Bill M

A very simple god question.

There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.

Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
real god and all the others are fakes?

Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?
Bill M wrote:
> A very simple god question.
> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
> real god and all the others are fakes?
> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?

Good question.I thinK James Randi ought to challenge anyone to prove
their gods are real.I doubt anyone (else) can!
Bill M wrote:
> A very simple god question.
> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
> real god and all the others are fakes?
> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?

The real One God of Christianity and the real One
God of Islam are busy smiting each other right
No essence. No permanence. No perfection.
On Sun, 24 Sep 2006, Bill M wrote:

> A very simple god question.
> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that
> he is the real god and all the others are fakes?
> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?

Because he is afraid that you wouldn't believe Him and that you
would just flame Him as an imposter using an anonymous server.

Sam Heywood
-- Message handled by Pine, Version 4.62
Sphere wrote:
> Bill M wrote:
>>A very simple god question.
>>There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
>>Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
>>real god and all the others are fakes?
>>Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?

> The real One God of Christianity and the real One
> God of Islam are busy smiting each other right
> now.

===>Two Near-Eastern-based religions repeating the
same old conflicts of the region.
E.g. the battles between the Moabites and their god
CHEMOSH and the Israelites and their god YHWH.
The "Moabite Stone" describes how Chemosh helped the
Moabite king attack and defeat the Israelites and
carry of the treasures of YHWH. -- L
"Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>A very simple god question.
> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
> real god and all the others are fakes?

It's simply due to the fact that 'real God' isn't any more 'real' than his
imaginary peers.

> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?

He does -- in imaginary 'God' land. He beat them all up real bad then
reverted back to his really make believe and imaginary ways. And what
happened to the 'fake' Gods? Why they became even 'faker'! And what religion
does the 'true' imaginary 'God' represent? Why take your pick. There all

Good question, Bill. Just wondering, though - how would we be able to
know if it was really God who told us, directly from heaven?

You already have plenty of people who claim to have a direct line to
heaven. Of course, no two of these folks actually say the same thing,
so probably most of them are wrong - maybe all of them.

How can you tell that ANYONE is reporting correctly about God, or
even about the news? You really can't, unless you were an eyewitness
and know the truth for yourself. And if you were an eyewitness, you
have no need of someone else telling you what happened.

Probably the best thing to do is to get your answer directly from God.

If you don't think you can do that, then you need to look at fruit of
the message - what do the people with a particular message do with it,
what happens with them? Do they behave lovingly, kindly, patiently,
honestly, peacefully? Or are they arrogant, mean-spirited, dishonest,

The fake gods are what we choose to worship. Money is a good thing,
for example, when it is a tool we use. As a god, it is a terrible
thing. Some people worship money and sacrifice their health,
marriages, children, friends, etc. for it. To these people, money is a
false god. But money itself is not evil (nor the root of all evil;
that quote is properly, "For the LOVE of money is the root of all

The false gods are within us; we choose to worship things that are not
God, but that doesn't make those things unholy. It only makes our
relationship with them unholy.

Bill M wrote:
> A very simple god question.
> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
> real god and all the others are fakes?
> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?
"V A P O L L U A N" <nerrat73@netscape.net> wrote in message
> Bill M wrote:
>> A very simple god question.
>> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
>> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
>> real god and all the others are fakes?
>> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?


Why? And deprive you of your free choice to believe or disbelieve
without feeling coerced? Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) and
love doesn't coerce.
"Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in

> A very simple god question.
> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is
> the real god and all the others are fakes?

Because all of the gods throughout man's history have been the same and
only Divine One. All others are aspects of the Divine One. Most
religions have had the same basic precepts...love one another; take
care of the lesser of the community; treat one another as you would be
treated; etc.

Each society in different times and different places has had an aspect
or aspects of the Divine One to which they could relate.
> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?

Why bother? All have different aspects of the same Divine One.

