Head in the sand ****ers.

If GW had known about 9/11 in advance he would have been taking advantage of photo ops at ground zero instead of flying all over the country looking like a wimp.
hugo said:
If GW had known about 9/11 in advance he would have been taking advantage of photo ops at ground zero instead of flying all over the country looking like a wimp.
I'm sure at least he would have arranged to make himself somewhat of a hero. The happenings of that day painted him and his administration as ignorant to the terrorist threat. It seems illogical that he would have puposely gone to such trouble to make a fool of himself.
Let's look at a scientific poll.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The percentage of Americans who blame the Bush administration for the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington has risen from almost a third to almost half over the past four years, a CNN poll released Monday found.

Asked whether they blame the Bush administration for the attacks, 45 percent said either a "great deal" or a "moderate amount," up from 32 percent in a June 2002 CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll.

But the Clinton administration did not get off lightly either. The latest poll, conducted by Opinion Research Corporation for CNN, found that 41 percent of respondents blamed his administration a "great deal" or a "moderate amount" for the attacks. (Read the complete poll results -- PDF)

That's only slightly less than the 45 percent who blamed his administration in a poll carried out less than a week after the attacks.

Still, most Americans appear to be fatalistic, with more than half -- 57 percent -- saying they think that terrorists will "always find a way to launch attacks no matter what the U.S. government does."

The poll was carried out August 30 through September 2 by Opinion Research Corp. with 1,004 American adults questioned by telephone. The sampling error for the questions was 3 percentage points.

Looks like about an equal amount blame Clinton. I am sure most of these people are blaming the administrations for poor intelligence or failure to take certain actions, not engineering the events of 9/11. Do ya think Billy boy may have been behind it?

Terrorist attacks are inevitable...as long as we keep sticking our noses in other people's business.
builder said:
This article was worth a read.

I wasn't aware that tykes like Jhony5 were in such a small minority these days.
What a total fabrication.

That "article" was erroneous in its assertion that 86% of Americans don't believe the official 9/11 story. I've only personally met a small handful of people that think it was a conspired effort, and they were all retarded NASCAR watching Jerry Springer fans ( retards).

I believe only what can be proven to me by a preponderance of evidence. Which is why I do not subscribe to religion.

You can take any major event that has occurred in the last century and contrive some sort of conspiracy theory. The moon landing. The JFK assassination. The extermination of the Jews at the hands of the Nazis. Anything that has occurred, one could dream up an alternate explanation for it. As has been done here, with 9/11.
Like I said earlier, Jhony5, you win the Head in the Sand ****er award.

What more do you want? A sherrif's badge, perhaps?
hugo said:
Let's look at a scientific poll.

Looks like about an equal amount blame Clinton. I am sure most of these people are blaming the administrations for poor intelligence or failure to take certain actions, not engineering the events of 9/11. Do ya think Billy boy may have been behind it?

Terrorist attacks are inevitable...as long as we keep sticking our noses in other people's business.

Now there's some rational form of acceptance that the "official" line was a pile of ****.

Good to see you coming around, Hugo a Gogo. ;)
There is a bit of difference between acknowledging politicians will put their spin on things and arguing that anyone, besides fanatical Muslims, were behind 9/11.
hugo said:
There is a bit of difference between acknowledging politicians will put their spin on things and arguing that anyone, besides fanatical Muslims, were behind 9/11.

I sense that the seed of doubt is within even you, Hugo.

My work here is almost done.

The ****ers are at least complicit, and I ain't talking about Saudis or Iraqis or even Afghanis.
What you don't understand is that government is, by it's very nature, incompetent. the loony left always sees conspiracies when actually it is just **** ups.
builder said:
Like I said earlier, Jhony5, you win the Head in the Sand ****er award.

What more do you want? A sherrif's badge, perhaps?
How stubborn of you. I have my "head in the sand" because I refuse to believe a tale that is wholly unsubstantiated.

The fact is, most Americans DO NOT believe in a 9/11 conspiracy. Not because they have their "head in the sand". Because they know of no actual reasons for believing otherwise.

Your only arguments so far have been bating about the semantics of fire temperatures, melting points of steel, and pictures of billows of smoke.
Now there's some rational form of acceptance that the "official" line was a pile of ****.
I need not an "official line" to form an opinion. I never believe the official story on any matter unless my own opinion matches up with it. Facts are facts and your strange contortions DO NOT change the facts here.

