Activists say no letup for health protests


New member
Well,, I guess I can agree with ya a bit there about McCain, he DID have his good moments and WAS robbed of his shot by Bush. Perhaps it was all his campaign guys fault, perhaps they were sparing him the horror. The REAL serious question back then was "WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MINDS WOULD WANT TO TAKE OVER WHERE BUSH LEFT OFF" Man, NOT ME.... Screw that noise. Obama will be a 1 turn President if he doesn't fix the masses. Won't matter what he can do for health care or world peace.

It's why I REALLY wish Republican congressman will start stepping up to the plate and being AT LEAST more supportive of the guy instead of the usual segment on a Fox news spin show ******** and complaining. They are a key to him accomplishing anything really. Nothing will get done for the better or for the worse until the masses are in sync with each other.

If he wanted to show himself as a REAL "messiah" he'd worry about that first before attempting any thing else to fix our broke a$$ country.





New member
It's why I REALLY wish Republican congressman will start stepping up to the plate and being AT LEAST more supportive of the guy instead of the usual segment on a Fox news spin show ******** and complaining. They are a key to him accomplishing anything really. Nothing will get done for the better or for the worse until the masses are in sync with each other.

If he wanted to show himself as a REAL "messiah" he'd worry about that first before attempting any thing else to fix our broke a$$ country.


I honestly don't think he cares. I may be wrong, but I feel he is fine with being a one term Pres as long as he does whatever he can to pass a Progressive agenda. I honestly think, and I think it's becoming more apparent, even in the media, that he is much more of a far left radical thinker than he led the masses to believe in the campaign.



New member
Nah, he's been ******* off the extreme left liberals over on DU quite a few times in the last 6 months, Part of the reason IS because of the health care debate. I don't like the way he wants HR 3200 done myself because all he is basically doing is offering a public option but at a price. He wants to let the insurance companies keep handling it even though it would be a single payer pool. To **** with that noise, that's just bowing down and kissing their butts and giving them what they want all along. A maintained control of our health care. If ANYBODY needs regulated big time it's health care, not the markets. I don't feel confident with his alleged promise from the insurance industry that they are gonna seriously reform, not with a sweet package deal like that ripe for the pickings just for them. That isn't single payer to me, that's forced monopolized insurance. But other, more centrist leaning Democrats see it as a good compromise to universal. Basically the government would be in the business of cutting checks to insurance companies instead of cutting checks to where they should REALLY go, the Hospitals.





Active Members
View attachment 2471

Sure, I imagine there are a few "professionals" in the mix, but most of the people I see speaking out against these things are real people, real voters, real tax payers who do not want this mess to pass.




New member
Sure, I imagine there are a few "professionals" in the mix, but most of the people I see speaking out against these things are real people, real voters, real tax payers who do not want this mess to pass.
99% of which haven't even read the bill, and are too stupid to realize the plan is to let them keep what they already have. :rolleyes: .




Active Members
99% of which haven't even read the bill, and are too stupid to realize the plan is to let them keep what they already have. :rolleyes: .

The Government plan does not have to make a profit, the ability to keep what you already have is erased by the elimination of free enterprise and competition. The Government system will be less expensive so the other insurance companies will be out of business.

You even admitted this yourself and said screw the insurance companies, I can quote you if you don't remember saying that.

Obama said in the interview being sent around that it will take about ten years to get rid of all the private insurance companies.

And the people not reading the bill are just like their represenatives. Every politician pushing this move is only doing so because of partisan politics, there is no "final" bill so nobody has "read the bill".

What we do know is what parts of it say, and those parts are very disturbing.



New member
The Government plan does not have to make a profit, the ability to keep what you already have is erased by the elimination of free enterprise and competition.

As long as I can fire the man-in-the-middle and hire someone else, I'm happy. That is the essence of the free market. You can't fire the government if they become your health care provider.

Right now, I'm shopping for life insurance. I have already visited two agents, and gotten competing quotes. What happens when the government takes that over? I'm pretty sure it will mean fewer options and more mandates.



