Azem's journal

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anyways today
Im still running the hawt chick thing fridays the last day. for readers of my fanfic Dont worry. ill update it...i took a small break becuase of writers block. Today i went to skool in all home room i bragged about all the awsum poster i have...i did this weird sound that ppl love and hate. Then i went to class. mr Hillinburgs class was easy cuz there was a sub. I had alredi finished the book so i slacked off and read the GN called Preist. Pick it up its awsum. Well, that class went the i went to Algerbra 1a. Uhh we had a sub so i basically talked to Amanda, Megan and Anthony(weelchair kid) for that class. then i went to history. i didnt do crap but listen to a guest speaker. He was telling us about Next year wen i start high skool he sed i need 5 credit to be sophomore 10 to be junior 15 to be senoir. blah blah blah..i decide to take piano spanish and fine arts intro(pain in the ass class) for my electives. Im taking honors government..honors litarute/ science..and Geometry or Algebra 1B i dunno. Uhh then i went to lunch. I brought my lunch. Megan didnt go up to get luch so she moved down a couple of seats. she was asking me what i was eating why does it have lettuce..basikally dumb questions. She was like dopnt get rude w/ me ill pour your caprisun on you. I wast like watever! AND SHE DID not alot but still! So i took and and sprayed it all over her pants! He was like OMG! lol the she was likle guys we arent talking to Hamid. i was like suits me....that didnt last long...Uhh..i tried to shoot dimes down lindsay's cleavage..i was on a mssng streak today..:(. But I eventually got her. Jessica Emich Slapped the living **** out of my back. It STUNG! so i was going to like get her back and accidently slapped her ass.....HARD!.....But yeah went back to history..did some more intro to highskool shiot. AKA an easy cl_ASS. Went to gym and played baskt ball w/ steven and some dude named skott. I was murdering them..the skott ditched us and it was just me and stven..we strted loosing. CUz it was 3 to 2. Then STEVEN DICTHED ME! so it was me vs 3...i lost. i through shoes in a shoe war in the locker awsum. Then i went to home ec and learned about types of food and crap. Chad attempted several time to give me a titty twista. Umm I sat @ a table w/ Chad courtney amanda and megan. We talked. uhh i did my woik :).I got hit several times...i dunno why girls just like to torture my soul. OHH i forgot i sprayed an assload of this strong smeeling axe down amanda shirt LOL. Chad and I had and AXE spraying then english.again..da good old sub was still their. I talked to tara..cuz i had nuttin to do....she told about how steven is such a retard...LOL...uhh she sung kuz she a crazy prep in the making...but shes real kool...uhh i was reading preist and she was reading over my shoulder so i just gave it to her to read. Thats what i get for saying "awsum! the dude blasted the ****ing horse and stabbed it! No one ever does that in a battle!" lol caught her attention. So she was reading it...then i think courtney or jessica harding..took my lil bookbag...i went to get and they were like can i get a hug? .....i only gave jssica a hug becuase im not a hugging person...and she was the closest. I called called a teddy bear...cuz im soft er sumptin i sapossed :Rollseyes: Amanda was sitting by herself so i went and asked why was she so quiet? >usually shes complaining and talking lol< yeh than i went and sat @ my seat and talked to Ashlee. I finally got sum1 who uses their damn SN. well...then i was throwing papper at ashly...courtney...and not AShlee cuz she would kick me in the nards...>.<....uhh i talked to austin......then.. said rock on to the passing by elementary kids outside. Megan was slightly hitting i think crtney w/ a chain. i luaghed and said OHH kinky! lol the were like eww only Hamid would think of rung..gathered my **** and went on the bus...uhh i talked to melaniuh. and sara and brandon..and brittany on the buss....i dissed out we call her peperoni nipples! lol i made it up....she deserves it..shes a wannabe bitch if thats and melaniuh talked sum trash to each other..i flicked her off and she was like uhh no thanks..grow sumptin first....i said thats ok wen you have my twelve footer in your mouth then try to say it again..she rolled her bussed droped her off and everyone else...then me chenelle and lanelle got off and went to our delightful little homes........Lol thats my day
Hamid, u know your a sexi beast...get over yourself, and put it on the "Hot guy thread"..umm you sounded like you had a DANK day.. lol AXE rocks.... lol.. Whats up with guys and clevage I got lil peices of clay thrown down my shirt... hmmm... i dunno.... lol
april 1st

well im sick again i have been
I went to skool. talked to chad and ben. lol chad brought a hentai pik to skool lmfao. ahh man...lets see went to home ec and goofed off. me and chad like fake fought...i talked to megan amanda..kourtney...jssica..other...steven

lets see i told ppl april fools jokes. I did the party boi beat. uhh got ben jssica and megans SN finnaly..i keep on 4getting lol....i uhh made cleavage shots on amanda and melania....i tried to start a food fight...didnt work...i stole to razors from shop not going to cut though LOL. i pretended i was going to stab amanda..she hates blood and sharp much fun....uhh i wrote a letter to my english teacher telling him sumptin he didnt know! LOL i sed i really loved women..i gave him reasons why....uhh more later PEECE :thumbsup:

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