Vagina offends women.

smutt butt

Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
I am making a list now to give to my lawyer of the things that offend me.
All Off Topic Forum members offend me and i'm gonna sue. You all use bad words.
Islam offends me and i want it all stopped NOW!!
Fag bars offend me. I want them shut down Now!!!
People on welfare offend me. Stop all welfare NOW!!!
Jesse and Al offend me. Execute them both now!!!!

ONE asshole gets "offended" and the other millions must suffer. I emailed air-tran airlines about kicking the screaming kid off of a flight and they sent me one back (wasn't a form letter") saying how 97% of people supported their decision. Of course mommy was mad at them , not little johnny, for doing it. If i had been on there and had to listen to some brat scream the entire flight i guess the fbi would have been waiting for me because i would have made mommy suffer too.

Two name changes for Vagina Monologues
'The Vagina Monologues' has twice been renamed at a Florida theatre after controversy over the title.

Last week The Atlantic Theatre replaced the word vagina with hoohaa after a woman complained about being offended by the play's title.

Days later 'The Hoohaa Monologues' was restored to its original title after the play's organisers, a group of law school students who plan to donate all the proceeds to charity, demanded it be changed back.

"We are not allowed to censor anything because the whole play is about being a woman, about telling certain women's stories," said play organiser Elissa Saavedra.

"Vagina is the essence of a woman, and if you're going to suppress the name, then you're suppressing us as women," she added.

Since the first production of 'The Vagina Monologues', based on the 1996 book by Eve Ensler, the play has been performed all over the world with a variety of celebrity participants, including Cate Blanchett, Oprah Winfrey, Jane Fonda and Melissa Ethridge.

In Ireland, Nell McCafferty, Deirdre O'Kane, Twink and Juliet Turner have all performed in 'The Vagina Monologues'.
You left your presidunce off the list.


He's the most offensive ***** in living history.

He makes Ghengis Khan look like a saint
The word hoohaa offends me as a woman. If you can't say vagina, then obviously you can't get between my legs. My GOD, it's just a ****ing word. Vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina.

Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis. Grow up people.
manicmonday said:
The word hoohaa offends me as a woman. If you can't say vagina, then obviously you can't get between my legs. My GOD, it's just a ****ing word. Vagina vagina vagina vagina vagina.

Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis. Grow up people.

You made me chuckle... :cool:
Last week The Atlantic Theatre replaced the word vagina with hoohaa after a woman complained about being offended by the play's title.

A woman complained. Not thousands of women. Not hundreds of women. Not even several women.....A woman.

The title of a nationally performed play was butchered to cater to A woman.

You know what A woman? **** YOU!
I don't think vagina offends them near as much as **** would.

Show me a women that likes "****" and I'll show you a dyke.
I have to admit, when I first heard a radio commercial about The Vagina Monologues I remember thinking, "What the ****!?!" But I never protested or anything. Just thought it was a weird name and couldn't help but laugh at the way the DJ kept saying it. Yes, I am immature. I still laugh at fart jokes, too.
Phantom said:
I have to admit, when I first heard a radio commercial about The Vagina Monologues I remember thinking, "What the ****!?!" But I never protested or anything. Just thought it was a weird name and couldn't help but laugh at the way the DJ kept saying it. Yes, I am immature. I still laugh at fart jokes, too.

I recall an old episode of Beavis and Butthead where they were watching Madonna's Justify My Love video. In the video Madonna makes a crotch grab on herself and Butthead cunningly remarks, "Whoa! She's touching her virginia!".
Phantom said:
Yes, I am immature. I still laugh at fart jokes, too.

Nothing to be embarrassed about being stuck in the anal stage of life.

Unless you happen to be older than five. :p

Roughly half of my male relatives are still stuck there.
Phantom said:
I have to admit, when I first heard a radio commercial about The Vagina Monologues I remember thinking, "What the ****!?!" But I never protested or anything. Just thought it was a weird name and couldn't help but laugh at the way the DJ kept saying it. Yes, I am immature. I still laugh at fart jokes, too.

I remember a few years back there was a big stink at some high school because some wanna-be feminazis had gone to see the vagina monologues and they came to school with T-shirts that read "I heart my vagina". The school found it inappropriate, obviously. So inevitably the feminazis made a big ol discrimination issue out of it. My only thought was, I bet those same whores woulda **** if boys came to school with T-shirts that said "I heart my penis".

ahhh haaa. Heres a link to the dumb ****s blog.
Jhony5 said:
My only thought was, I bet those same whores woulda **** if boys came to school with T-shirts that said "I heart my penis".

If a male student waltzed into my high school sporting a "I Heart My Penis" t-shirt, the boy would be subject to a beatdown. When that boy is out of high school, jerking off suddenly becomes less "gay" or "queer". In a marriage, masturbation becomes mandatory.
Jhony5 said:
I bet those same whores woulda **** if boys came to school with T-shirts that said "I heart my penis".

Absolutely. The title The Vagania Monologues and the t-shirt fiasco you mentioned are nothing more than acts of shameless attention whoring. Accuse me of not being sexually liberated, but I would be saying the same thing if there was a male version entitled Penis: Prose and Poetry. I mean, come on. I'm not stuck in the 19th century but damn.
snafu said:
I don't think vagina offends them near as much as **** would.

Show me a women that likes "****" and I'll show you a dyke.

Guess you've never done dirty sex talk between the sheets with your loved one then.

You should try it..... oh wait..... you might be creating a dike. :rolleyes: