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  1. Tracker

    Open Relationship. Is it the answer?

    Well what happens in most marriages. Secrets and lies, jealousy, anger - everyone suffers, especially if kids are involved. That's alot of ****! I know a couple who have an open relationship - no questions are asked, no details given. Every Friday night is their night to be separate and do...
  2. Tracker

    Open Relationship. Is it the answer?

    Everyone has baggage, the older we get the more baggage we carry. It's life experiences. Hopefully your friend has learned from the experiences. If not and the talk is always going backwards - probably not a good sign. If the talk was a way of opening up to where that person has been and its...
  3. Tracker

    Open Relationship. Is it the answer?

    Face it, for anyone over 40 or whatever, our parents married and put up with hell to stay married. Is it really the right thing to do? How happy are/were your parents? We are now in a selfish society. We want - we get! So lets face it - we can't change the world, perhaps we need to change...
  4. Tracker

    Stupid female bitching

    QUOTE: Why look? When you got the best **** at home.....but ya never know the best might not be what your looking for....sorry had to vent. END QUOTE. Don't put yourself through hell! For goodness sake all your concern, your worries, nagging etc. are just going to drive him to do what you...
  5. Tracker

    Should all religions stop reading the 'old' books?

    Well because they are 'suppose' to be the chosen ones. I don't really agree with that though - seems they are so desperate to recruit they take anybody! But at least they have to consult with each other and put on one common front. They would only take the good and which applys to today's...
  6. Tracker

    Should all religions stop reading the 'old' books?

    Reading the Qu'ran, the Bible etc... - leave it to the intelligent who will take the good out of it! That is why we have preachers! They are there to help decipher these words written so long ago! There are TOO many mis-guided idiots out there who are not intelligent enough, or who are...
  7. Tracker

    Stop immigration/contact from terrorist countries

    How else can we stop terrorism?
  8. Tracker

    Gay Teens Hanged in Iran ?

    WOW! I don't claim to know alot about all religions. I was brought up Catholic. All I have to say to all this is that you do not see people in developped countries blowing themselves up! There is always an international link! They came from there, they visited here, they studied there etc...
  9. Tracker

    Happy ****in' birthday, Phreak

    A Birthday poem: There's this guy named Preakwars Works on his computer 'till his eyes are blurred The man is a whiz and he knows He puts up great polls Words are a bit rough But life IS tough Type his name in Google You're eyes will oogle He's been around the block And for his birthday he will...
  10. Tracker

    Getting 'rid' of the guy - for a little while ONLY.

    Goodness, I get better advice here than from my friends! Good point. I know if the shoe were on the other foot, I'd want honesty too. It's just that some people like people around them ALL THE TIME, I one of those who likes to be alone sometimes. That is how I unwind. I guess it's a...
  11. Tracker

    I got a picture - of a dog?????

    10 years? I'm not an internet freak so no, never heard of you. I'm on vacation now, that is why I have the time to play around on the net. By the way, you know what they say about anybody belonging to the human race - we all like a challenge! As far as arousal - well hey the beaty of...
  12. Tracker

    Weekly Church Service

    No, No, No - she is 4 years OLDER than I am.
  13. Tracker

    Weekly Church Service

    She has been reading the bible! What do you suggest that I tell her to stop preaching to me? I was brought up a Catholic and will remain a Catholic - it's too scary to even think about changing. But since I don't agree with all their preachings - does that make me a bad Cathoic? Does it mean...
  14. Tracker

    I got a picture - of a dog?????

    Doesn't give much. Guess that is your charm. Keep it up! Mystery is the ultimate aprodesiac (not sure if I spelled it right).
  15. Tracker

    Getting 'rid' of the guy - for a little while ONLY.

    Girls - you like the guy, you enjoy his company - but HOW to you let him know when you need some alone time? What do you say? You don't want to be rude, you really do want him back - but at this peticular time, you just need some space. What do you say? Any good lines? :D
  16. Tracker

    I got a picture - of a dog?????

    I'll keep it - thanks! Who are you? Tell me more about yourself.
  17. Tracker

    Do you lie about being hit on?

    Do you always tell your partner when someone hits on you? At the office, in the supermarket, at the bus stop. How do people feel when your partner tells you they have been hit on? ;)
  18. Tracker

    Weekly Church Service

    Your words makes sense! God (whatever your belief) should only want us - all of us - to love, care, respect each other and have a good life. He created us, there should be no strings attached. The same way that unconditional love is. Any condition on love is NOT love. Love is accepting...
  19. Tracker

    I got a picture - of a dog?????

    How did I end of with a Golden Retreiver? Well I am flattered. I have to admit I have not had alot of time lately to check out all the options of this site. Too busy preparing the house for sale so I can move in with my friend. But however it happened - thank you. I love it! :) :)
  20. Tracker

    Muslims praying 5 times a day? What's with that?

    Oh my goodness! Is your God so mean that he will 'punish' you if you do not pray? What planet is he from. Sorry, but I don't get it! God is great, God is all forgiving. As long as we (all of us) live our lives to be the best we can be - why on earth would your God PUNISH you simply because you...