Azem's journal

What reminds you of me

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Today is a kinda sadish day.
Shani is a lil upset and thats not kool. When Shani is upset I am upset. And When I am upset DAMNIT ss1 looses a finger an people die! they die randy they just do!

Im going to cry to keza.
Anyways she logged off on me. Wow what a loser i am. Anyways. Im bored. Ive been checkin in with my skewl and ****. Listeinin to All These Thing ive done by Killers. Um, I havent slept all day again. I dont plan to either. Havent talked to megan in a while. I talked to Ashliegh though. We just talked about freshman year. Shes going to Harford Tech. (A smart school) Im not i didnt make it in. But im gunna make the best of it. Anyways we just kinda talked. So meh. WHo cares.
Edit: Well im talking to court...its cool i guess.....IM SORRY SHANI! if i did anyting to hurt u.

Um well im gunna go throw up and cut my wrists. Im guna put on black eyeliner and go seems to be in and i wanna be in so im gunna do it to be 'cool'

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Well, it's official. I'm ****ing pissed. I was in a very deep relaxing sleep. I felt so comfortable and everything man. And I get my sister screaming for me to wake up. I had a lovely pile of dishes that needed washing. God everyone was talking and my sister ****ing jumping around and ****. ANd the ****ing dishes were a complete dick in the ass to wash. To top it off, the minute i get on the cpu my sis is like I'm getting on in an hour. SO that means the whole time i was washing the ****ing dishes she was doing NOTING. and the minute i get on she wants on. How ****ed up is that? I woke up tired and groggy and everyone just decide to push me and piss me off. Lpp was making some happy poem **** and I told her off. I'm just not in a good mood and please don't leave any damn replies about how sorry you are and how you hope i get better.
AHAHAHAHA...who said i'd symapthise...that was my brother this morning, but we get our own computers so haha. So everything is big in texas...? you actually answered that HAHA.
She gets away with it becuase we stay up till 2 oclock in the morning just talking about nothing. We always talk so I don't care if she does

Forgotten-I'm gunna die. That's what I shall do. Bleh!

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