2 Young VA Gun-Owners Shoot at Passing Vehicles and Occupied Dwellings

Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
> On Mar 30, 2:51 pm, "WindsorFox<SS>" <darkshado...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>>> On Mar 29, 2:39 am, "GeekBoy" <nos...@spamcop.net> wrote:
>>>> 42,642 people dead!!
>>> Yup - americans do more killing with cars than guns.
>>> No need to ban cars but we should ban cell phones and radios and all
>>> other toys from cars. And lower speed limits and hand out jail to
>>> speeders and drunk drivers.

>> What an incredibly uninformed and ignorant thought. Explain the Autobahn.

> What does the nazibahn have to do with america, you idiot.?

I should not have expected you to be smart enough to understand. If
lower speed limits are the answer, please explain the Autobahn, you
filthy bigot.


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"Myal" <Dumaree@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> WindsorFox<SS> wrote:
>> Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>>> On Mar 29, 2:39 am, "GeekBoy" <nos...@spamcop.net> wrote:
>>>> 42,642 people dead!!
>>> Yup - americans do more killing with cars than guns.
>>> No need to ban cars but we should ban cell phones and radios and all
>>> other toys from cars. And lower speed limits and hand out jail to
>>> speeders and drunk drivers.

>> What an incredibly uninformed and ignorant thought. Explain the
>> Autobahn.

> you got autobahn now in the US too ?

Yep, not that long ago, Montana had virtually no posted daytime speed limits
on it's major roads other than "safe", and oddly enough their highway safety
record showed virtually no change. I do understand that currently the
fastest posted speed limit in the US is 80.

Further we should note this statement by the federal department of

"This popular slogan suggests that the lower the speed limit is set, the
more safety will result. If this were true, the U.S. Interstate System would
have the worst, not the best, safety record. Instead, Interstates have the
highest speed limits, the highest operational speeds, and the lowest
fatality rate in America (0.88 fatalities per every 100 million vehicle
miles traveled). Roadway design and use should be part of every speed
setting discussion, and debate about speed limits should distinguish between
speed causing a crash, and speed influencing injury severity once a crash
occurs. Safety statistics vary greatly according to roadway class. Local
roads, which normally have the lowest posted speed limits, have the highest
fatality rate of any roadways."
WindsorFox<SS> wrote:
> Myal wrote:
>> WindsorFox<SS> wrote:
>>> Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>>>> On Mar 29, 2:39 am, "GeekBoy" <nos...@spamcop.net> wrote:
>>>>> 42,642 people dead!!
>>>> Yup - americans do more killing with cars than guns.
>>>> No need to ban cars but we should ban cell phones and radios and all
>>>> other toys from cars. And lower speed limits and hand out jail to
>>>> speeders and drunk drivers.
>>> What an incredibly uninformed and ignorant thought. Explain the
>>> Autobahn.

>> you got autobahn now in the US too ?
>> or just looking to argue?

> Either follow along and keep up or don't reply. If lower speed limits
> are the answer, explain the Autobahn.

are you claiming the US autobahn is lowering the death toll then ?

where is your US autobahn anyway ?
In talk.politics.guns Dan <dnadan56@hotmail.com> wrote:

>Buck Mulligan wrote:
>> In talk.politics.guns Unknown <unknown@swetland.net> wrote:
>>> Roger Denney wrote:
>>>> On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 21:45:34 -0500, "WindsorFox<SS>"
>>>> <darkshado666@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> GeekBoy wrote:
>>>>>> 42,642 people dead!!
>>>>>> http://www-fars.nhtsa.dot.gov/Main/index.aspx
>>>>> I agree. Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun.
>>>> Or so you claim.
>>>> Can you prove it? Can any of you gun-goons do so?
>>>> Nope!
>>> Hey Roger, Are you really as ignorant as you appear to be?

>> The depths of Roger's ignorance have as yet to be mined.

>Well, since there is no record of Ted Kennedy's car killing any persons,
>you must prove your gun killed less than zero persons.
>This should be interesting.

"My gun has killed less people than Ted Kennedy and his car."

Does that make more sense to you now?
In article <13uvclbtiuhp597@corp.supernews.com>,
Unknown <unknown@swetland.net> wrote:

> Roger Denney wrote:
> > On Sat, 29 Mar 2008 21:45:34 -0500, "WindsorFox<SS>"
> > <darkshado666@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >
> >>GeekBoy wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>42,642 people dead!!
> >>>
> >>>http://www-fars.nhtsa.dot.gov/Main/index.aspx
> >>>
> >>
> >> I agree. Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun.

