Abuse of Moderator Status

bec said:
yeah. Ha ha...

So BB ,why don't you just admit the fact that you miss me? You admire me and you know it. I am everything you hate from a member. Yet ,you can't get enough of me. I'm not coming back to your forum ,unless you and only you invite me. :D But I will always be me. So don't even go there. Kiss Kiss Love!
tizz said:
HHMMM I wonder who banned me from chat LOL scared to talk to me are we? LOL

I will talk to you tizz. So whats on your mind? What is really bothering you about all this? I would like to know your feelings?
HEHE you are cute ;)

I am not bothered by it, just amused
(ok so aI am a little perturbed because I have no idea whay I have been singles out lately) But I get my giggles LOL
tizz said:
HHMMM I wonder who banned me from chat LOL scared to talk to me are we? LOL

That was rather rude.

I'll not forsake you Tizzie. LMAO :p

(Looks over shoulder for AIG)

It's ok to disagree with my poll, and it's ok to debate it with me, but it is quite another to modify my poll as a method of vengence.

Several people have noticed that there hasn't been much posting as of late. This is true. This phenom represents the reaction of the userbase to the wanton abuse of the mods.

In the end, what will happen is that people will stop connecting to GF all together.

You mods have to set the EXAMPLE of how a good GF member should behave.

You guys really need to chill with the abuses and not interfear in the free exchange of ideas.

When people see that the mods have chilled... useage will increase.


Oh what a crybaby!

Nobody modified your poll. I just ADDED another option to select from and you
sixes said:
So BB ,why don't you just admit the fact that you miss me? You admire me and you know it. I am everything you hate from a member. Yet ,you can't get enough of me. I'm not coming back to your forum ,unless you and only you invite me. :D But I will always be me. So don't even go there. Kiss Kiss Love!

You're so cute.

Yeah, I miss you...like a toothache. ;) No worries hun, you won't be getting an invite from me anytime soon. Um no actually, never. :)
It's time that Bob take a closer look at his moderators. There are some moderators that seem to abuse their status regularly. I think these moderators, some of whom I have stuck up for, need to be de-moded.

It's one thing to hang out in chat and harass people, however, it is quite another to unecessarily modify a non-idiiot box poll simply because the mod in question does not agree with it.

This uneeded abuse has to be delt with severly. As such, all of you who have been routinely abused by some of the mods should send private messages to GF (the site admin), which request the immediate de-modding of the offending moderators.


They abuse me regularly.

But I enjoy it.

You should learn to love it, too.
bec said:
You're so cute.

Yeah, I miss you...like a toothache. ;) No worries hun, you won't be getting an invite from me anytime soon. Um no actually, never. :)

BB break the chain! Women always want what they cant have. Dont hate me because you can't keep me. You can always look at my pictures..... Muah!
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Good nite BB.


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A motion on the floor ??

The only motion on the floor that is gonna get C.E.S. demodded is the Macarena.

What in the living **** are you even talking about ??

If you want a POLL about it, we can always do THAT too.;)
{Gives self the privaledge of having my vote count as a touchdown and field goal}

Bod Mod, bad... shame on you

{slaps own hand}

Just whip me.


And don't take it easy on me, just because you know me. :D
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phreakwars said:
A motion on the floor ??.

That sounds rather unsavoury, actually.

phreakwars said:
The only motion on the floor that is gonna get C.E.S. demodded is the Macarena..

You're right. CES can't dance, so the Macarena is safe for the meantime,

phreakwars said:
What in the living **** are you even talking about ??.

Mostly hate-tripe. Ate it up. It was good. Got any more?

phreakwars said:
If you want a POLL about it, we can always do THAT too.;)
{Gives self the privaledge of having my vote count as a touchdown and field goal}.

Oh, look, the phreak scores.

phreakwars said:
Bod Mod, bad... shame on you

{slaps own hand}


Bad mod. Shame on you ;)
sixes said:
This really seems dumb. Its just a forum. As the least popular member you can clearly see I really dont care wheather I'm labled an Idiot or a Saint. I can only speak for myself here, but I have fun no matter what the case may be. Mods abuse power on every forum you will go to. It comes with the job. If someone cant handle it try this forum. ---> http://theangerpoint.com A very wonderful forum of crybaby pussies! sign up now! LMAO

Oh, a ***** whipping is in order, methinks. What say you?
TH, your drama is becoming a bit ridiculous. He didn't modify your ENTIRE poll. He added an option. And what he said is true, your just having a hissy fit because the majority voted AGAINST YOU. Unbunch your panties and get a grip, please. I'm getting sick of your ****, and you need to stop harassing members because you don't like the way they vote.