The logistics of a conspired effort on 9/11 defy possibility. Hundreds of American citizens just disappeared into thin air, along with a myriad of other impossibilities. Yet you shrug it off with no thought to otherwise. Allow me to ask you a question. At any point from the first plane striking the WTC, to the present time, have you not held the opinion that Bush was the mastermind of this event? Did you ever even try to think that it was just more **** from the Muslims? Or did you just draw this line that it wasn't Al-Quada? They attacked the WTC before, and failed miserably. Symbolism is important in Muslim terrorism, and their failure to effectively strike the WTC the first time was unbearable to them. They had to come back for more. Or maybe you believe it was Bush the first time too?

I think people believe dumb **** like this because it makes them feel special. Like they stand in a selective crowd. Smarter and more aware then most. They are the ones that really understand, while the others have their "heads in the sand". Well bravo you special thinker you. Obviously I'm not within the same league as you. I believe the generic spoon fed version, while you have the cerebral abilities to create your own personal explanation for things. A master thinker, no doubt. So smart in fact, you do not require proof to believe what fits your agenda. Only the motivation to hold fast to these things which make no logical sense.
Like the Reichstag fire, it doesn't really matter whether or not the Bush administration played any part in the attacks. What's clear is that it furthered their agenda in the rollback of civil rights from The Patriot Act, a justification for Bush to finally jump into Iraq, and further fear-mongering in hopes that everyone will follow along with whatever they plan in the name of security. And what's funny is the lack of terrorists we've found or convicted even with the massive amount of newly acquired power. Almost reminds me of Abraham Lincoln's power during The Civil War, except that he actually got results.
Ya caint have an internet debate without at least one referrence to Hitler by a left-wing loony.
Posted by TDTF:
What's clear is that it furthered their agenda in the rollback of civil rights
Heres whats chapping my ass. How exactly can the Gov protect us from the threat of terrorism without some conceived "rollback of freedoms"????

Honestly whats been implemented and suggested as proactive steps to prevent and root out terrorists, is relatively mild. Japanese internment camps, well those were slightly more overt measures.

Point being, it is not possible to deter terror without clamps being applied to our open society. The 9/11 terrorist used our freedoms to hide before the strike. So logically, some of the freedoms that allowed them to accomplish this, must be constricted, right? What would you do to curtail the inevitable future attacks? Ask nicely? Please don't do that again Mr terror man?

I say, shake a mutha****er down. Please! Don't let even worse attacks come to fruition. I'm willing to spare some generally useless rights in order to not be evaporated.
And what's funny is the lack of terrorists we've found or convicted even with the massive amount of newly acquired power.
Funny, hmmm maybe. Whats really poignant is this. NOT ONE TERROR ATTACK SINCE 9/11. Agreed? So what do you attribute this to Mr critic? Luck? Afraid to admit maybe something administered by the Bush administration actually worked? What sickens me is this devout bias against a particular political party that you will allow to blind you from what is real.

What is real is we haven't been attacked again since we brought death and destruction to the Muslim world. What is real is we haven't been attacked again since our precious freedoms have been so treaded upon. I sure haven't noticed any constriction in my daily movements. Then again I'm not phoning contacts in Saudi Arabia.

Tree hugging ****ing faggots like you have weakened America. Thats why ***** politics don't work, and generally most Americans won't allow hippy faggots to decide our nations security policies. We can't defeat terrorist by cooking up a big 'ol pot 'o friendship.
Hell ****ing yes ^ Most of America agrees that way too!

Lets look at the score card since 9/11 shall we?

Al-Qaeda has 24 board if directors that lead it and Osama has 15 inner circle aids. Al-Qaeda also had training camps in six countries in September, 2001 (Afghanistan, Indonesia, Chechnya, Albania, Sudan, and the Philippines), with eight commanders. Al-Qaeda also maintained cells in numerous Arabian and European countries.

Since the September 11, 2001 attacks, the United States and allies have been hunting down the leadership of al-Qaeda. Among the big fish (the
builder said:
Address the thread topic, or get the **** out of here.
I thought he addressed the thread just fine.

Saying I have my head in the sand is much the same as the pot that called the kettle black.
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."

-- Julius Caesar

Funny to think this was said more than 2000 years ago.
bry0000000 said:
Funny to think this was said more than 2000 years ago.
Pointless if you ask me. Cesar was a jackass, and apparently your following suit.

If I deciphered your post correctly your asserting that my Government has launched a war for the main purpose of stimulating patriotic fervor.

I have serious issue with that clumsy proposal. Patriotism never reached such an apex as it did following the 9/11 attacks. It was another factions act of war AGAINST the United States that spurred this revival of patriotism. Now unless your a loon and your saying that the US Gov conspired 9/11 to drum up patriotism as a means of launching a battle against Islam, then your silly point is fruitless.

Your aren't a loon are you? Hmmm....maybe so. Get your head out of your ass you weakling.