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  1. T

    VA shooting

    News just reported 170 rounds, in a period of 9 minutes that ****er fired off. 1 round every 3 seconds. Methinks there wasnt too much opportunity to intervene.
  2. T

    Your fired you lazy piece of ****.

    This whole thing can be summed up with one sentence: Ya get what ya pay for.
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    VA shooting

    Mxs60, I hear what yer saying..but what I think you are missing is the fact that these were 18-19 yr old well-to-do college students....probably with very little street smarts, and if the dude had his 22 (which, BTW, did NOT look like a 22) in his other hand.. I can see where one would be...
  4. T

    Ufo ?

    The only response I have to this, and the previous one stating that there are nuts all over the place is: Just from the many documentaries I've watched, and the interviews with the folks that saw the "ufo" (I'm not talking martians, and alien abductions, and ****) that these folks seem to be...
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    Ufo ?

    I look at this subject as a "law of averages" type thing. Face it, there are 1000's of "sightings" every year, all over the world, yes? Odds are, at least one of them has to be real.
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    **** off.. I'm a noob, and if I wanna bitch about anything, I will. If you dont like it have the admin change the site title. After all, the site is about what pisses you off, eh? Or, are there some clarifiers that should be added to the site title? Is there anything else youd like to censor...
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    I shagged my best friend's wife

    The forum was down for less than a week, but please do continue to spout your bullshit, DK. 99.9% of the forum members dont give a **** about emmy, or what she does. But I do find it humorous that you are still a bit infactuated with her. .
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    I shagged my best friend's wife

    You stupid ****.. I mentioned that in my post. Here, I'll quote it for you again:
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    I shagged my best friend's wife

    Strange, I must have missed that thread, he did a little blurb on BH, and I believe you are mentioned in the "Worst Troll of the Year" but other than that, I dont think anyones given you much thought( sorry to interupt your chest-thumping, please feel free to continue). Good on ya then..and...
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    Ignorance...Slomming Commercial

    Is pot a gateway drug...hmmm. Not in the sense that the smoke causes you to want a better high..but in the sense that if ya hang around enough pot smokers, one day, one of them is gonna ask you to try a line of blow, or crank, or whatever. And if you are one of those with an addictive...
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    I shagged my best friend's wife

    Touchy?? Nah. I've found your screams for attention in this thread to be quite humorous. Whats even funnier is some of these idiots actually take you seriously. Let me know when you come up with an original thought, will ya?
  12. T

    I shagged my best friend's wife

    I guess the concept of taking a shower is a new one to you, eh?
  13. T

    china anti-satellite weapon

    You ****ers have made this way too complicated. Heres the deal: Sterotypically, Asians have little dicks. But ya see, China is a big-ass country, with a Military that is 2nd in the world, only to the USA. Now, these little Asians have been ignored as of late in the media.. as its all focused on...
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    Do me a ****ing favor

    Boy, that really hurts coming from one that has my utmost respect :rolleyes:
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    Air Force Sergeant Playboy

    What I'm saying is that its not part of an On Duty uniform. How many vets do you know that still wear their tags? I know quite a few....
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    Do me a ****ing favor

    His argument was about dogtags (according to his rep comment) which wasnt brought up in the thread at all.
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    Air Force Sergeant Playboy

    I would wager that shes not a DS of a male unit. And yes, thats a challange she may have to overcome, even with the females. She was pretty gal when she made the rank of DS, and I would think shes preformed her duties well, and trained good soldiers. Does taking off her clothes change what she...
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    Air Force Sergeant Playboy

    I agree that the uniform is the symbol of the military. Howver, I dont believe she was in her uniform. And the rules.. IMO, are open to interpretation. One persons definition of "degrading" is different from anothers. Edit: Like I said, Playboy is pretty classy. No pink to speak of, and no...
  19. T

    Do me a ****ing favor

    Neither one of you gets it, do ya. The rep doesnt matter. But the method of debating through rep is pretty ****ing weak. Especially from "The Best Damned Debate Forum" I would have liked to have heard your opinion on why you think that dog-tags represent an on duty serviceman/woman, msixty. I...
  20. T

    Do me a ****ing favor

    I am not, nor will not, ever be a paying/supporting member of this site. If ya dissagree with something I post.. thats cool. But do me a favor, will ya? If yer gonna neg rep me, at least have the balls to sign your name...or better yet, if you dissagree with me.. how about posting your counter...