Bible Prophecy & The Scientfic Method


New member
What I find the most unforgivable, is the indoctrination of little children.
Can you not see how the materialistic, naturalistic, and secular approach to everything in schools, science, and government is indoctrinating children as well towards an atheist view? Can you not admit to atheist indoctrination? It is occurring. You say the religious refer to nonbelievers as 'dirty sinners' yet you seem to miss the atheists who refer to believers as 'idiots, brainwashed, etc.' There is a push towards materialism that is eliminating our spirituality. I see church and spirituality as a balance to the secular indoctrination. Sorry but there is atheist indoctrination as well.

I'm done here. I can't listen to anymore of your ****. I'm going to button-silence our latest theist now too.
lol Suit yourself. It's awesome be on someone's ignore list because you can reply without ever worrying about receiving a rebuttal. It's like free ownage and the automatic last word.

Anyways, you already stick your fingers in your ears and say 'Lalala there is no ***' so now you can do the same and say, 'Lalala there is no Phantom.' I'm in good company. *** seems to be on your ignore list, too. ;)



New member
lol Suit yourself. It's awesome be on someone's ignore list because you can reply without ever worrying about receiving a rebuttal. It's like free ownage and the automatic last word.
hehehehe.. yay us

Right, eddo? ;)



Active Members
Anyways, you already stick your fingers in your ears and say 'Lalala there is no ***' so now you can do the same and say, 'Lalala there is no Phantom.' I'm in good company. *** seems to be on your ignore list, too. ;)
The funny thing is they all said the same about me. If you have strong beliefs in *** and strong stable morals they don't even believe you should be listened to. To them a change of a law also changes the morals as in an abortion.

Man has done bad things in his time on this world, anger and passion can cause a human to make mistakes in judgement in the heat of the moment, but it has always been our foundation of moral principles based in faith that has offered us the ability to look at what we did and correctly judge our actions after the passion fades.

This is how we kept ourselves honest.

Athiests want to take away this element of society.

This removal of solid morals is what allowed men like hitler to do what he did, everything from raw murder to the medical experimentation on live humans was all made possible by setting aside their *** insired morals in favor of the Athiest belief structure where laws and rules set by a man was the only consideration for their actions.




Originally Posted by Phantom

lol Suit yourself. It's awesome be on someone's ignore list because you can reply without ever worrying about receiving a rebuttal. It's like free ownage and the automatic last word.

quote Wez

hehehehe.. yay us

Last words are for fools who haven't said enough already.


OOpps, should have gone in the quotes thread



New member
You read about war and terrorism every day. I think we can all agree that there is good and evil. It's an enigma that we cannot stop. Can any atheists tell me how to eradicate evil?


If *** is on the good side then I'm all for him.



New member
You read about war and terrorism every day. I think we can all agree that there is good and evil. It's an enigma that we cannot stop. Can any atheists tell me how to eradicate evil? So...

If *** is on the good side then I'm all for him.
No one wants to believe that *** is on the side of their enemy.

Take religion, even faith, out of the concept and you have the ignorant throw down their arms and the greedy war orchestrators will have to fight their own battles. Add Patriotism, love of the land, respect for the security of your people; and you have a cause to continue fighting.



New member
The *** of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. ~ Richard Dawkins


Isn't this the same *** you refer to, when speaking of how you're above hate, things that are unjust, bullys, control-freaks, and people of violence?

I guess you found a new enemy.



New member
The *** of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully. ~ Richard Dawkins

Isn't this the same *** you refer to, when speaking of how you're above hate, things that are unjust, bullys, control-freaks, and people of violence?

I guess you found a new enemy.

Ummmmm.. no.. it isn't.. I don't define ***.. How the **** could I? Haven't met him/her/it yet.. and who knows if I ever will.. I don't. Perhaps death will be just like before I was born.. Nirvana.. Nothingness.. Sounds to me people made that sh t up to control people through fear whilst living..

*** = Whatever the cause behind human existence, period. That's as close as I can know.. Sorry.

Above? Not really.. my instincts just tell me it's wrong.. just like yours do. I'm not above being violently bullied by hateful, unjust, control freaks.. I just choose not to be one and verbally speak against those who are. Not rocket science.

Who's my new enemy? Enlighten me..

btw.. does *** have a *****?



New member
Ummmmm.. no.. it isn't.. I don't define ***.. How the **** could I? Haven't met him/her/it yet.. and who knows if I ever will.. I don't. Perhaps death will be just like before I was born.. Nirvana.. Nothingness.. Sounds to me people made that sh t up to control people through fear whilst living..

*** = Whatever the cause behind human existence, period. That's as close as I can know.. Sorry.

Above? Not really.. my instincts just tell me it's wrong.. just like yours do. I'm not above being violently bullied by hateful, unjust, control freaks.. I just choose not to be one and verbally speak against those who are. Not rocket science.

Who's my new enemy? Enlighten me..

btw.. does *** have a *****?
So you have either never studied the Old Testamant or believe it to be wrong?



New member
So you have either never studied the Old Testamant or believe it to be wrong?

Both... never been to church, never will.. I don't take the bible as the unquestioning word of ***.. Specially when it involves sh t to control people. I like the words of Jesus.. the truth. Words of life, not life after death.



New member
Both... never been to church, never will.. I don't take the bible as the unquestioning word of ***.. Specially when it involves sh t to control people.. I like the words of Jesus.. the truth.
So you admit you only "cherry pick" what parts that you agree with, when in comes to the Bible and Christianity?



New member
So you have either never studied the Old Testamant or believe it to be wrong?

Both... never been to church, never will.. I don't take the bible as the unquestioning word of ***.. Specially when it involves sh t to control people. I like the words of Jesus.. the truth. Words of life, not life after death.
How can you know what it does or doesn't say if you haven't studied it?



New member
So you admit you only "cherry pick" what parts that you agree with, when in comes to the Bible and Christianity?

I cherry pick what I know to be true.. like everything I ever saw that Jesus said.



New member
You just insinuated that parts of it are untrue...
Well, I think parts of it in the literal sense, from what I have read, are untrue.. I tend to put the real world into the perspective and try to understand the words in relation to that. Not pagan magic and 1 fish turning into a bucketful out of thin air.. World don't work that way. Against the laws of physics..

If what that moron up there in IWS's post says is supposedly true, it's bullsh t. "***" isn't evil.. blah, blah, blah.. Whatever the cause of the universe and everything in it = ***, period. To define it any further = assnine.

That being said.. everything Jesus ever said is true about us humans.. that I can know.. and do.



New member
Well, I think parts of it in the literal sense, from what I have read, are untrue.. I tend to put the real world into the perspective and try to understand the words in relation to that. Not pagan magic and 1 fish turning into a bucketful out of thin air.. World don't work that way. Against the laws of physics..

If what that moron up there in IWS's post says is supposedly true, it's bullsh t. "***" isn't evil.. blah, blah, blah.. Whatever the cause of the universe and everything in it = ***, period. To define it any further = assnine.
So we are to just assume what wez says Jesus says is the way things should be according to wez, it's right, but there are other things the same person says is bs and crazy **** and if wez doesn't agree then it's wrong?

All in all, if what Jesus would do is what wez agrees to = Good and right.

If what Jesus would do or say isn't what wez agrees to = Bad and wrong.



New member
So we are to just assume what wez says Jesus says is the way things should be according to wez, it's right, but there are other things the same person says is bs and crazy **** and if wez doesn't agree then it's wrong?
All in all, if what Jesus would do is what wez agrees to = Good and right.

If what Jesus would do or say isn't what wez agrees to = Bad and wrong.
I don't disagree with anything Jesus said..

what the **** you talkin' about, Willis?

Here's the law..

Whatever is ok for me to do to another human being is ok for every human being to do to me. Period. ~ wez



Whatever is ok for me to condone doing to another human being is ok for every other human being to condone doing to me. ~ wez



Apply to every scenario...


There's no, except if...

Right = right

Wrong = wrong

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