angelwithburntwing's journal


New member
Don't berate yourself just becuase you're nOOb! You are a GREAT member!

Your lesson works quite well, I think alot of people have followed it more or less, over the last few days. :(



New member
ur not a noob....... u stopped being a noob ages ago

i really effected my happyness too but these people know more about me then my closest friends



New member

since mcgowan's been here i feel like a sister to him. hearing all his problems and tryin to deal with it the same way. well i guess i have nothing else to say!

Well thank you. I always feel like a noob unless I've been on a forum over like 6 months, and made a thousand posts or so. and LS, you rock, thanks for listening to me and my **** lol, you're a true friend, you all are!

Let's keep this forum together people!

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