
That's too damn messy. That would require somebody to clean up shredded flesh and fluids. :/

Not really, just put a big plastic bag at the end and you have instant fertalizer for the garden :)
Quarky1.0 said:
Not really, just put a big plastic bag at the end and you have instant fertalizer for the garden :)

LOL. Yeah, that's true. I wouldn't want that in my yard. I don't want to step in it accidentally.

If I found a child-molesting peta'Q in my neighborhood, I'd gladly perform an emergency lobotomy on it...WITH A CHAINSAW!!!!! insert evil maniacal laughter :D :D
spunksponge said:
they deserve too suffer! sick bastards.

Well said, spunksponge. I don't know if this was your first or your second post, but you nailed it.

In six simple words you summed up what all of us were crying for the last three pages.


(Please note: Sarcasm is so hard to convey over the net. So there.)
Kryptonite Man said:
If I found a child-molesting peta'Q in my neighborhood, I'd gladly perform an emergency lobotomy on it...WITH A CHAINSAW!!!!! insert evil maniacal laughter :D :D

Can't you say anything without exclamation points or maniacal laughter?
I think any criminal that has done something inhumane, (rape, murder,) those kinds of things, should be fed to bears... cuz seriously thats making 3 people happy, the parents or husband or loved one, the bear and peta ... all though it wont make the loved one all too happy cuz well the person still isnt here. But oh well it would be better then them sitting in prison still being able to live those bitches
Joel12354 said:
I think any criminal that has done something inhumane, (rape, murder,) those kinds of things, should be fed to bears... cuz seriously thats making 3 people happy, the parents or husband or loved one, the bear and peta ... all though it wont make the loved one all too happy cuz well the person still isnt here. But oh well it would be better then them sitting in prison still being able to live those bitches


You should really click on "Preview Post" before you submit your reply. It's like reading four year old gibberish written in crayon on the bathroom wall.
snafu said:
Did I spell it wrong? the third floor and over the side. So if they didn't break thier neck, I guess they did cry. :D


In my platoon, there was this guy we called "Kicker". He claimed to be a staunch soccer fan, but throughout highschool he was a place kicker on the varsity football team. He was a nice guy, wore the big black nerdy gov't issue glasses and had a tatoo of a spade on his arm. Don't know why.

Anyways... while overseas (long story short) he started crying one afternoon at the bivouac. He kept talking about his niece and nephew and how much he missed them. Balling like a baby, he said to the Gunny "I have a special bond with them" or some horseshit.

A week went by after that little scene and he was called away by the Gunny. Never heard from him again, though I was told the Gunny brought him back to the bivouac and he gathered his **** and left.

Come to find out, he was dubbed a section eight and was thrown in the brig. That punishment, without a doubt, only complicated the *******'s mind and twisted his memories.

Kicker was troubled, I think. A potential pedophile, but in my heart of hearts I believe he is incapable of doing any real harm physically.

Not that I am taking his side, but he hated his M-16. I loved mine.
RoyalOrleans said:
Can't you say anything without exclamation points or maniacal laughter?
I could, but it wouldn't be half as much fun.(Besides, wearing a cast is driving me as insane as The Joker.)
hey royalorleans, thats just how i talk, so get over it, if you got what i was saying then good .. if not well i guess you cant read a "4 yr olds writing".. might want to take some reading classes or what not peeace
Joel12354 said:
hey royalorleans, thats just how i talk, so get over it, if you got what i was saying then good .. if not well i guess you cant read a "4 yr olds writing".. might want to take some reading classes or what not peeace

You're about as worthless as the rest of your ilk in Woburn.
Joel12354 said:
hey royal suck my pizzle you biatch and im from the high desert southern california you giant douche

IP: Country: United States Country Code: US
Region: MASSACHUSETTS City: Woburn
ISP Genuity

I got your name, I got your ass. You are a ****ing ****, Joel. Eat **** and choke on my chode.
Joel12354 said:
LOL wtf... nah bro im from co cal dog... maybe that is where the server is at for my internet.... dumbass

Late is the hour, redemption will get you nowhere fast. You have seven days in the Box, use it to reflect on the damage you have caused lo these couple of days.

Take heed or I will rain a **** storm down on you to the likes you have never seen.
hmm i dont kno why your being so gay royal, you started the **** with saying im a 4 yr old, or write like one... please stop being an asshole :D