Azem's journal

What reminds you of me

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4everLP_Shinoda said:
I know it´s offtopic but I remember some1 in here that always said that,after posting a comment he/she always added *jumps out of a window* :p

Hey I remember that! It was weird..anywho I PMed you Azem! :D
Eh thanks brit...i apriciate it. You know even if we arent dating your still my baby! but yeah.....srry ur depresed.....but..we gotta move on...make the best of life nah mean?

well i went to the mall
bought a gn and a poster of amy lee ate subwat came home
uh oh.... this isnt' gonna end well... im gonna shut up now and TRY my very hardest to get in anything.... unless you need me help Azem.. im takin his side cuz i know him better then CB7 but no offense to ya girl....

ne waiz.. im glad to see you are or were doing better.. ok Azem.. have you put your pic up yet!?... im not putting mine up cuz i can't get it on so thats spiffy.. i don't have low self-a-steem cuz if anyone has to say anythin about me.. its like "thats nice f*ck off now" but sure.. are you gonna participate in the guy contest thing!?... send me a pic of you.. my email is ok..... if you do that i will send my pic to you.. but i promise i will NOT post your pic if you don't want me to... whats your emial.. i'll send you mine anyway.. but DON"T post it.. !!!!!!!
Chestersbabi7 said:
LPpinkfreak..i think its better you stay outta this...thanks
yea see.. already decided on that.. and yes im staying out of it. all i ask is that you guys dont fight.. especially not in here. this thread it for Azem.. not fighting ..... ..thats it that is my peace.. i'll shut up now..

Started off tired. I was feelin a tad bit depressed so i didnt use thick spikes. i just spiked the front. I went to skool. Talked to Steven at the lockers then chad came in with his head shaved like a bowl kut kinda. I walked dwn to homeroom. Sat down talked to ben and chad for a while. I was telling them that today i turn over a new leaf. No longer will i stand and watch you guys enjoy urselves(chads not single but he messes w/ other girls anyways.) So they sed lol thats kool. Uhh i talk about chicks. Then i went to history. that class was kinda long and lame....then i went to gym and went outside to the track. i talked to this kid while i walked. we discussed what kinda car we wanted. Went back got dressed out and left. Oh national weed smoking day is on the twentieth for any potheads..not me. Well my friends decided i need to grab some ass. i hadnt done it in over half a year..and it was time to get in shape. I was still kinda sad..but i needed some cheering up. i ddnt grab the ass though. Um usually i dont give hugs..but they still ask. so ended up giving in..only becuase i felt i needed one. lol then another person was like hey hamid i want one! lol..chad tried to hug me. i pushed him off.durin science this girl said "I know hamid's a man Ive seen that THANG!" lol she winked at me to play along. "yeah definately" i replied. everyone thought it was true. she went on about her givin me head and everything. finnaly i sed nah jp. lol. well i njoyed myself.......did stuff i havent done in forever

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