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  1. S

    Things You Should Be Doing Instead of LPF XD

    i should be at school...but instead, i decided to stay home for my birthday >< :D
  2. S

    A Thread for us Girls: What do you look for in a guy?

    well i think im more interested in looking for a guy that has good features, nice smile, has a sense of humor, and nice....but i do also have a thing for hair and eyes....*sighs*....
  3. S

    New Years: How did u celebrate yours :D

    well i was just on my way back from my bf's place and everyone was already out when i got i just decided to go to sleep.......30 mins before midnight a fren calls me says hes on his way to pick me up!...yah! i got to celebrate new years after all, we went drinknig at another frens...
  4. S

    Things You Should Be Doing Instead of LPF XD

    aaahhh dammit i should be in the shower getting ready to go to a birthday*laughs*
  5. S

    What do you want to eat?

    well at the moment, i would like some chicken noodle soup....mmmmm!
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    Whats kind of CHips do you like to eat?

    me. well i would probably have to go with FunYuns! i lvoe funyuns!:D
  7. S

    What'd you do directly after school?

    i either come straight home or stay after school for my night class.....all my frens live far from me.... today i just came home, got on the net, ate some soup since its cold, chat to a local fren on the net, get into an arguement over something stupid with another fren on the net, checking my...
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    What object do you want right now?

    well at the moment i would like a car so i can just go where i feel like, get away from it all....
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    Which Season?

    i choose spring because its like a new start for everything
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    the what pissis me off thred

    backstabbers losers posers ppl trying to be cool guys who dont listen the first time sluts whores wannabes girls who think they it liars two faces annoying ppl ppl with staring problems copycats ppl who dont do their who **** ppl who treat others like ****
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    the classes that sux for me are 1st hour: US history 6th hour: Geometry thats it, other than that the rest are awsome:D
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    Sex Bracelets? Que?

    i have a lot of black and white do the white ones mean? i was thinking of getting some green and pink ones soon too....:D
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    i just happen to like the whole making out if i feel sparks, maybe ill move a little further but not all the way...
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    Home Coming is Coming!

    our homecomnig is until Oct. 21 or 22, one of the two....:D we're having a football game which i douht they'll there will be a dance...and some parties to attend to.....its gonig to be excited about ot but not at the moment.....
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    How Did Your Day Go?

    well today was a bad day for me also, i was put in In School Suspension(ISS) just because i was wearing my sunglasses and was on my cell phone in the school
  16. S

    Today's phrase

    ..........."who gives a ****?"........sorry just pissed off at the moment....:D
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    Whats on ur i-pod :D

    for me i pods are a waste of money, i prefer CD players....but thats just me!:D
  18. S

    How Did Your Day Go?

    Well today was ok,....i know this isnt a good start my morning was good actually until it got to my afternoon....omg....everything just went down hill...i asked this guy out and i guess he said he heard some bs from my ex about me.....but hes still thinking about so im hoping...
  19. S

    When you're upset, what makes you feel better?

    LP listening to music loud long hugs for support tattooing myself which im starting to do... writing walking daydreaming crying... going out watching a funny movie there's lots...but that is what i can could up with at the moment...:D
  20. S

    For The Girls: Abs, Ass, Pecks or Other! go for a nice, clear heathly,looking face :rolleyes: , ass, pecks, abs, and guns...XD :thumbsup: :D