A quote

tizz said:
Stop being a moron. Poeple are DIFFERENT and therefore are going to be prone to having things effect them differently DUH!!!!!!! My you are a simple minded idiot aren't you. I starting to think I should have skipped the four day and voted for the week myself.

You had better learn to take care of yourself in this world. Regrdless of your past experiences.
I take car of myself just fine. I am not looking for self pity here, just trying to spin a little reality into your "cause". You are missing too much and now you can't seem to accept that there is more to it than what you read on the wall in a guidance ouselors office. if it was so easy it wouldn't happen to anyone who can read.

You had better learn how to LEARN something when it is put right in front of your face, regardless of your massive ignorance!
Angie was dead on.
The world is not black and white. Sometimes you can’t tell what a person is like. Sometimes there is a lot of deception while conversing the dating game. I’m sure he didn’t smack her around when they first met.
Hugo I think you got caught in a line of bullshit and now you want to stick to it. It would look a whole lot better if you owned up to your stupid comments rather than to stand by them. Look back at what you’re saying. It’s her fault he killed her? Just because she didn’t realize he was a psychopath? Who know's what a psycopath thinks like?
I'm sure you knew everything about your wife before you married.
snafu said:
Hugo I think you got caught in a line of bullshit and now you want to stick to it...I'm sure you knew everything about your wife before you married. Right!

Poor Hugo. Self-inflicted wounds must be the worst. :eek:
hugo said:
"On a site full of idiots, such as Tizz, the only proper place for an intelligent man is in the idiot box" Thoreau

Everyone supports free speech for those they agree with. The real test of someone's belief in free speech is when things are stated that someone strongly disagrees with.

Besides that I'm OK.

I agree, some of the stuff you and others have said I strongly disagree with, but you have a point here, even if we don't like what someone is saying, under the freedom of speach we have to at least hear them out, even if our own views are dametrically opposed.
And who hasn't HEARD what HUGO has to say? Can i help it if he is spewing crap that he read off the wall at a family planning clinic?

He is in the box for being an IDIOT not because I disagree with him. GEEZ!!! I disagree with everyone on this damn site at least most of the time
tizz said:
And who hasn't HEARD what HUGO has to say? Can i help it if he is spewing crap that he read off the wall at a family planning clinic?

He is in the box for being an IDIOT not because I disagree with him. GEEZ!!! I disagree with everyone on this damn site at least most of the time

Calm down tizz hun ,remember your pickles...;)
hugo said:
At least Eddo gets it. I am arguing women are smart enough to date selectively. The women on this board are arguing they are too stupid to do so. Maybe we need to go to arranged marriages since women are too dumb to choose their own dates.

Does anyone remember the post by RO where he stated that Eddo and Hugo were coming from the same IP address, in spite of the fact that their member information states that Eddo is in Arizona and Hugo says he is in Texas???

No wonder they agree, they are either the same person or live together...
My money is that Hugo needed someone to agree with his ignorant posts so he created another login for himself....
Lethalfind said:
Does anyone remember the post by RO where he stated that Eddo and Hugo were coming from the same IP address, in spite of the fact that their member information states that Eddo is in Arizona and Hugo says he is in Texas???

No wonder they agree, they are either the same person or live together...
My money is that Hugo needed someone to agree with his ignorant posts so he created another login for himself....

What a ****in' moron you are. Could a mod please confirm that me and Eddo do not share the same IP address? Who are the idiots here? Me and eddo don't live within a thousand miles of each other. Y'all still ain't convinced me women are too stupid to date selectively. Just because the women on this board are retards does not mean most women are. Most women don't get abused by their boyfriens''or they are smart enough to leave the first time it happens. Just because retarded women and a bunch of skirt sniffers and morons whom actually believe that me and Eddo have the same IP put me in the idiot box proves nothing.
I am consistent: women are smart enough to date and breed selectively. The dumbass broads and their skirt sniffing loser males are consistent: women are too damn stupid to date selectively much less breed selectively.
hugo said:
What a ****in' moron you are. Could a mod please confirm that me and Eddo do not share the same IP address? Who are the idiots here? Me and eddo don't live within a thousand miles of each other. Y'all still ain't convinced me women are too stupid to date selectively. Just because the women on this board are retards does not mean most women are. Most women don't get abused by their boyfriens''or they are smart enough to leave the first time it happens. Just because retarded women and a bunch of skirt sniffers and morons whom actually believe that me and Eddo have the same IP put me in the idiot box proves nothing.

I'm not a mod and until I have proof otherwise, I'm gonna believe RO when he says that you and Eddo have the same IP address. You are the same guy that was trying to pass someone else's pic off as your own aren't you? I think that even after you were called out and flat busted you tried to play it off, if I'm not mistaken about that. And I'm not.

So, you'll excuse us if we don't take your word for it.
Let me explain something...stupid people in this world tend to get abused. That is why Tizz and Lethal Find take this issue so personal. Have a brain. Someone hits you...leave them. Case closed.
ImWithStupid said:
I'm not a mod and until I have proof otherwise, I'm gonna believe RO when he says that you and Eddo have the same IP address. You are the same guy that was trying to pass someone else's pic off as your own aren't you? I think that even after you were called out and flat busted you tried to play it off, if I'm not mistaken about that. And I'm not.

