Bob is a racist


New member
This is old and so unaccurate, but I'm not even gonna waste my time arguing about dribble with hard headed people. Much like why I don't even bother arguing about the Arizona law. Hopefully people will see the err of their ways one day.

Why is it unaccurate or lame?

What is, "unaccurate"?



New member
Some may dissagree out of reaction but I really am a very smart guy, sure I have my opinions but I am always ready to hear how I can be wrong and I am ready. willing, and able to adjust my possitions on just about anything should someone have the ability to show me how I am wrong on something.
Kind of like I had said before in another thread about "having class" or "being classy", that in my experience if you have to tell people you are or you do, you probably don't and are not, if you have to announce that you are "smart"...

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You wake up one day and you get ready for work, eat a light breakfast, and take your usual drive to start your day, never understanding that you are about to be transformed into a racist. While at work a down on their luck, hard working couple from Mexico breaks into your home and move in. When you come home after a long day you discover the couple cooking some food in your kitchen and you’re surprised. You attempt to talk to them but obviously they do not speak English so you call your next door neighbor because you know he speaks Spanish and after some time with them talking he turns to you and tells you that they are poor people who need your help and they will be living with you from now on……
If there are Mexicans in my house cooking dinner, it's probably because I'm paying them to do so.

You stand there not really believing what was just said and you tell your neighbor that these people can’t stay in your home, that you feel bad they have some hardships but you can’t take responsibility for their lives when you have your own problems to deal with. You neighbor looks at you funny, then says, “You know Bob, I didn’t know you were a racist�.
I'm not kicking them out of my house before they finish cooking my dinner.

Suddenly you can feel a little uneasy and even a little angry, you wonder at how this guy can call you a racist just because you don’t want someone breaking into your home and living off you so you try to explain that this has nothing to do with race, your just not capable of taking responsibility for fixing the broken lives of strangers who break into your home. But that has your neighbor on the phone and before you know it, you now have 30 Latino people on your lawn with signs all calling you a racist.
Obviously, it is time to break out the garden tools.

“Bob is a racist� is chanted in your front lawn and your neighbor is sitting down to eat a meal with the people who have taken over your home while all you can do is ask yourself a question….�how did I become a racist?�
Feeling tired and mentally shredded you sit down in your favorite chair and as you start to watch the news, you hear a great commotion at the dinner table where your new ‘guests’ are eating their meal so you get up to see what is happening.
My meal, and I would be eating it while they cleaned up the kitchen.

As you enter the room your neighbor comes to you and says the wife is about to have a baby and you need to take her to the hospital, and just as you have them loaded up and start to drive away from what used to be your home, the neighbor leans over to you and says, “I hope you have insurance, your going to have to pay for the baby being born…..�.
He can work it off later.



New member
We have people in Mexico who are poor and looking for a new life so they break into America illegally and take away from those who live here legally. Consider the billions of dollars Arizona spends every year to take care of illegals as an example. Consider the drug trade they bring with them (small number I admit).
Hey TJ.. was it "legal" what "Americans" did to take away this country from those who lived here prior to Columbus "discovering" America? What makes it legal? Might = right?

Consider the diseases they brought with them and the scurvy filled blankets, beads and booze they traded for valuables..

Just be glad they ain't committing conscious genocide in the process.. You wanna stop it? Punish the businesses that hire them.. and the government that allows it and encourages slavery so you can buy a f cking piece of fruit for less than a dollar..



New member
Hey TJ.. was it "legal" what "Americans" did to take away this country from those who lived here prior to Columbus "discovering" America? What makes it legal? Might = right?
They didn't have a flag...



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The last time I argued with the wife I put a "Whites Only" sticker above the water dispenser on the fridge. She was not amused.
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Hey TJ.. was it "legal" what "Americans" did to take away this country from those who lived here prior to Columbus "discovering" America? What makes it legal? Might = right?
They were annoying.



New member
The last time I argued with the wife I put a "Whites Only" sticker above the water dispenser on the fridge. She was not amused.
hahahahaha.. next time do it to the toilet too..



New member
I think the great American draft dodging hypocrite John Wayne said it best.. Well.. second best to TJ of course..

I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves. ~ The Duke of Hypocrisy

We have people in Mexico who are poor and looking for a new life so they break into America illegally and take away from those who live here legally.
~ TJ, or else

I dunno TJ.. seems to me the Duke is calling you selfish and making a morally justified case for Mexicans to kill you.. go debate his corpse..

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What is, "unaccurate"?
Chi's word, not mine, I was asking her to explain but as usual, she never answers a question.

