Search results

  1. Gentilhomme

    So Long Ladies and Gents

    Yah, I'm not finding much in the ways of topics that interest me anymore and the few posts i do make seemed to lead to what I'm offically going to call ignorent use of the rep system. But maybe the problem is with me so whtever, I've decided to just stop posting period. Farewell for real I...
  2. Gentilhomme

    introducing my new satire site

    The beauty of spam is that, you can toss him in the diot box but he's already left his distinct urine here, we are of no more use to him.
  3. Gentilhomme

    Breaking up is hard to do? Off Topic Forum does it best.

    Thems is the nasty cases, nobody should ever allow themselves to be abused, stay the **** away form the nut cases! (Not that i'm blaming the victims here) sigh tizz stories alway make me sad. :( Atleast your cool now, how did that date of yours go anyhow? (I disappeared before i could ask, PM...
  4. Gentilhomme

    Favorite Simpsons Quotes

    "Hey everyone, check out all this great stuff i found down at the dock, it was just sitting in some guy's boat!" -Homer "Now lets all go back to that box...deailly..Where our beds and TV...Is.." - Homer "BEAUTIFUL JOE, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE!.....Smithers, this monkey is going to need most...
  5. Gentilhomme

    Breaking up is hard to do? Off Topic Forum does it best.

    Breaking up is tuff indeed, but there really is no one way you can do so for every case. The problem is that god only knows what kind of freakshow you've tangled yourself in with, but then again it may be somebody pretty cool that you've found you nolonger have feelings for. Also, lets not...
  6. Gentilhomme

    So Long Ladies and Gents

    Well folks i'm moving to a place where i can't afford to have a computer/internet so this will be my notice of 'Not be around anymore-ery' I shall make an effort to get ahold of a computer when i can and will most likly take a vist here, however that will be a farily rare occasion so i shall bid...
  7. Gentilhomme

    Bush Vs. Bicycle Round 2

    As with any common piece of mechinery, you simply must be smarter then the bike in order to remain un-scathed. :D
  8. Gentilhomme

    Jesus Christ vs. The Predator

    Lets look at this logically....... - Could The Predator kick the fuk out of the Romans? Yes -Did the romans kick the fuk out of jesus. Yes So it therefore stands reasonable that The Predator could wipe the floor with Jesus. Mystery solved. :)
  9. Gentilhomme

    Is Islam Peaceful?

    Kinda Unfair for some of thoses selections, its like saying "Do Americans do crack" Well yes they do, but not all of them. Islam is a tad borad to label them with the above, its simple sterotyping tossing the good in with the bad, like any sterotype its coming form a position that ask "What is...
  10. Gentilhomme

    Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men?

    Fetchs Broom to sweep crumbled ego Q: Why don't Women need watches? A: Because theres a clock on the oven. Q: Why don't women need drivers licences? A: Becasue there's NO DAMN HIGHWAY BETWEEN THE KITCHEN AND THE BEDROOM! Q: Whats green, red, black n'blue and chained to the tree in my yard...
  11. Gentilhomme

    The End of The World

    So much easier to turn that into 'Usama' Plus it'll help sway the masses of people who subscribe to the Weekly World News for anything more then a larf into voting for imbeciles and the like. Funny, isn't the anti-christ supposed to be the one misleading the masses?......Now what form of man...
  12. Gentilhomme

    Lookin for some good Music type-shite.

    I'm very well versed in pretty much all classic rock, 60+. Berry Manilow and Steisand? Not for me thanks. And i do listen to orchistral and smyphonic stuff, not necessarly classical (Mozart etc) but in the same relme. (Torsca Smyphonic was listed)
  13. Gentilhomme

    Lookin for some good Music type-shite.

    I listen to me music almost non-stop, we;re tlaking atleast 6 hours of my regular day, sadly that means its wonderfulness starts to wear-down and i am forced to find more and more music. I'm wondering if anyone has some recommendations as to wht i should be filling ym head with. Just for...
  14. Gentilhomme

    Road rage & human psychology

    Sorry i misread about the flipping him off deal., Secondly i was not suggesting you fight the idiot, just find an alternative. I wasn't there but maybe going aorund him was a possability, just clearing through, call the cops yourself or whatever you felt you could have done otherwise. Maybe...
  15. Gentilhomme

    The End of The World

    I hope the world ends in a flash so i can just stop worrying about it. :)
  16. Gentilhomme

    The Official **** list!

    Youch, Lads got his issues :(
  17. Gentilhomme

    Those damn Liberals

    I definatly think liberals belong incharge, but with a government shuffle every now and then to keep em honest and on budget. But yah, a government is ment to help you and the conservatives sure as hell aren't going to do that.
  18. Gentilhomme

    Road rage & human psychology

    I think the guy was a ****ing nutcase but flipping him off held no value of rationality either. He definatly trumped you in the ****-head department might i ask wht you hoped to accomplish by flipping him off? Yah, you were pissed, but it's really useless and is kinda like smoking in a room full...
  19. Gentilhomme

    Hello to all

    G'day madam. Welcome to GF, we are indeed a fine group of delinquents and the product of generations of parents who forget to tell their kids not to chew on tinfoil. Hope you enjoy yourself. :)
  20. Gentilhomme

    Globalization, Wht up?

    I'd like to give you rep tizz, but appearently you're an idiot. Indeed i agree with pretty much everything you've said, I'm no hippy but half my friends are, so i get the joy of being exposed to this crap on a regular bases whaile also being exposed to the big business flip side from some of my...