> >
> >
> > Or so you claim.
> >
> > Can you prove it? Can any of you gun-goons do so?
> >
> > Nope!

> Hey Roger, Are you really as ignorant as you appear to be?

More so.
>> I agree. Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun.
> Or so you claim.
> Can you prove it? Can any of you gun-goons do so?
> Nope!

How do you prove a negative?
RM v2.0 wrote:

>>> I agree. Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun.

>>Or so you claim.
>>Can you prove it? Can any of you gun-goons do so?

> How do you prove a negative?

I can prove that none of my guns ever killed another human... can't you?

The car that was used to kill/Murder Mary jo on the otherhand... well,
that's another story.
It actualy wasn't "His Fathers Oldsmobile", but his MOTHERS 1967
Oldsmobile Delmont 88!
On Mon, 31 Mar 2008 06:59:05 -0700 (PDT), JohnJohnsn
<JohnJohnsn@mindspring.com> wrote:

>On Mar 30, 11:10
strabo wrote:
> JohnJohnsn wrote:
>> On Mar 28, 8:51 pm, Roger Denney, agent provocateur for the Brady
>> Campaign to Ban Guns <rgden...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> 2 teens arrested in Va. highway gunfire
>>> Associated Press Writers
>>> 03/28/2008
>>> CROZET, Va. - A manhunt for shooters whose potshots at passing cars
>>> shut down a mountain highway ended Friday when authorities stormed a
>>> central Virginia farm, arresting a teenager and firing at a man
>>> carrying a gun.

>> [Snip]
>>> ============================================================
>>> Denneys' Comments:
>>> As we can see ,the NRA gets these "law-abiding" gun owners off to
>>> a good start in life, shooting at anything that moves and even homes.
>>> These two gun-cowards will be cooling thier heels in prison for years
>>> to come, but this is only one example of the US gun-culture of death,
>>> at work.
>>> -Roger

>> There is absolutely nothing in this article relating these miscreants
>> to the NRA, Roger.
>> Blaming the NRA for the misconduct of these two is the equivilant of
>> blaming the AAA for your brother agent provocateur Lee Douglas
>> "Rollover Dougie" Harrrison's drunken driven vehicle ending up in a
>> ditch in Smith County TX.
>> Why not blame American Motors for building the vehicle involved in
>> their criminal conduct, as well? I _/know/_ you would like to blame
>> the firearms manufacturer of the weapon involved!
>> Better yet: how about blaming the state's prosecutor who allowed
>> Woodson's felony auto theft and vehicle arson be reduced to mere
>> misdemeanors; or the judge that allowed the reduction, then let
>> Woodson off with a suspended sentence?!?
>> No, Roger: you would blame the NRA and the millions of non-criminal
>> gun owners instead!
>> PUTZ!!!
>> Point Proven!
> >

> They're a couple of kids, out of work, and pissed off at the world.
> They went around shooting cars with their .22.

they are therefore free men , they got a gun and are not scared to use it

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"Myal" <Dumaree@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> strabo wrote:
>> JohnJohnsn wrote:
>>> On Mar 28, 8:51 pm, Roger Denney, agent provocateur for the Brady
>>> Campaign to Ban Guns <rgden...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>> 2 teens arrested in Va. highway gunfire
>>>> Associated Press Writers
>>>> 03/28/2008
>>>> CROZET, Va. - A manhunt for shooters whose potshots at passing cars
>>>> shut down a mountain highway ended Friday when authorities stormed a
>>>> central Virginia farm, arresting a teenager and firing at a man
>>>> carrying a gun.
>>> [Snip]
>>>> ============================================================
>>>> Denneys' Comments:
>>>> As we can see ,the NRA gets these "law-abiding" gun owners off to
>>>> a good start in life, shooting at anything that moves and even homes.
>>>> These two gun-cowards will be cooling thier heels in prison for years
>>>> to come, but this is only one example of the US gun-culture of death,
>>>> at work.
>>>> -Roger
>>> There is absolutely nothing in this article relating these miscreants
>>> to the NRA, Roger.
>>> Blaming the NRA for the misconduct of these two is the equivilant of
>>> blaming the AAA for your brother agent provocateur Lee Douglas
>>> "Rollover Dougie" Harrrison's drunken driven vehicle ending up in a
>>> ditch in Smith County TX.
>>> Why not blame American Motors for building the vehicle involved in
>>> their criminal conduct, as well? I _/know/_ you would like to blame
>>> the firearms manufacturer of the weapon involved!
>>> Better yet: how about blaming the state's prosecutor who allowed
>>> Woodson's felony auto theft and vehicle arson be reduced to mere
>>> misdemeanors; or the judge that allowed the reduction, then let
>>> Woodson off with a suspended sentence?!?
>>> No, Roger: you would blame the NRA and the millions of non-criminal
>>> gun owners instead!
>>> PUTZ!!!
>>> Point Proven!
>> >