New member
This is as old as civilization: You have a despot who wants to expand his power, and he finds someone or something to demonize. Here it's the insurance companies. Make them the focus of all that is evil in the world. You get the people so worked up about the evil insurance companies, you don't even see the greater evil of government health care sneaking up on you.


New member
A little bit back on the topic of the thread I don't know if the "mob" is wholly "grass roots" but I'm willing to bet that the "mob" wasn't hired through an ad in Craig's List...

Craigslist ads recruiting 'Obamacare' lobbyists

'Help pass Obama's health care reform! Earn $325-$550 per week!'

Posted: August 10, 2009

9:14 pm Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling

? 2009 WorldNetDaily

Amid accusations of insurance companies and the Republican Party deploying "Astroturf mobs" of health reform opponents, help wanted ads are appearing on Craigslist that offer to pay citizens between $9 and $16 an hour to lobby for the passage of Obama's health care.

The ads are being posted by the Fund for the Public Interest, which describes itself as "a national nonprofit organization working to increase the visibility, membership and political power of the nation's leading environmental and progressive groups."

View attachment 2472

One Sacramento Craig's List ad declares, "Help pass Obama's health care reform! Earn $325-$550 per week!"

It states:

Why is now the time to work for change?

Because we have a new president and new hope for a better America.

Because we need change like never before, on everything from the economy to climate change and more.

And because we know that the challenges we face, from ending our dependence on oil to winning the battle for equal rights, are huge ? and the politicians and powerful interests who stupidly and stubbornly resist change aren't calling it quits anytime soon.

America's leading advocacy groups are gearing up to meet these challenges this summer. In order to win, they need citizen support and grassroots action. That's where we come in.

At the Fund for the Public Interest, we've been organizing campaigns to protect the environment, stand up for the public interest, and defend human rights for more than 25 years. We've helped cut global warming pollution with Environment

America. And working with the Human Rights Campaign, we helped organize the grassroots opposition needed to defeat the discriminatory Federal Marriage Amendment.

Another Craigslist ad in San Francisco invited prospective applicants to "join motivated staff around the country working to make change happen."

"Now is our chance to make health care work," it states. "America's health care system is broken. Health care costs are spiraling out of control, throwing families, businesses and government into financial crisis. Families are worried their health coverage won't be there when they need it. Our country can't afford to wait for health reform that keeps costs down and protects consumers. We can't wait for affordable, dependable health care."

The same ad ran in the Craigslist Washington, D.C., section.

Similar ads were posted in Minneapolis, Minn., and Columbus, Ohio, sections.

Several blogs have noted that health care recruitment ads posted by the Fund for the Public Interest are springing up across the nation.

The Fund, listed as a top employer of college graduates, is a 501©(4) non-profit organization exempt from some federal income taxes that is hired by other political non-profits, such as the Sierra Club, Human Rights Campaign, Greenpeace, state Public Interest Research Groups and Environment America. Workers conduct door-to-door campaigns, street fundraising and telephone campaigns.

A recent federal class action lawsuit brought by thousands of current and former canvassers charges that the organization has paid less than minimum wage and refused to pay overtime compensation to its canvassers who work the streets collecting signatures and donations.

The D.C. Writeup reports that the Fund for the Public Interest "shuts down offices without prior notice, and fires workers if they do not collect enough donations."

According to the report, "The Fund has also been accused of facilitating voter fraud. In the summer of 2008, three people working for the Community Voters Project, which was affiliated with the Fund, were accused of filing fake voter applications in Virginia. The three found names from telephone directories and then, with made up Social Security numbers and birth dates, submitted the forms to election registrars."

According to its website, the Fund for the Public Interest has been hiring summer workers for door-to-door and street canvassing campaigns in the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin and Washington, D.C.
Craigslist ads recruiting 'Obamacare' lobbyists

classifieds - craigslist


Support Obama - REFORM HEALTH CARE Earn $9-$14/HR




Active Members
The problem is the Democrats are ****** off over the possibility that their own tactics are being used against them.

