Abortion [Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life]

Abortion is evil.... sex is not ment to be done by every person at every age its a intemit thing between a man and a women. Then their reward is a child they can bring up TOGETHER....
LPGirl said:
for those people who say "omgz omgz its murder its murder"
ITS NOT MURDER if you do it before 8 weeks its not.
at 8 weeks "it" does have a heartbeat, or can breath*either one* but before that its just cells, not even the size of a jelly bean.

Cells... heartbeat... whatever. It's still a human soul that your killing. Think about it from the unborn childs point of view. He/She doesn't get a say in whether he/she lives or dies so If someone came up to you and said that their going to just kill you... you'd like to have a say in that wouldn't you?

Whether their fully developed or not it's still a soul. If you kill something with a soul... that's murder. Even though the baby can't tell you him/herself whether he/she would like to be aborted or not still does not make it right. It's soul therfore it's human... IT'S MURDER

It does not matter if you are unable to take care of the child. You could always give it up for adoption. & if you THINK you are old enough to have sex then you ARE old enough to deal with consequences. Sex was originally for reproduction... not for pleasure. Deal with your consequences the right way. Don't run from them.

If you didn't want to have a baby then use birth control & condoms. Don't have unprotected sex, say "oops" then abort the baby because you aren't responsible enough to take care of it. As Allie said NO BABY IS A MISTAKE. & if you think they are then there is something wrong with you.

My mother told me that when she was pregnant with me.. my father left & my sister tried to convince her to get an abortion. She came so close to doing it, but then turned away. Why? Because as she claims "deep down I felt that you were something more then just a few cells. You were a baby. My baby and I couldn't do that to you." Those words remain in my mind.
I'll never forget the look on her face. The guilt in her eyes just for ALMOST getting an abortion with me. There was no possible way she could handle another child. The fifth child to be exact. But hey... she did. She didn't go through with the abortion. She had me. That would probably be the reason this subject is heart hitting with me.

I love my mother & I KNOW she loves me. She couldn't go thru with an abortion & I dont think I could either. It is murder. All because you can't hear the voice inside of you screaming "Mommy, please don't" does not mean it isn't murder. Think about that. The soul you can't see. The voice you can't hear. The life you just murdered.

There are alternatives & abortion doesn't have to be one of them. Adoption is AMAZING, but living up to your responsibility [the same responsiblity you supposedly had to have sex] & keeping the baby is the BEST.
If a foetus doesn't have a heartbeat and a brain until what, 8 weeks or something, then how can it have a soul, if humans actually do have one, or something like it?
This thing we call a soul, is really just neurological (word?) activity in our brain.
Isn't it via our "soul" that we get angry? When we get angry, it's because of certain chemistry happening in our brain.
Yes I do. I do in fact think I have seen some. I however don't believe a body can possess a soul, without a brain. But that's just my opinion.
FireHawk said:
well the women made the mistake live with ur mistakes...my mom was 18 when she had me....
That was her choice, but some people like to have their children when they're older.

misery said:
Your right. It is her body. But it's not her life that she's taking, it's the baby's.
She's taking her own life aswell. Chance of good carees thrown away by a baby.

So everybody's talking about souls and all that, so if you 'murder' the baby the soul goes away and finds another body. hey, problem solved.
Chris said:
That was her choice, but some people like to have their children when they're older.

She's taking her own life aswell. Chance of good carees thrown away by a baby.

So everybody's talking about souls and all that, so if you 'murder' the baby the soul goes away and finds another body. hey, problem solved.

well if you don't want children untill your older........DON'T HAVE SEX!!!! but nooooooo women and men don't think of that because there is always abortion if your not carefull!!!!!
allieking said:
well if you don't want children untill your older........DON'T HAVE SEX!!!! but nooooooo women and men don't think of that because there is always abortion if your not carefull!!!!!
Or people have safe sex because they wanna have sex and make love and show their love instead of words and flowers. And if something..ehh.. slipped through then its the choice to the woman.
You guys got to remember it's a very weird world we live in,

Forcing a woman to have a baby she doesn't want to have is rape. Having an abortion is murder.
Rape vs Murder? Well, the lesser of 2 evils is Rape. Make her have the baby then hand the kid over to social services. Any woman willing to have an abortion wouldn't make a good mother anyway.