>> They're a couple of kids, out of work, and pissed off at the world.
>> They went around shooting cars with their .22.

> they are therefore free men , they got a gun and are not scared to use it
>> ----== Posted via Pronews.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet
>> News==----
>> http://www.pronews.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >100,000
>> Newsgroups
>> ---= - Total Privacy via Encryption =---

They were doing "home grown terrorism"
They should try stickups...they might actually get away with something
without shooting
JohnJohnsn wrote:
> On Mar 28, 8:51 pm, Roger Denney, agent provocateur for the Brady
> Campaign to Ban Guns <rgden...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> 2 teens arrested in Va. highway gunfire
>> Associated Press Writers
>> 03/28/2008
>> CROZET, Va. - A manhunt for shooters whose potshots at passing cars
>> shut down a mountain highway ended Friday when authorities stormed a
>> central Virginia farm, arresting a teenager and firing at a man
>> carrying a gun.

> [Snip]
>> ============================================================
>> Denneys' Comments:
>> As we can see ,the NRA gets these "law-abiding" gun owners off to
>> a good start in life, shooting at anything that moves and even homes.
>> These two gun-cowards will be cooling thier heels in prison for years
>> to come, but this is only one example of the US gun-culture of death,
>> at work.
>> -Roger

> There is absolutely nothing in this article relating these miscreants
> to the NRA, Roger.
> Blaming the NRA for the misconduct of these two is the equivilant of
> blaming the AAA for your brother agent provocateur Lee Douglas
> "Rollover Dougie" Harrrison's drunken driven vehicle ending up in a
> ditch in Smith County TX.
> Why not blame American Motors for building the vehicle involved in
> their criminal conduct, as well? I _/know/_ you would like to blame
> the firearms manufacturer of the weapon involved!
> Better yet: how about blaming the state's prosecutor who allowed
> Woodson's felony auto theft and vehicle arson be reduced to mere
> misdemeanors; or the judge that allowed the reduction, then let
> Woodson off with a suspended sentence?!?
> No, Roger: you would blame the NRA and the millions of non-criminal
> gun owners instead!
> PUTZ!!!
> Point Proven!

They're a couple of kids, out of work, and pissed off at the world.
They went around shooting cars with their .22.

----== Posted via Pronews.Com - Unlimited-Unrestricted-Secure Usenet News==----
http://www.pronews.com The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >100,000 Newsgroups
---= - Total Privacy via Encryption =---
r_c_brown@hushmail.com wrote:
> On Mar 31, 3:28 am, Myal <Duma...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> WindsorFox<SS> wrote:
>>> Myal wrote:
>>>> WindsorFox<SS> wrote:
>>>>> Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>>>>>> On Mar 29, 2:39 am, "GeekBoy" <nos...@spamcop.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> STOP THE MADNES!!!
>>>>>>> 42,642 people dead!!
>>>>>>> BAN ALL VEHICLES!!!!
>>>>>> Yup - americans do more killing with cars than guns.
>>>>>> No need to ban cars but we should ban cell phones and radios and all
>>>>>> other toys from cars. And lower speed limits and hand out jail to
>>>>>> speeders and drunk drivers.
>>>>> What an incredibly uninformed and ignorant thought. Explain the
>>>>> Autobahn.
>>>> you got autobahn now in the US too ?
>>>> or just looking to argue?
>>> Either follow along and keep up or don't reply. If lower speed limits
>>> are the answer, explain the Autobahn.

