Bad Habits.

RoyalOrleans said:
I've tried to quit, but I see a drain accompanied by the sound of water. One plus one equals pee-o-rama!
Like george costanza said "it's all pipes"LOL!!! very curious. No one said masturbation.

Is masturbation a habit? I suppose it would qualify as such.

My bad habits??? Hmmm........
I masturbate alot.
I smoke anything flammable.
COFFEE. **** an A I love coffee.
Cursing. I use the word '****' as an adjective.
...bout it I reckon.
Jhony5 said: very curious. No one said masturbation.

Is masturbation a habit? I suppose it would qualify as such.

Yea and i am semi-chronic. When your single...and most of your "soulmates" ar on VHS..then yes...its a habit....but at least it is in the natural realm!

I bite my fingernails, smoke like a chimney, drink like a fish, try to find the best in everyone (including my worst enemies) like a very special and sad episode of Full House, Think things out too much but still get defensive before i have thought it out, like SOME reality tv.....

Its a sad sad world...
I was a smoker, but I quit last year. I still miss it sometimes!!

I guess my remaining bad habit is cursing. I really have to watch myself when I go on those 2nd grade field trips. Don't need the little ones learning any new words from me!!
Alright it is a little odd, but I can't stop chewing toothpicks. I'm chewing one now. If I don't have one, then I feel weird. And I've been told it is disgusting, especially when the end gets all chewed up and I leave it somewhere, like the arm of the couch when I get up. How bad is it? Sometimes I find myself chewing a toothpick and I don't remember when/where I got it. I keep toothpicks in two rooms in my three room apartment, just so I don't have to get up when I get the craving for a toothpick. I don't even know how I got started. I need to stop, or so I'm told.
angie said:
I smoke. I pick my fingernails-sometimes.

Same here. I used to bite my nails bad though, until I started smoking, now I just mess with my nails if they're breaking off or something...Smoking is a bad habit, but when I bit my nails I got sick all the ****ing time...Especially when I was still in school..I guess I spent too much time on the computers where all the nasty little ****ers put their hands first.
JSUSCG said:
Alright it is a little odd, but I can't stop chewing toothpicks. I'm chewing one now. If I don't have one, then I feel weird. And I've been told it is disgusting, especially when the end gets all chewed up and I leave it somewhere, like the arm of the couch when I get up. How bad is it? Sometimes I find myself chewing a toothpick and I don't remember when/where I got it. I keep toothpicks in two rooms in my three room apartment, just so I don't have to get up when I get the craving for a toothpick. I don't even know how I got started. I need to stop, or so I'm told.

Nothing wrong with that. I used toothpicks and sunflower seeds as a pacifier when I quit smoking.
RoyalOrleans said:
Nothing wrong with that. I used toothpicks and sunflower seeds as a pacifier when I quit smoking.

Thank you. You've given me another argument to use when one of my roommates says something about it.
I don't know if you'd consider this bad, but...
I have this weird habit of smelling detergents and other household cleaning products. If I'm in a store and I walk by the soap/laundry aisle, I have have have to go through and smell everything, or I freak out.
Jhony5 said:
**** an A

no, **** a B it has more holes.

my bad habits?

I did drugs
Am obsessed with firearms to an annoying point
And i sleep 17 hours out of the day.....

Oh, and i like to prove people wrong, even if i don't have to.

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