well sometimes a level of difficulty rating might not come down to flashy, a performance may look great, but to the judges the technical difficulty may not have been the same for them, we are hardly experts to judge ourselves other than "ooh **** i wish i could flip like that", you've got to also take into account there seems to be a prejudice towards that little girl, regardless of what you say you seemed to be judging her unevenly to her opponent
judges dont always take into account how "good" someone looks, someone may look like theyre winning when in reality its just a show, theres no real performance to it, iv be watching the boxing, and although the commentators maybe saying stuff like "ooh maybe that should've been a point, it looked like he got em good" replays have shown to the contrary
in ANY sport where there are judges/refs/umpires etc, EVERYTHING is judged by a human, there are no slow-mo replays, and EVERYTHING is unfair, especially if your rooting for the one on the wrong end of the decision, bias, bias and bias, nothign more, nothing less
the fact the girl is 13..er "16" makes it an even better achievement, stuff the fact shes 13, if you are GOOD ENOUGH, you are OLD ENOUGH. you see teen prodigies competing with alot older kids EVERYDAY
Bernard Tomic(Australian Tennis) is 15-16 and has been competing with 18-20 year olds since he was ALOT younger
Lionel Messi: its been stated this small soccer star has competed with kids ALOT older than him both in his Argentine home and at the Barcelona academy
Emily Seahbohm(swimming) and Melissa Wu(Diving)(both Australian) are barely teens and they would have had to have competed at around the 13-14 year old stage against older girls, considering theyre both around the 15-17 years of age an theyre both at the olympics competing
etc etc
not to mention alot of the kids who are geniuses at maths/science/literature etc who go to unis/colleges before some of them have even hit puberty
age is NO barrier, i dont care what someone says, to pick on a WINNER due to something stupid such as age screams of Tall Poppy Syndrome and nit picking, people may not find it fair, but unless shes caught for drugs cheating, her medal wont be taken away