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    What Song Are You Listening To? vol. 3

    Sweet taste everbody! Right Now I am listening to "Killing Lonliness by HIM" because I am killing lonliness!!! hehehe
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    gay marriage

    I know I have spoken about this before and I don't have any problem. It is just I feel alittle bit have hypocrisy on this subject between belief of both gays and christains. yup....
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    He hates me

    Wierd! I was in the same situation as you. Except mine was alittle different becaus eit was my fault that my brother hates. I was doing **** like smoking weed and stuff. He got fed up fed up and threw all my stuff out of his room at me! I couldn't get over it for along time. I stayed with other...
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    I'm sorry [a poem]

    If you truly feel this way I think you should forget about that person. Pretend he or she dos not exist much. Eventually something is just going to change with the sudden silence. The thing is he or she will think you are sensitive because you shouldn't be sorry for such things. I know that...
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    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    lol, yeah maybe. However, I like to get used to my mistakes. Thanx if it bugs you so much. :D
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    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    Actaully, I am alittle behind to ask such questions. Right now I feel embarassed and ditsy
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    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    Man, this must suck. So how did it go?
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    chester's DAMN cute

    heheeheheheee well I like thier music first.HOwever, these guys grow on you :D (butterflys)
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    What song are you listening to? vol. 2

    Dead Disco-Metric :P
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    somem mental issue

    [HP], how about we both go at the same date and time?
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    A Suicide Note

    Honestly, it is not moving to a convincing apprehension with me. However, I agree with......
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    Witch Room

    Witch Room Tanith had a found the diary by accident. In her temper, caused by her parents who yelled at her for taking the car out at night, she kicked the plastered wall and, in the process, punctured a hole big enough to see in. At first she thought the diary was an old decrepit book, but...
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    somem mental issue

    I guess I should go see help. However, I am afraid to go. I am finally convinced. I would go with someone but, no one in town is here that I trust the most. I am very scared. Scared half to death.
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    somem mental issue

    Well, My friend and family member think I have this promblem that I am happy and optimistic then the next moment I am all quiet, sad and don't want people to talk to me.My friend told me it was common and said what it was called but, I forget. Anyways, They said I should go to a doctor or some...
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    Dude ! Being thirrty isn't that bad. Really? HAppy Birthday.... and yeah.... (internet hug) :D ok ok now I am more absurd than ever
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    MAn! These guys are trully DJ artist. Everyone can hear that they have been practicing for a LONG time! Everytime " I hear them scratchen it... with both hands.... they sound so good... they made ME wannna dance..." Check them out!
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    First Concert?

    LOL! I am having a good laugh at everyone's experiences. Well, My first concert was a local bands as well. MY favourite part about concerts are THE MOSHPITS!!!!! woo hooo I totally had my ass kicked. I didn't stand a chance against those crowd!
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    i DEFINITELY! have heard thier music. They are awsome!! I first heard them doing covers for Metallica and I bought one of thier albums this summer! Dammit! I got to admit it is a real tear jerker, but I love it!
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    John Lennon VS A Perfect Circle

    The only difference between John lennon and APC's version of Imagine is there voice. I think John Lennon's voice give hte song for need for peace and apc's voice sounds like he is about to cry. Therefore, I think John Lennon's version is better and the song has more spark than APC's
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    I totally agree. I believed like probaly everyone else that life is just a test. If we manage to change our path positively we will end up in a better place in the afterlife. Therefore, if we go to a negative path of being weak and absurd we will end up in torment. However, everyone has a such...