Bill M wrote:
> A very simple god question.
> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
> real god and all the others are fakes?
> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?



1) there is not god.
2) god is there but unable to tell us
3) there are many gods, all of em! pick one! woo hoo!
4) the "basic" divine truths can be found in many or all gods
5) god has spoken at various times in various ways to people that
believed they spoke to god.

problem with 5: multiple people saying "I heard god and he said...."

when trying to decide on "which" god was the real deal we run into ALOT
of problems.

inductive and deducutive reasoning can be used.

i personally have been informed by various religions. The one I adhere
to is progressive christianity. christianity that uses it's brain and

paul tillich is an excellent author on the nature of god.

I also like the via negativa:

"negative theology - also known as the Via Negativa (Latin for
"Negative Way") and Apophatic theology - is a theology that attempts to
describe God by negation, to speak of God only in terms of what may not
be said about God.

In brief, the attempt is to gain and express knowledge of God by
describing what God is not (apophasis), rather than by describing what
God is.

In negative theology, it is recognized that we can never truly define
God in words. In the end, the student must transcend words to
understand the nature of the Divine. In this sense, negative theology
is not a denial. Rather, it is an assertion that whatever the Divine
may be, when we attempt to capture it in human words, we must
inevitably fall short."

ultimately I chose to believe that in humanity we see the image of the
divine. and that the perfect image of the divine was jesus. that is a
BIG leap from the question "why don't god talk to us and set us
but to delineate at length why i chose what I did would be kind of

because others have come to the question of how/if god speaks andfound
a different answer than me,


chiron613@gmail.com wrote:
> Good question, Bill. Just wondering, though - how would we be able to
> know if it was really God who told us, directly from heaven?
> You already have plenty of people who claim to have a direct line to
> heaven. Of course, no two of these folks actually say the same thing,
> so probably most of them are wrong - maybe all of them.
> How can you tell that ANYONE is reporting correctly about God, or
> even about the news? You really can't, unless you were an eyewitness
> and know the truth for yourself. And if you were an eyewitness, you
> have no need of someone else telling you what happened.
> Probably the best thing to do is to get your answer directly from God.
> If you don't think you can do that, then you need to look at fruit of
> the message - what do the people with a particular message do with it,
> what happens with them? Do they behave lovingly, kindly, patiently,
> honestly, peacefully? Or are they arrogant, mean-spirited, dishonest,
> violent?
> The fake gods are what we choose to worship. Money is a good thing,
> for example, when it is a tool we use. As a god, it is a terrible
> thing. Some people worship money and sacrifice their health,
> marriages, children, friends, etc. for it. To these people, money is a
> false god. But money itself is not evil (nor the root of all evil;
> that quote is properly, "For the LOVE of money is the root of all
> evil").
> The false gods are within us; we choose to worship things that are not
> God, but that doesn't make those things unholy. It only makes our
> relationship with them unholy.

===>ALL gods exist only in the believer's head, created by the
believer's imagination. And they are all DIFFERENT, since all humans
are different rom one another. Not even two twins are totally
"identical". And there's no other "god" or "God" or "G-D".
Unless, of course, you accept the Einstein-Spinoza concept that "God" is
Nature, the total mass-energy space-time Cosmos, a.k.a. the
"Multiverse". -- L
Sphere wrote:

> Bill M wrote:
> > A very simple god question.
> >
> >
> >
> > There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
> >
> >
> >
> > Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
> > real god and all the others are fakes?
> >
> >
> >
> > Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?

> The real One God of Christianity and the real One
> God of Islam are busy smiting each other right
> now.

.....and the Islamists are 'smarting' because an old fella in a white cloak
with gold trimmings and an overly large hat criticised their imaginary god,
and we can't have that "Kill the Infidels"

All very civilised this 'religion' thing isn't it?

> ---
> No essence. No permanence. No perfection.
Bill M said:
A very simple god question.

There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.

Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
real god and all the others are fakes?

Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?
He has....
"Pastor Frank" <PastorFrank@christfirst.org> wrote in message
> "V A P O L L U A N" <nerrat73@netscape.net> wrote in message
> news:1159129254.723990.173440@b28g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
>> Bill M wrote:
>>> A very simple god question.
>>> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
>>> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is
>>> the
>>> real god and all the others are fakes?
>>> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?


> Why? And deprive you of your free choice to believe or disbelieve
> without feeling coerced? Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) and
> love doesn't coerce.

Providing authentic communication and proof is NOT 'coercion'. It is
Get your head out of your imaginary gods ass!
Once upon a time in alt.atheism, dear sweet Pastor Frank
(PastorFrank@christfirst.org) made the light shine upon us with this:

> "V A P O L L U A N" <nerrat73@netscape.net> wrote in message
> news:1159129254.723990.173440@b28g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
>> Bill M wrote:
>>> A very simple god question.
>>> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
>>> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he
>>> is the real god and all the others are fakes?
>>> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?


> Why? And deprive you of your free choice to believe or disbelieve
> without feeling coerced? Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16)
> and love doesn't coerce.

What does your lovegod do to people who refuse to worship it? (Hint:
that's not love.)

Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department.
Plonked by Kadaitcha Man
Bill M wrote:
> A very simple god question.

> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.

> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
> real god and all the others are fakes?

> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?

The Islamic answer is very simple. God created Man and gave him some
autonomy and faculties to reason, reflect, acquire knowledge unlike His
other creation (Angels, Heavens, Earth, Animals, Plants etc ). With
this came responsibility, so God tested Man to see whether he submits
to Him willfully or rebels or denies His existence and/or authority. He
also sent Messengers and revealed books to make the straight path clear
for any one who wishes to follow it. Had God told directly from heaven
that He is the ultimate reality/Truth (Al-Haq) or destroy all other
fake gods than the point of testing would be useless and everybody
would believe.
Simply put, if the correct answers are provided before an examination
everybody will pass the exam, intelligent, hardworking or lazy/dumb.
"Abu Hamza" <ali711@sunnipath.com> wrote in message
> Bill M wrote:
>> A very simple god question.

>> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.

>> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
>> real god and all the others are fakes?

>> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?

> The Islamic answer is very simple. God created Man and gave him some
> autonomy and faculties to reason, reflect, acquire knowledge unlike His
> other creation (Angels, Heavens, Earth, Animals, Plants etc ). With
> this came responsibility, so God tested Man to see whether he submits
> to Him willfully or rebels or denies His existence and/or authority. He
> also sent Messengers and revealed books to make the straight path clear
> for any one who wishes to follow it. Had God told directly from heaven
> that He is the ultimate reality/Truth (Al-Haq) or destroy all other
> fake gods than the point of testing would be useless and everybody
> would believe.
> Simply put, if the correct answers are provided before an examination
> everybody will pass the exam, intelligent, hardworking or lazy/dumb.

It sounds like your god enjoys playing cruel games with his creations!
"Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> A very simple god question.
> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
> real god and all the others are fakes?
> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?

Why is it important to you to spread the sad, depressing
news of atheism IOW why do you feel the need to be an
evangelist of atheism? This seems to be your _mission_ ,

Dan Wood
On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 12:35:08 -0400, "Dan Wood" <danwood34@gmail.com>

>"Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>> A very simple god question.
>> There are thousands of gods and god beliefs.
>> Why does not the real god tell us directly from his heaven that he is the
>> real god and all the others are fakes?
>> Why does he not smite and destroy the fake gods?

>Why is it important to you to spread the sad, depressing
>news of atheism IOW why do you feel the need to be an
>evangelist of atheism? This seems to be your _mission_ ,

Why is it important to you to lie about atheists, to our faces?

What "sad, depressing news", deliberately nasty liar?

>Dan Wood