Wez, your funny dude, and as usual your posting just trying to pick a fight, I have learned you either don't understand things like a normal person or your just pretending not to understand just to again, pick fights, either way, trying to discuss anything with you is not really worth it.

In general I say yes, it was perfectly fine to take this land from the Indians, we can't be frozen into inaction by something like that, the Europeans were not moving into the Indian communities refusing to do their fair share to support themselves, they were self sufficient while the illegals are mostly on welfare and causing massive crime problems everywhere they gather, and again, most of the emergency room bills Obama was talking about is because of them, not Americans. The point is we are being invaded and the invaders are not even taking care of themselves, the money is gone, we no longer have the luxery of looking the other way. Decisions must be made and if some are too scared and timid to do what must be done, then at least step aside and stop being part of the problem with the stalling tactics like calling people racist.

You know Wez, I once asked you if you were so much against the use of force, would you call the police if someone had stolen from your home, you admitted you would call the police so clearly you are okay with the use of force as long as it is used for you and what you believe in, a true believer in it being wrong to use Government force would never believe using force is right, so in these discussions, your the one with issues, lol.



New member
Hey TJ.. was it "legal" what "Americans" did to take away this country from those who lived here prior to Columbus "discovering" America? What makes it legal? Might = right?
They didn't have a flag...
What a ****=poor excuse for a response that is Tori. They didn't have a flag???? Did they even know about flags? Jeezus lovaduck? Do you have any idea what it means to have a connection to the land your **** was born on?



Active Members
What a ****=poor excuse for a response that is Tori. They didn't have a flag???? Did they even know about flags? Jeezus lovaduck? Do you have any idea what it means to have a connection to the land your **** was born on?
I think the real point is does it make any difference?

Should every scrap of land in the world that can show it was "once" owned by someone else not be able to be defended by it's current owner? Battles are fought and land is accuired or loss according to those battles, sure it is sometimes sad to accept it, but we should not be frozen into inactivity because of it.



New member
This is old and so unaccurate, but I'm not even gonna waste my time arguing about dribble with hard headed people. Much like why I don't even bother arguing about the Arizona law. Hopefully people will see the err of their ways one day.

Why is it unaccurate or lame?
inaccurate. Sue me.

What is, "unaccurate"?


New member
What is, "unaccurate"?
Chi's word, not mine, I was asking her to explain but as usual, she never answers a question.

Wez, your funny dude, and as usual your posting just trying to pick a fight, I have learned you either don't understand things like a normal person or your just pretending not to understand just to again, pick fights, either way, trying to discuss anything with you is not really worth it.

In general I say yes, it was perfectly fine to take this land from the Indians, we can't be frozen into inaction by something like that, the Europeans were not moving into the Indian communities refusing to do their fair share to support themselves, they were self sufficient while the illegals are mostly on welfare and causing massive crime problems everywhere they gather, and again, most of the emergency room bills Obama was talking about is because of them, not Americans. The point is we are being invaded and the invaders are not even taking care of themselves, the money is gone, we no longer have the luxery of looking the other way. Decisions must be made and if some are too scared and timid to do what must be done, then at least step aside and stop being part of the problem with the stalling tactics like calling people racist.

You know Wez, I once asked you if you were so much against the use of force, would you call the police if someone had stolen from your home, you admitted you would call the police so clearly you are okay with the use of force as long as it is used for you and what you believe in, a true believer in it being wrong to use Government force would never believe using force is right, so in these discussions, your the one with issues, lol.
TJ you're full of sh t. Most immigrants that come here work their ***** off more than the average American. Illegals aren't even entitled to public benefits. I'll maybe give you that hospitals aren't supposed to turn anyone away even if they are unable to pay, but most immigrants are so afraid to even go to the doctor or hospital because of their status that they will suffer with whatever they have until it gets too serious or will pay cash if they can.

People that have a problem with immigrants do so because they are bigoted and are afraid of their numbers and prevalance, not because anyone is taking anything away from them.



New member
ummm, not quite accurate Chi.

Illegal Immigrants cost the state of Arizona approx 2.7 billion dollars every year- linky -(not to mention the $69 billion it cost the country between 1970 and 1996 - linky #2 with that number ever increasing each year since then)

Illegals may not be entitled to public benefits, but at least here in Arizona- they most certainly receive them. Food stamps, public education, that education in Spanish (requiring more teachers,) health care, and other things.

Many cities in AZ are "sanctuary cities"- meaning no one ever gets asked about immigration status. ever. if you can prove you have an address, then all public benefits are available to you.

Our state is going broke (see California for an example of what that looks like) and Illegal Immigrants leeching off our of state resources without paying back into the system thru payroll taxes and property taxes is a big part of the problem.

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