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  1. Q

    The Death Penalty

    In certain cases I think the death penalty is a must and I would support its introduction in Australia, but only under certain circumstances. The circumstances I would support the death penalty would be in the case of a serial killers and people who have killed multiple times should be put to...
  2. Q

    Do American people get the real news of the World?

    Were you dropped on your head at birth!? The USA government manipulates the press and is manipulated by the press, yes the 1st Ammendment is supposed to stop is; but no offence, the USA constituion is full of holes! It does say you can't "Force, corrce, deny or alter" the news blah blah blah...
  3. Q

    The IPod From Hell

    easy celion dion - my heart will go
  4. Q

    I love Lyrics!

    Vicarious by Tool Eye on the TV 'Cause tragedy thrills me Whatever flavor it happens to be, like... "Killed by the husband" "Drowned by the ocean" "Shot by his own son" "She used a poison in his tea...kissed him goodbye" That's my kind of story It's no fun 'til someone dies Don't look at me...
  5. Q

    time traveling

    But I agree with the multiple-universe theory. Quantum physics has proven that our universe has a gravity leak, which is bleeding into another universe next to ours. It also states that for every possible outcome there are numerous outcomes expressed in countless universes, down the smallest...
  6. Q


    lol yeah right tell you people my, my space :P The saying "Don't **** where you eat" comes to mind rofl
  7. Q

    time traveling

    Are you stupid, quantum physics states you can. But if you bothered to read past the fist ****ing line, you would see that is also states the reasons why it should be left the **** alone.
  8. Q

    time traveling

    Quantum physics says it is possible however highly unlikely to happen because of the causality loop etc. Both Einstein and more recently Steven Hawking says it is possible, but the dangers in doing so far outweigh the positive benefits and the only way you could alter the pass is to exist...
  9. Q


    Not really, just put a big plastic bag at the end and you have instant fertalizer for the garden :)
  10. Q


    when i said casterate them you all said i was wrong and what's this? More than one of you have said just that, be it in a more graphic way hehe, which i like :) I say feed them feet first into the wood chipper hehe
  11. Q

    time traveling

    There is also one main point and draw back in time travel. The time paradox, Einstein was the first to basically state that time travel is possible, but highly unwise. An example: Say you build a time machine to say go back in time and kill Hitler before he became the genocidal nut job the...
  12. Q

    Child Porn 1, God 0

    Now back to the point at hand, name called and payout with standing hehe. I think we can all agree these sick in human monsters that prey on our children and abuse them, need to be dealt with; no one can say other wise. I for one, know they cannot be treated or rehabilitated, for a number of...
  13. Q

    Child Porn 1, God 0

    The above line sums up Hugo as per usual, what's changed?
  14. Q

    Child Porn 1, God 0

    Go crawl back into that dark hole called your mummies anus, or are you to busy blowing your best friend. Everything you say is nothing more than a petty little child trying to bolster there own small idear and half arse ideology, at the expense of others. Also to the debate I so called lost...
  15. Q

    Child Porn 1, God 0

    Sorry but this a fable, nothing more, pure bullshit. The eunuchs were used as body guards and go betweens between the harem and court.
  16. Q

    Child Porn 1, God 0

    I hate to say it but I have heard this argument again and again, I agree with parts and strongly disagree with others. As to a man being able to get an erection with no nuts, I think you need to read up on the physical mechanics of human anatomy, once the balls have been removed a male cannot...
  17. Q

    Child Porn 1, God 0

    There is one cure for a pedophile and that is physical Castration, in the case of a male, you chops his balls of and put them in some alcohol for him to take home. In the case of a female pedophile you remove her clit and labia, and put them in some alcohol for her to take home. This is the...
  18. Q

    Child Porn 1, God 0

    I really can't get my head around people like this. WTF is there damn problem? They know its wrong and yet they still do it. Don't they know it ****s the child up for life and often leads them to becoming abusers themselves? It makes me wonder about the whole soul argument and if there are...
  19. Q

    Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons

    Religion is the truly barbaric and the root cause of why America is hated, it is seen not only as an empire in denial, but also a Christian empire in denial. I know your come back with be something along the lines of
  20. Q

    Warning. Osama emails.

    I love the chain letters hehe, another hippy thing I'm still dealing with :P