When Obama started in with the fake questions from his internet town hall meeting then the infomercial fake townhall meeting through ABC, he was the guy with completely created and false support for his program. Now people are trying to attach Obama's tactics to those who are against him but these are mostly real people, not the fake people the Democrats have.

Obama and company is employing Transference, they are seeing in other people what they themself do.

On the ending private insurance question, we see on page 16 of the house bill:

"Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day"

So once this public plan goes into effect, the private insurance companies cannot write new, or modify existing plans, only the Government will be allowed to add new members to their plan.



New member
"Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day"

Instead of copy and pasting shiit from a website TJ, go and actually read the bill and see what it is talking about.

16•HR 3200 IH




ERAGE DEFINED.—Subject to the succeeding provisions of

5 this section, for purposes of establishing acceptable cov6

erage under this division, the term ‘‘grandfathered health

7 insurance coverage’’ means individual health insurance

8 coverage that is offered and in force and effect before the

9 first day of Y1 if the following conditions are met:


11 (A) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in

12 this paragraph, the individual health insurance

13 issuer offering such coverage does not enroll

14 any individual in such coverage if the first ef15

fective date of coverage is on or after the first

16 day of Y1.


MITTED.—Subparagraph (A) shall not affect

19 the subsequent enrollment of a dependent of an

20 individual who is covered as of such first day.


22 CONDITIONS.—Subject to paragraph (3) and except

23 as required by law, the issuer does not change any

24 of its terms or conditions, including benefits and

25 cost-sharing, from those in effect as of the day be26

fore the first day of Y1.


Active Members
lol, what the heck are you talking about?

I posted the relivant line off the page, do you refute that it says you cannot get new insurance converage after this bill goes into effect?

How about addressing the point?



New member
Yeah, I'll address the point, your too stupid to realize this talks about a grandfather clause and when the cut off is for enrolling in a grandfather clause type program you moron.






Active Members
Yeah, I'll address the point, your too stupid to realize this talks about a grandfather clause and when the cut off is for enrolling in a grandfather clause type program you moron.
All existing insurance is considered grandfathered Bender.

Read the bill with less Obama worship and you will see the truth instead of your trying to twist new meaning into what is there.

So, based on the fact that "all" existing insurance coverage is considered "grandfathered" by the bill, the statement clearly says you cannot get new coverage.

Let me stupid this down a little so even you can understand it.........

It is not grandafathered if you don't already have it, the house bill force private insurance companies to completely change their offerings so they cannot compete against the Government insurance plan. Every expert who is respected in the field and not just an Obama operative has said about 150 million people will be forced into the Government plan inside about 5 years.

That does not leave much for private enterprise.

But as I said before, you even admitted before private insurance companies would be eliminated and you even added in the screw them line, too late now to pretend they will survive.



New member


This GRANDFATHER clause you are ******** about, is something the INSURANCE COMPANIES tossed in. Why would they do that?

Let's say your paying $200 a month right now for your premium, and you have a kid after the plan is inacted. The insurance companies don't want to allow you a different rate, they want to get more premiums out of you. So a consession that lawmakes had to make with the companies is to say.. OK, tell you what... We don't want you to deny coverage for others, so we'll allow a cutoff date that your current customers can have that they are gonna pay the same low rates they are already paying. We realize your gonna raise your premiums no matter what, so we are at least gonna have this clause in to PROTECT current insured customers.







Active Members
That is not what is written in the bill Bender.

Your so fast to tell everyone else to read the bill and offer exact words out of the bill and the bill does not say what your saying.

It clearly says "individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage".

If they are offering it, obviously they do not already have it, read further "if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day".

The effective date of coverage?????

Do you see that? Effective date.....that means it is not already in force at the time of this bill, that is the definition.

Take your own advise, read the bill and stop being a blind follower of your messiah Obama.

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