Of course there's a million different situations that could affect the decision. But I can't think of a single situation where it's 100% the womans decision. She should have to talk to at least 2 doctors. Just being able to pop a pill is too easy a way to end a life.

When you want to adopt a baby, you have to go through a screening process. They should have a similar process for the woman. If she can give birth to the baby without major harm to herself, her mind and her life in general, rape her. After that if she doesn't want the baby no one is going to force her to be a mother.

Surgical abortion with permission of 2 doctors, yes.
Quicky abortion with no reason given to the dco, no.
Abortion pill, no.
Chris said:
That was her choice, but some people like to have their children when they're older.

She's taking her own life aswell. Chance of good carees thrown away by a baby.

So everybody's talking about souls and all that, so if you 'murder' the baby the soul goes away and finds another body. hey, problem solved.

THAT is totally untrue...the soul doesnt find another body....it goes to Heaven and never has a chance at life....Its sad really...makes me wanna cry.... :(
Penguinscanfly_88 said:
THAT is totally untrue...the soul doesnt find another body....it goes to Heaven and never has a chance at life....Its sad really...makes me wanna cry.... :(
1. You can't prove that or disprove.
2. Because of that, he obviously has his right to opinion on the matter.
3. Don't double post. Next time I'll delete.
Friðbjörn said:
If a foetus doesn't have a heartbeat and a brain until what, 8 weeks or something, then how can it have a soul, if humans actually do have one, or something like it?
This thing we call a soul, is really just neurological (word?) activity in our brain.
Isn't it via our "soul" that we get angry? When we get angry, it's because of certain chemistry happening in our brain.

When you where two months old chances are you wouldn't care if your mother was dieing or not. It's becuase the younger you are the less developed your brain/soul is. So just becuase a 2 week old embryo can't show emotion or thought does not mean it does not have it.


Now I am not trying to be gross, I am just saying. If you seriously want to "showy your love" and feel sex is the only way you can do it. But you don't want to have a child. Then there are are ways/positions you can have sex (eg anal and oral) I mean. Yeah, if you are really that desperate to show your love then I am sure this is a worthy substitute. I really doubt somethings as to which hole it is inserted in will matter.
Abortion should only be allowed for cases of Rape or if the woman could die from giving birth.

The child would suffer the concequences later in life if he/she was unwanted. Morever, as it was not concentual, the woman may not be ready, financial problems could cause concern and the child may not have a proper upbringing. Adoption seems to be what most anti-abortion people say, but seriously, giving birth is ****ing painful (mostly anyway), why would a woman have to go through that if she was raped? she wasn't ready for any of the responsibilities or the pain she'd suffer throughout the years.

If the womans life was at risk, she should be given the choice to save her own life. Most likely, the woman would anyway take the risk and give birth, but still, the woman having the baby is much more important imo. Plus the husband/partner may not be able to raise a child on his own. I know i'd be upset knowing that my mother died to give birth to me.
True it is painfully. But C-Section works. There are new methods to ease the pain. If she goes ahead and aborts some might say she is just as bad as the rapist himself. Becuase she is willing allowing another child to die. It's been proven that the majority of mothers that procede with Abortions (at a younger age) obtain phsycological problems later on in life associated with Abortion. God knows the last thing we need is more crazy people out on the streets.

Another thought to ponder is that there is no exact definition/moment when a child is consider human. Therefore it is open for opinion. Some believe that the minute the sperm cell starts to fertilize it's a baby, while others believe they are not truthfully a human being until they actually are born and "outta the hole". Therefore if abortion was allowed we would have to allow women to abort anywhere from 1 week to 9 month old child. Is that okay? That we kill off a 8 and 1/2 year old child? Becuase the minute you say you stand up for abortion you stand up for this. You can't say oh I agree with women having the rights to choose (unless the baby is 6 weeks or more older). That's basically hypocracy. If we allow abortion some people's beliefs on when a child is human/living vary therefore we have to allow all women an equal right to abort. (At least under the American Constitutional Law we do.)
Friðbjörn said:
1. You can't prove that or disprove.
2. Because of that, he obviously has his right to opinion on the matter.
3. Don't double post. Next time I'll delete.
Thank you, I was about freak out.