So, you'll excuse us if we don't take your word for it.

I suggest, you ****ing dumbass, you go to www.myusm.com and find out how long me and eddo have accounts there. Or simply go to www.theangrytruth.com. Now go back to giving some fellow faggot a blowjob.
Or you could ask RO if he was mistaken the first time. He seems like a decent guy who made an honest mistake.
hugo said:
Or you could ask RO if he was mistaken the first time. He seems like a decent guy who made an honest mistake.

I think I already said that if I'm gonna believe RO until I have proof otherwise. I'm sorry that you lost all credibility here with being busted with a fake pic and claiming you were someone you weren't. Then of all things criticizing other peoples looks. If it makes you feel better to resort to name calling then, do what you feel you need to do.

Must suck to lose everyones respect all at once over a stupid thread.
ImWithStupid said:
I think I already said that if I'm gonna believe RO until I have proof otherwise. I'm sorry that you lost all credibility here with being busted with a fake pic and claiming you were someone you weren't. Then of all things criticizing other peoples looks. If it makes you feel better to resort to name calling then, do what you feel you need to do.

Must suck to lose everyones respect all at once over a stupid thread.

Once again you are a ****ing dumbass. If I was going to post a pic for some kind of advantage I would have picked a better looking guy than Ad (sorry about that buddy). The pic was a little prank on my friends Ad and Feck. You would be too stupid to understand. Kicking liberal ass.... that is hilarious. You are siding with the individuals who don't believe in personal responsibility. You might as well join the communist party now.
hugo said:
Kicking liberal ass.... that is hilarious. You are siding with the individuals who don't believe in personal responsibility. You might as well join the communist party now.

Sounds a little hipocritical coming form the person who said this...

http://Off Topic Forum.com/showpost.php?p=699411&postcount=20

Promoting abortion. Sounds awful liberal to me.

By the way I agreed with alot of what you said and as far as personal responsibility. If you check the archives, I've done nothing but spoke out about personal responsibility and how much I detest liberal, ambulance chasing, bottom feeding lawyers who sue at the drop of a hat. How they are clogging up the legal system and should be held financially and criminally liable for frivilous lawsuits over suing from what is obviously stupidity and lack of common sense by thier clients. You should not profit or get a free ride by suing because you happened to be stupid on someone elses property or using their product.
hugo said:
Once again you are a ****ing dumbass. If I was going to post a pic for some kind of advantage I would have picked a better looking guy than Ad (sorry about that buddy). The pic was a little prank on my friends Ad and Feck. You would be too stupid to understand.

I'mWithStupid... Hugo and eddo are different people; I've known both of them for about 4-5 years now from a board called Unsolved Mysteries (USM). That board was overmoderated and cliquish, and the owner spun off two "adult" boards - SayWhatYouWant.net and The Angry Truth (TAT) - which until recently is where Hugo, Eddo, Feckless Wench, Dizzy Me, Ad, NKA and myself did most of our posting when it too became overmoderated and cliquish and Sixes decided to join.

Let me give you the starting lineup:

Hugo is a libertarian, a prankster and a provocateur from Texas. And he is a Goombaian who sacrifices defenseless steaks and potatoes on the sacred barbeque grill every weekend and daily offers beer offerings to the great Goomba, who has promised to return one day to usher in the Happy Hours. His wife Walter doesn't mind the fact he has a flock of mistresses, because the mistresses can't talk. Only bleet and baa.

Eddo is a youth pastor from Arizona. Despite his ministry calling he is in terrible lust over two things in this world; Alyssa Milano - unrequited, unfortunately - and BCAR's truck. He loves burritos. So much so that everyone secretly thinks he's a wetback.

Feckless Wench is a Brit, so while we cannot understand half of the references she makes (what the hell IS 'bangers and mash'? If I get it on my shoes, can I get it off?), we adore the accent she says it with. She's a teacher, and has a fetish for younger men and bondage.

Dizzy Me is the former head moderator of TAT. She's a Lib, but a smart Lib - very rare, which is why we keep her around. That and the fact that half of the men on the site wanted to sleep with her inspite of her small ****. Her hubby doesn't like any of us, I think.

NKA doesn't have small ****, and keeps posting very nice pictures to prove it. She recently moved to Texas into a small doll house and can't find her way around her new town yet. She gives very good advice.

Ad's a nice guy but I still haven't figured out what he does.

And I'm the resident Jesus Freak. Without me praying over them constantly, the entire lot of them would have been swallowed by a large whale with excessive bad breath a long time ago.
papabryant said:
I'mWithStupid... Hugo and eddo are different people; I've known both of them for about 4-5 years now from a board called Unsolved Mysteries (USM). That board was overmoderated and cliquish, and the owner spun off two "adult" boards - SayWhatYouWant.net and The Angry Truth (TAT) - which until recently is where Hugo, Eddo, Feckless Wench, Dizzy Me, Ad, NKA and myself did most of our posting when it too became overmoderated and cliquish and Sixes decided to join.

Like I said, I don't have mod powers so I was going to believe RO until I heard differently. I sure wasn't going to just take Hugo's word for it. He showed that he was deceptive with the whole pic thing.

If you are going to vouch for him though, I am willing to believe it.

Appearantly I was wrong. Thank you for your input Papabryant.