Abortion [Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life]

we had this debate in re...being a catholic school they were slightly biased, which is wrong, if youre going to put this argument forward to people the teacher at least should remain in-between (in my opinion)

they showed us a video of a baby (fully formed) being ripped out of its mother and the different instruments used in the procedure...the docotrs were THEN shown to throw the babies body into a bin where you could see a little hand covered in blood

naturally the class were all basically physically sick

as for the debate

i think niether of these opitions...i belive in prochoice
i think the mother should be given SERIOUS help in making her desicion but her desicion should none the less be hers, as all people have reasons for making the choices they do...
Here is a case that has to deal with abortion and a girl who was raped. She is mentally disabled 19 year-old. This is something new, if you look at the date at the top you will see that.


I personally think they should allow this woman to abort the baby. Firstly because she was raped. And secondly because she is mentally challanged. What do you guys think?
i think im meant to talk about this in english class sometime this year..
im not againt abortion, i think people have there resons to have an abortion.

like think about it beside rape and stuff, say some chick get pregnet and she is like a drugo and all, and she is forced to have the baby, if she doesnt want it she most likely wont care for it.
azemkamikaze03 said:
When you where two months old chances are you wouldn't care if your mother was dieing or not. It's becuase the younger you are the less developed your brain/soul is. So just becuase a 2 week old embryo can't show emotion or thought does not mean it does not have it.


Now I am not trying to be gross, I am just saying. If you seriously want to "showy your love" and feel sex is the only way you can do it. But you don't want to have a child. Then there are are ways/positions you can have sex (eg anal and oral) I mean. Yeah, if you are really that desperate to show your love then I am sure this is a worthy substitute. I really doubt somethings as to which hole it is inserted in will matter.

ooooorrr.. you could wear a condom? Then you know for sure that there can be no baby. Yes, there's a chance that it could break but what are the odds?

I think that you can have sex in any way but do it safe. But if you get pregnant and you dont want it, i'll laugh in your face but I dont care what you do with it. Your own stupid fault.
azemkamikaze03 said:
Not neccesarily good ones.

Now a mentally retarded mother giving birth...hmm okay maybe its slightly sick...but why kill the baby?...

yea true but then thats a chance...if yoove got a doctor with morals then im sure theyd refere the person to someone...usually people with mental difficulties are given a test to see if theyre capable of looking after a child...
but more often than not people usually have children for wrong reasons...thats when its badness...
yoo have these children having babies themselves to ghet a house...wtf 0.o

i dunno, personally i couldnt ever have an abortion (unless i was raped or something then circumstances might change obviously)
Chris said:
ooooorrr.. you could wear a condom? Then you know for sure that there can be no baby. Yes, there's a chance that it could break but what are the odds?

I think that you can have sex in any way but do it safe. But if you get pregnant and you dont want it, i'll laugh in your face but I dont care what you do with it. Your own stupid fault.
I already said that some people dont liek wearing condoms so im sayin diffren hole
Chris said:
lol. that sounds really funny :')

Its true... so true...

I don't mind condom's personally... ANYWAY!!


I beleive abortion is wrong in certain situations.. if a girl gets herself knocked up on more than one occasion, and is using abortion as birth control, thats obviously a problem. I'm also against certain types of abortion..

There's this one type, where they stick a vacuum-type tool in the mother's womb late enough where the baby actually has visible hands, fingers, arms, so on... Well, while using this strong vacuum, the baby's body is forcefully ripped apart while being vacuumed out of the mother's womb... I've seen pictures, its really a gruesome thing. Unfortunatly, its one of the better ways of abortion to make sure no harm comes to the mother...
Everytime I read this thread it reminds me of the South Park were Mrs. Garrison goes into to get an abortion. I would type what she said but I'm afraid that I might get a slap on the wrist from our local athorities. It had to do with scrambling the baby then queefing it out. XD
acdcrules04 said:
Everytime I read this thread it reminds me of the South Park were Mrs. Garrison goes into to get an abortion. I would type what she said but I'm afraid that I might get a slap on the wrist from our local athorities. It had to do with scrambling the baby then queefing it out. XD

That puts a beautiful mental picture in my head... :O
I'm 100% pro-CHOICE. You don't want one, fine. Don't impose that on me. I'm a Libertarian. So I say, if you want it done or need to have it done, then do. It's you're right&/or privilege (however you want to look at it). As long as it doesn't interfere with my civil liberties & don't expect me to pay for you. The government needs to give us more choices not fewer. That's also why there's violence. Kids are violent b/c they're bored. And if the Republicans get what they want & get rid of Roe vs. Wade, there still will be abortions. Back alley abortions, which is far more dangerous. It's a breeding ground for bacteria. They don't have reason to steralized. You can't ban everything. For example, smoking is banned in bars b/c it's bad for your heath. Well, so is drinking. Is that the next step? to ban alcohol? Didn't work before. People will find a way to do it. Same with abortion. Women will find a way. Abortion is a woman's choice & it's very important it stay that way. Men must stay out of it b/c they don't have that 9 months of carrying that child & the bond is or isn't. And if you can't have or don't want that child, Mommy, then don't have it. I've seen too many orphans brought up instituationalized, anti-social. They can not involve themselves with other human beings. They've grown up without love. Don't ever do that to a human being. Don't bring a human into this world without love. That's far more tragic. If Bush & his religious adgenda push this through, there are going to be many unwanted children. There goes your crime rate. Sky rocket out the window. Compationate converatism my ass. It's infringing on our rights. Our decisions.
Oh my god. . . well I just kinda skimmed thru the more recent post and heres what I have to say. . .

-A condom is only 98% affective so you wont know for sure.
-Victims of rape should be allowed to get an abortion. . . that I agree with. But only if there is proof as in there was an arrest against the male who raped the female or there is a case name to it.
-Girls who get more then one abortion within a. . . 5 year period should just get their tubes tied. Seriously. Either **** & take care of the consequences the right way or dont **** at all.
-Yea it does fall under "your rights" but you dont have the right to murder.
-Anal. . .ew. Oral is a fine subsitute. . . [just that I add]

I wasnt able to listen to the recording that TeaTime posted yet, but I will as soon as I can get home.
Chris said:
So if you're 19 and you're in college and you're studying for law-school or something and you get pregnant and she wants your advice and you say "ah, just live with it"

Thats the biggest Mickey Mouse bullshit ever.

So I guess im the only who really doesnt give a **** if a woman puts her child up for adoption or abortion. Its her body.

I would tell her to live with it because, if college was really so important to her, she would have been studying her pre-law - not having sex with some guy.
If she really cared about graduating from school, she wouldn't have taken the chance. :rolleyes: