment taxes us a flat rate or around 60 cents a liter, then good and services tax on top of that, which has a variable rate tied into the cost proce of oil and inflation rate, so all up we pay around 70-90 cents tax per liter of fuel :mad: