Azem's journal

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long day
kinda dad stopped me from going takin a quick hour long nap wen i get home from school. i was pissed cuz when i get home from school im exhuasted...usually i take a nap and kinda freshen my mind and im good. but try tellin him that..

then whenever i do my homework i listen to music, not like with vocals just classical or the instrumentals...kinda helps me think. its even been proven that classical helps u think and i brought that out on my dad becuase he has a bachelors degree in Phsycology but he was like
oh when i study for my college homework theres no way i can study while music is playin..

wat he fails to realize is the im a totaly diffrent person than him

im tall hes short, im an artist/writer he does science and math, thats just like two things but i got 100000 more

cant wait till i move
lpf house is under way

lpf con is still in the long and painful works lol

uhh i made 3 sigs yesterday there all in the sig showcase thread and in my lil kronik gallery thing just incase u wanted to see, if want a sig ask and i might make it depens on how i feel.

kinda bored right one to really bug. schools tommorow i cleaned my room if thats anything good.

hmm i didnt really have anything to say>.< just felt like dropping by...hope alls well sweetie ^^ hows the story going?
stories goin good big K.

Well, good news. You will hear a track from Azk this year. XD
This guy I know that goes by Sickle Cell has a small little studio that consists of a Mic, Keyboard, CPU, Acid 4.0, Adobe Audtion, a fridge, and a bathroom. Lol. I might laydown a low budget track soon. I don't know how soon but keep your fingers crossed.
Well ive been working on some lyrics...the first track is gunna be more of a fight, i dont give a ****, kinda song.... somethin like

Someone said death had a first name
Hence Why The Bible Says Dont Say Azk In Vain

something along thoes lines of a dont push me kinda mainstream track..ill make more unique ones later but i love these kinda tracks and ive always wanted to make my own
For the past 3 weeks me and sam have been kinda distant..i tried talkin to her but everytime i did i only got interupted. So...I was going to ask her out...on friday but..there was a rumour going around she had a bf..and she didnt. So then today i was going to ask her out...and well she has a bf...she just got one...u guys were right. i waited to long. I almost cried in school man i was so damn pissed. Anger at my own insecurity 1st courtney then jazzy now this! I wanted to be soo careful and I got ****ed over. Pisses me the **** off, becuase Ive been tryin so hard to be a good person. I try to do whats right I skip all these parties becuase I know people are gunna be lighting up and drinkin and it gets me no ****in where. I was so pissed and i was supposed to drop a track today for u guys to hear but i mean its just been bottled up since ive gotten home and I havent let it out but now I am. Im just so sick of being ****ed over man. **** tryin to do whats right never benifits. **** that ****. i mean lemme just go back to playin bitches drinking not givin a **** becuase life at least had some benifits then...
*slaps you across the face*

Yes, i know what it is like to finish last.

It is true that nice people always finish last, but look at them they are ****ing famous, ****ing cool and plain awesome.

most movie stars were nobodies stuck in a self made nowhere, would never get a second glance now they are lucky to ever get a second of privacy.

I am not saying you are going to be a movie star but life is what you make it, there is more to life then pimpin' and lighting up. You yourself admitted to it getting you no where. I mean for a few seconds of fun it is all good but then what comes after that?

You are a good kid, with good morals..don't beat yourself up over this. There is someone better out there.
azemkamikaze03 said:
by the way i finnaly heard sober by tool
Awsome awsome song!

Hamid, ITS NOT FAIR! Im sorry to hear that you missed your chance. Im sorry if I seemed to rush you, but Im not gonna say 'I told you so'. She is probably going out with some loser who isnt better then you. If you would of asked her earlier Im positive that she would of said yes. Your like a woman pleaser, haha. :)
More girl issues. Lol just when you think its over bam analy raped with new problems but ****em

new like?
My life is like allergys. Clogged up so I really dont know whats goin on. Spring is like horny season for girls...ill tell u that much...Gawd talk about touchy feely...Stephanie is like all huggin me and all over me and im like get off! becuase shes doin it in front of the girls im tryin to get to know....Gawd...and then Amanda lol i told her she was a lesbo...she had to geein it out to. Some much crazy ass lyrics im telll you guys. I have 3 songs in the works

One is called Kool-Aid, its over the delievernce beat with bubbasparxxx and gives a look back on childhood and the goodness

devil is alive im gunna catch him
I thgouht he was my mother becuase the way she be smackin
hit in me in the face at least a couple of times
but hell her upbringing is why i so dillengently write rhymes
**** the ghetto man we was ridin up in the woods
stayin outside till 830 if my mamma said i could
playin wit power rangers and thundercats
makin forts out of pillows and guns outa bats

Number two is called Lost Cuase, its my deepest of the three but possibly wont be made for a while. Its really deep and interacate and really complicated to rap over the Kneji beat. It's my best lyrics ever. Ill promise you that, but seeing as though they are good, they are hard as hell to rap. Real long. Dramatic aswell.

A metal wad flew accross the sky
chalk up the toll as 12 more die
close eyes and pray for the lost
turn to the leader, LT Moss
and wait for instructions from the man
meanwhile dodge the bullets of taliban
say "nothing can last this damn long"
the enemies seem to wanna prolong
the war
thats meant to save their own country
How could it be how could it be
then you hear cry from under the dirt
you run and say "little boy are you hurt?"
he cries and tries to runaway
you grasped his arm and tried to allay
but he doesnt seem to undestand
so you slightly let go of his hand
and he runs farther away from you
12 yrs from now you'll remember this que
So you turn back to your weary battalion
but theres no sign of Fifty First Stallion
Your eyes start water and you fall to your knees
you realize you cant move let alone breathe

Number Three is my newest concepted song code named Grim. its over a eminem beat called G to Sleep. It's me basically rapping about being synonomous to the grim reaper and cuasing death havok typical ****. Nice little flow and anger let out on this one. Its very much eminemish but with that Azk typical shittyness you have yet to hear. I might get my partner Nox D to drop a line or two....still in the early stages...

im the icing to the cake
without me your nothin
you say your better than me?
Please you be bluffin
Im lyrically ****in you in the ass
and I bet you love it
my rhymes is so orgasmic you tryin to dub it
you want twice the pleasure
and twice the pain
They made a commandment about me
Dont say Azk in vein

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