2008 Summer Olympics Beijing


New member
if u pick apart GBR's medal count as England, Wales, Scotland etc

Australia > England

thoguht id chuck that in



New member
Spain beat the Australian soccor team into getting into the semi finals, did you know that?
I think I knew it but now, I'm not totally sure about it. I'm sorry for you, dear, but I think it's time Spain win some medals. We're always unlucky in sport competitions. I know some of you (americans people mostly) will disagree with me, but I think the basketball final, we were robbed. it was unfair. I know american basketball team are titans but the referee was a stupid (well, actually it was more than just stupid, but I don't want to seem someone rude) and what happened with sail?? Danish team cheated us!!! We deserved gold but at we got the silver one!!! that was unfair!!!

**** COI!!! You know, guys? I'm glad our sportsmen and sportswomen didn't listen them and they were in mourning for the plane accident!!! **** them!!

Roll on London 2012! I hope we can beat China's opening ceremony, although it will prove to be quite hard.
I don't want to seem pessimist, but honestly, I think you need to work hardly if you want China's opening ceremony will become a shadow under the britain' spectacle... for this reason,I'm happy that guy ****** it up when he pushed the wrong **** and for this, Madrid will have to wait to 2016. Honestly I think we have less complicated to overcome London's opening ceremony than China's one. after all, Barcelona was something unforgettable and it wasn't me who said that; it was said it by the (****) COI.

Actually USA is one federal government with basically 50 territories...kinda how like Canada has like 5 (or 6?) and Australia has a few...
Yeah, I know it, but after all USA is formed by 50 territories, which would be like 50 Spains, more or less... so, man, with this huge territory you have, you would be fool if you didn't win any medal. Have a look to my country, quite small if we compare it with USA or China or Russia and (although our unluck follows us wherever we are) we got 18 medals



New member
Roll on London 2012! I hope we can beat China's opening ceremony, although it will prove to be quite hard.
I still think Sydney 2000 games were the best opening and closing ceremony. It's just me, it's my own country and mind me I was only like 11 when they were here but that IOC boss did say that the Sydney Olympics had been the best games ever and it was to me cos I gotta see some events. We didn't have political uproar about human rights and controversy about putting a 13 yr old gymnist in the games..well Athens didn't either and I hardly paid any attention to them. *lol*.

Sydney <3



New member
I still think Sydney 2000 games were the best opening and closing ceremony. It's just me, it's my own country and mind me I was only like 11 when they were here but that IOC boss did say that the Sydney Olympics had been the best games ever and it was to me cos I gotta see some events. We didn't have political uproar about human rights and controversy about putting a 13 yr old gymnist in the games..well Athens didn't either and I hardly paid any attention to them. *lol*.Sydney <3
It's pretty much common practice after every games to say that. They (the IOC officials) must think we're idiots and have very short memories, they probably assume (or hope) that in the four years between we as a race simply 'forget' and get that 'wow' factor anew with each new spectacle. I think it's a fair assumption to say that each games are incredible in their own way, and the more time passes the more elaborate the ceremonies, so by this reasoning we can only guess what England has in store. But seriously, having watched the last 3 or so with any real conviction I still believe China put on a better visual show. Each to their own. Sure these things are long winded, but I guess that's their (the officials' collective) defence for blowing so much of the hardearned taxpayers money on them. We people are really such simple, visual, viceral creatures at times...



New member
i think he said it was the best for that century anyways(which was of all time at that point)

2012...ruined by rain?


one can only hope lol



New member
^actually on august 8th there was supposed to be rain, i think. And they did something to stop it.

Actually USA is one federal government with basically 50 territories...kinda how like Canada has like 5 (or 6?) and Australia has a few...
Get it straight. Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories. I think. lol

Well for me, having been there to the stadiums and everything I thought it was a remarkable experience. Opening Ceremony was amazing, though the closing one wasn't nearly as good in my opinion. I haven't paid much attention to past Olympics so i can't make too much comparisons but we all hope that each time it'll turn better and better but it'll take a whole lot for London to top this one. :] For me it probably meant more because of it taking in my hometown and everything, and it's really once in a lifetime thing. (Toronto in the future maybe? xD) I was touched by a lot of the moments which happened in these Olympic Games, whether it was the athletes or coaches or the workers/volunteers. A tremendous effort was put into making this olympic game safe and successful. During this period they shut down all the construction sites, they only let liscence plates ending with even/odd number drive on the even/odd days, and there was so much more that I saw which made it so much more convenient for the world to come to Beijing. So yeah, my congrats.



New member
^ they did something to stop it...?

rain couldnt get through the smog? or they just decided to close the roof lol

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