>> are you claiming the US autobahn is lowering the death toll then ?
>> where is your US autobahn anyway ?

> Have you heard of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of
> Interstate and Defense Highways (AKA the Interstate System)? It may
> be the largest highway system in the world (over 75000 km), and its
> creation was influenced by Mr. Eisenhower's observations of the
> Bundesautobahn.

Soooo this makes it somehow THE autobahn ? or does it just look like a
pathetic attempt at a red herring ?

smells like fish to me
"Myal" <Dumaree@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> r_c_brown@hushmail.com wrote:
>> On Mar 31, 3:28 am, Myal <Duma...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> WindsorFox<SS> wrote:
>>>> Myal wrote:
>>>>> WindsorFox<SS> wrote:
>>>>>> Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mar 29, 2:39 am, "GeekBoy" <nos...@spamcop.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> STOP THE MADNES!!!
>>>>>>>> 42,642 people dead!!
>>>>>>>> BAN ALL VEHICLES!!!!
>>>>>>> Yup - americans do more killing with cars than guns.
>>>>>>> No need to ban cars but we should ban cell phones and radios and all
>>>>>>> other toys from cars. And lower speed limits and hand out jail to
>>>>>>> speeders and drunk drivers.
>>>>>> What an incredibly uninformed and ignorant thought. Explain the
>>>>>> Autobahn.
>>>>> you got autobahn now in the US too ?
>>>>> or just looking to argue?
>>>> Either follow along and keep up or don't reply. If lower speed
>>>> limits
>>>> are the answer, explain the Autobahn.
>>> are you claiming the US autobahn is lowering the death toll then ?
>>> where is your US autobahn anyway ?

>> Have you heard of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of
>> Interstate and Defense Highways (AKA the Interstate System)? It may
>> be the largest highway system in the world (over 75000 km), and its
>> creation was influenced by Mr. Eisenhower's observations of the
>> Bundesautobahn.

> Soooo this makes it somehow THE autobahn ? or does it just look like a
> pathetic attempt at a red herring ?
> smells like fish to me

More like smells like a dumb ass **** skinned turd world ****.
r_c_brown@hushmail.com wrote:
> On Mar 31, 7:24 pm, Myal <Duma...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> r_c_br...@hushmail.com wrote:
>>> On Mar 31, 3:28 am, Myal <Duma...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> WindsorFox<SS> wrote:
>>>>> Myal wrote:
>>>>>> WindsorFox<SS> wrote:
>>>>>>> Speeders & Drunk Drivers are MURDERERS wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Mar 29, 2:39 am, "GeekBoy" <nos...@spamcop.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> STOP THE MADNES!!!
>>>>>>>>> 42,642 people dead!!
>>>>>>>>> BAN ALL VEHICLES!!!!
>>>>>>>> Yup - americans do more killing with cars than guns.
>>>>>>>> No need to ban cars but we should ban cell phones and radios and all
>>>>>>>> other toys from cars. And lower speed limits and hand out jail to
>>>>>>>> speeders and drunk drivers.
>>>>>>> What an incredibly uninformed and ignorant thought. Explain the
>>>>>>> Autobahn.
>>>>>> you got autobahn now in the US too ?
>>>>>> or just looking to argue?
>>>>> Either follow along and keep up or don't reply. If lower speed limits
>>>>> are the answer, explain the Autobahn.
>>>> are you claiming the US autobahn is lowering the death toll then ?
>>>> where is your US autobahn anyway ?
>>> Have you heard of the Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of
>>> Interstate and Defense Highways (AKA the Interstate System)? It may
>>> be the largest highway system in the world (over 75000 km), and its
>>> creation was influenced by Mr. Eisenhower's observations of the
>>> Bundesautobahn.

>> Soooo this makes it somehow THE autobahn ?

> No, nor did I make that claim.
> The question had been asked, "If lower speed limits are the answer,
> explain the Autobahn."
> You changed the poster's subject a bit by asking, "are you claiming
> the US autobahn is lowering the death toll then ? where is your US
> autobahn anyway ?"
> Since you had questions with respect to what you termed the "US
> autobahn", I was under the misapprehension that you were interested in
> facts, which I supplied.

I want to know why something in Germany has such an impact on US drivers ...

that is all

>> or does it just look like a
>> pathetic attempt at a red herring ?

> ?
>> smells like fish to me- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
