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  1. S

    Vagina offends women.

    Guess you've never done dirty sex talk between the sheets with your loved one then. You should try it..... oh wait..... you might be creating a dike. :rolleyes:
  2. S

    Your best pick-up line.

    Hi my names Sappho... Um do my breast look too big in this top?
  3. S

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Lots of politics. Lots of religion. Not a lot of anything else. Ah well. Such are Americans.
  4. S

    Will you be voting?

    Where it is that I only have a real chance of seeing one of two parties with similar policies, the choice becomes a personality contest not unlike what's going on in this debate site with their presidential thingy going on. That's not what voting is all about. In Victoria I have a choice of...
  5. S

    Okay, wake up and smell the energy drink?

    I drink V, expresso, long blacks and cappacino. I don't do instant. Do you know what I don't get? Those that ask for a decafe latte with skinny soya - yuk!
  6. S

    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    Hitler was not alone duffus! He had propoganda on his side as well you know. He had stupid people with stupid attitudes to propoganda that happily worshiped - sieg baaa! It not our fault that most of the human race don't think - like sheep, just follow. It's not the fault of the vulgar slum...
  7. S

    Will you be voting?

    As an australian, I hate voting because it all comes back to a two party preference and i don't really much like either. I tend then not to pay the accumulating fines - as a protest. This year, i miss the state elections in victoria in november ligitimately, as I will be in India and no where...
  8. S

    The Bisexual/Lesbian Trend

    And then there are some women who truely enjoy sex and can separate out the relationship from the sex to indulge more freely in group and bi encounters. These women tend to have a bit more class though, which is probably why you don't know about them.
  9. S


    Seeking strange ***** without your partners consent is cheating.
  10. S

    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    Well Boo Hoo to you, Private School Drop Kick. Your real complaint here is not with the sheep but with the heardsmen controlling them. Why couldn't you have the staff of ellitism to poke and prod the plebs into doing your bidding. Not fair hey?
  11. S

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Pretty thin line hey? Well then, might I remind you that all christians are sinners, therefore that pretty thin line should be extended to include all sinners, and not just those who are men who engage in sodomy. Oh yeah... and what ever happened to the prodigal son in all of this. Hangon...
  12. S

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    You yanks ought to relearn reading then. The bible does not teach that homosexuals are sinful, it teaches that we are ALL sinful. Jeezuz! It says that sodomy is a sin. It says laying down for sexual relations with your own gender is a sin. It does not say that the type of person who does these...