Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men?

OK I just read this and had to post it in this thread. It's funny as hell.....

Take all American women who are within five years of menopause - train us for a few weeks, outfit us with automatic weapons, grenades, gas masks, moisturizer with SPF15, Prozac, hormones, chocolate, and canned tuna - drop us (parachuted, preferably) across the landscape of Afghanistan and Iraq and let us do what comes naturally.

Think about it. Our anger quotient alone, even when doing standard stuff like grocery shopping and paying bills, is formidable enough to make even armed men in turbans and berets tremble.

We've had our children; we would gladly suffer or die to protect them and their future. We'd like to get away from our husbands, if they haven't left already. And for those of us who are single, the prospect of finding a good man with whom to share life is about as likely as being struck by lightning. We have nothing to lose.

We've survived the water diet, the protein diet, the carbohydrate diet, and the grapefruit diet in gyms and saunas across America and never lost a pound. We can easily survive months in the hostile terrain of Afghanistan and Iraq with no food at all!

We've spent years tracking down our husbands or lovers in bars, hardware stores, or sporting events...finding Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and his sons in some cave or bunker will be no problem.

Uniting all the warring tribes of Afghanistan and Iraq in a new government? Oh, please ... we've planned the seating arrangements for in-laws and extended families at Thanksgiving dinners for years ... we understand tribal warfare.

Between us, we've divorced enough husbands to know every trick there is for how they hide, launder, or cover up bank accounts and money sources. We know how to find that money and we know how to seize it ...with or without the government's help!

Let us go and fight. The Taliban and Saddam hate women. Imagine their terror as we crawl like ants with hot-flashes over their godforsaken terrain.
Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men?

Hmm,I guess a man's purpose on the earth runs out quicker than a woman's.
Men are just a waste of space.
Daily routine of a man=eat,drink,mate,sleep,cycle begins again.
Boooooooorrrrrrrrinnnnnnnnng!!!!! :rolleyes:

And y'all purpose is anymore important? To bring more retarded people on the planet? Divorce us to get all of our life's earnings? Spend an unimaginable amount of money to make yourselves look better even though you're already beautiful (or if you are ugly, just wasting your time and money)? Complain about how much we suck? Wow, what a purpose. :)
Ah,you ass,I hate men who call women bi ,hoes,birds,chicks.what the ..
All men should be dropped into the ocean and left to drown.(except Roger Federer & NJ ofcourse). ;)

Funny, I hate girls who call men useless, stupid, assholes, dogs, etc. etc. Don't worry, if we all die...y'all won't last long. ;)
Outlaw2747 said:
Funny, I hate girls who call men useless, stupid, assholes, dogs, etc. etc. Don't worry, if we all die...y'all won't last long. ;)

These are just facts,tell me something that's not true. ;)
Hey, I haven't given up yet, I have a kind of blind date tomorrow night. Hope he is as cute as his pics ;)
Before:'UMMMM I have matured to the point where a mind can turn me on more than a body with a hollow head thanx!'

And After:'Hey, I haven't given up yet, I have a kind of blind date tomorrow night. Hope he is as cute as his pics ' ;)

You go girl!! ;)
tizz said:
Hey, I haven't given up yet, I have a kind of blind date tomorrow night. Hope he is as cute as his pics ;)

So your going out with a blind guy? Thats gonna be uncomfortable.
Well I have been talking to him for aver a month and I allready know I like his mind and his sense of humor. Doesn't hurt to hope that he is as cute as the pics he sent me is there?
tizz said:
Well I have been talking to him for aver a month and I allready know I like his mind and his sense of humor. Doesn't hurt to hope that he is as cute as the pics he sent me is there?

Keep me posted.(if he's cute or not)
I am quite hideous. My image alone would spawn nightmares within your mind for years to come.

But in any case, any other reason as to why our beloved women tend to outlast us guys? Could it be the fact that we do so many risky jobs and stupid stunts?
Q. What do you call a man with half a brain?
A. Gifted.

Q. What's the difference between government bonds and men?
A. Bonds Mature.

Q. What is the difference between a man and a catfish?
A. One is a bottom-feeding scum-sucker and the other is a fish.

Husband: Want a quickie?
Wife: As opposed to what?

Q. Why do men want to marry virgins?
A. They can't stand criticism.

Anyone have more? :D
Fetchs Broom to sweep crumbled ego

Q: Why don't Women need watches?
A: Because theres a clock on the oven.

Q: Why don't women need drivers licences?

Q: Whats green, red, black n'blue and chained to the tree in my yard?
A: She's MY women and I'll paint her whtever the fuk colour i want!

Ok, so that last one was pretty scuzzy, but you fired the first shots. :D
Gentilhomme said:
Fetchs Broom to sweep crumbled ego

Q: Why don't Women need watches?
A: Because theres a clock on the oven.

Q: Why don't women need drivers licences?

Q: Whats green, red, black n'blue and chained to the tree in my yard?
A: She's MY women and I'll paint her whtever the fuk colour i want!

Ok, so that last one was pretty scuzzy, but you fired the first shots. :D


Yeah,i don't doubt you for a second.

Doesn't necessarily mean that I am a more frightful specimen than yourself. Just remeber who inadvertently helped you in a debate with your arch enemy about religion. ;)
Outlaw2747 said:
Doesn't necessarily mean that I am a more frightful specimen than yourself. Just remeber who inadvertently helped you in a debate with your arch enemy about religion. ;)

Outlaw,did I say I LOVE YOU ;)
60 Things Not to Say to a Naked Guy

1. I've smoked fatter joints than that.
2. Ahh, it's cute.
3. Who circumcised you?
4. Why don't we just cuddle?
5. You know they have surgery to fix that.
6. It's more fun to look at.
7. Make it dance.
8. You know, there's a tower in Italy like that.
9. Can I paint a smiley face on that?
10. It looks like a night crawler.
11. Wow, and your feet are so big.
12. My last boyfriend was 4'' bigger.
13. It's ok, we'll work around it.
14. Is this a mild or a spicy Slim Jim?
15. Eww, there's an inch worm on your thigh.
16. Will it squeak if I squeeze it?
17. Oh no, a flash headache.
18. (giggle and point)
19. Can I be honest with you?
20. My 8-year-old brother has one like that.
21. Let me go get my tweezers.
22. How sweet, you brought incense.
23. This explains your car.
24. You must be a growing boy.
25. Maybe if we water it, it'll grow.
26. Thanks, I needed a toothpick.
27. Are you one of those pygmies?
28. Have you ever thought of working in a sideshow?
29. Every heard of clearasil?
30. All right, a treasure hunt!
31. I didn't know they came that small.
32. Why is God punishing you?
33. At least this won't take long.
34. I never saw one like that before.
35. What do you call this?
36. But it still works, right?
37. Damn, I hate baby-sitting.
38. It looks so unused.
39. Do you take steroids?
40. I hear excessive masturbation shrinks it.
41. Maybe it looks better in natural light.
42. Why don't we skip right to the cigarettes?
43. Oh, I didn't know you were in an accident.
44. Did you date Lorena Bobbitt?
45. Aww, it's hiding.
46. Are you cold?
47. If you get me real drunk first.
48. Is that an optical illusion?
49. What is that?
50. I'll go get the ketchup for your french fry.
51. Were you neutered?
52. It's a good thing you have so many other talents.
53. Does it come with an air pump?
54. So this is why you're supposed to judge people on personality.
55. Where are the puppet strings?
56. Your big gun is more like a BB gun.
57. Look, it fits my Barbie clothes.
58. Never mind, why bother.
59. Is that a second belly button?
60. Where's the rest of it?