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  1. B

    Head in the sand ****ers.

    A) Hypocrit B) No ****, dumbass. Saddam was a *******. But only once did he make any agressive move outside his country. Contemporary Russia is more of a threat to the United States than pre-war Iraq was. C) I love how you didn't answer the black box question. D) I read those threads. Your...
  2. B

    Head in the sand ****ers.

    A) It's you're, not your. You're following suit. Spell check isn't enough. B) And because of that, we are fighting a pointless war on a false pretense that we're eliminating weapons of mass destruction and preventing the terrorists from attacking again. Did you know that Iraq under Saddam had...
  3. B

    Head in the sand ****ers.

    Also, Semper Fi, cite your sources :)
  4. B

    Head in the sand ****ers.

    Funny to think this was said more than 2000 years ago.
  5. B

    Worst Songs Ever (the new and old)

    Can't say I disagree.
  6. B

    Worst Songs Ever (the new and old)

    Bringing Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake. I hate his music.
  7. B

    500 call for Saddam's return to power

    It just goes to show that the western way of thinking is completely different than the eastern way of thinking. It is impossible to say our way of thinking is right and theirs is wrong. However, I definately do not beleive the views of those 500 reflect the views of Iraq.
  8. B

    Poland Honors Those Who Died at Auschwitz

    The reason we have to keep bringing this up is to keep the world and future generations from forgetting. Yes, the Halocaust was horrible, and anyone with a sense of history will know about it. However, the reason this keeps getting brought up is to keep the masses from having the same sort of...
  9. B

    The Jewish Nazi State Pisses Me off...

    Wow. What a small bubble you live in. I'm somewhat curious of the extent of your education (past Junior High?) Perhaps your history of the Israeli nation needs to be reviewed as well. Also, one only has to watch the news or read a paper to understand the autrocities being commited by the...
  10. B

    Iran's President is a known Terrorist

    I hope that is a joke. If so, uh, haha I guess. If not, then you obviously know very little concerning the detrements of war.