Bob is a racist


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So who told you that besides your mommy? You misspelled disagree, positions and use the word 'your' incorrectly quite often as already pointed out by Em.

inaccurate. Sue me.
The point is if you want to be the word and spelling police you need to not be making these kinds of stupid mistakes yourself Chi.

TJ you're full of sh t. Most immigrants that come here work their ***** off more than the average American.
For every hard working illegal that is making under the table money (not paying taxes), there are three to four dependents who are not working such as the children who get free schools and free lunches, etc.

Illegals aren't even entitled to public benefits.
As eddo pointed out, while by law their not entitled, all of them still get it mostly because social workers tend to be very far left liberals/socialists anyway and will never ask for proof of citizenship before giving them welfare.

I'll maybe give you that hospitals aren't supposed to turn anyone away even if they are unable to pay, but most immigrants are so afraid to even go to the doctor or hospital because of their status that they will suffer with whatever they have until it gets too serious or will pay cash if they can.
You obviously never spent time around emergency rooms where illegals tend to live. Hospitals do not call immgration, they know they will get paid by the government anyway (hense Obama talking about taxpayers covering the cost) and as long as their making money no big deal, so no, illegals are not scared to go to the doctor.

People that have a problem with immigrants do so because they are bigoted and are afraid of their numbers and prevalance, not because anyone is taking anything away from them.
And that right there is 100% proof that the story I posted is accurate.

I have nothing against these people because of their race, I have something against their actions to invade America and steal either directly or indirectly from hard working Americans and legal immegrants. We are broke Chi. We have no more money and we have to figure out ways to save money, trillions of dollars can be saved every year if we deal with the illegals, it is a business decision, a practical decision, and even a logical decision.

Only the most radical of socialists try to make this a race issue because they have no other way of defending their true belief that America should not have a border or laws against illegally coming here to get welfare.



New member
What a ****=poor excuse for a response that is Tori. They didn't have a flag???? Did they even know about flags? Jeezus lovaduck? Do you have any idea what it means to have a connection to the land your **** was born on?
I think the real point is does it make any difference?

Should every scrap of land in the world that can show it was "once" owned by someone else not be able to be defended by it's current owner? Battles are fought and land is accuired or loss according to those battles, sure it is sometimes sad to accept it, but we should not be frozen into inactivity because of it.
Exactly. So minorities are taking over in numbers, so deal with it! We're taking our land back.

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Exactly. So minorities are taking over in numbers, so deal with it! We're taking our land back.
But.. but.. might only = right when it's in TJ's favor.. don't you understand gods plan?

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Exactly. So minorities are taking over in numbers, so deal with it! We're taking our land back.
Well race has nothign to do with it, why is it you far liberals always have to insert things like race into a discussion to try and derail it?

I said before, if we were being invaded by white Canadians we would still have the exact same problem of running out of money to pay for them Chi. That is the one thing you guys will never admit to.

If you guys want to invade and take over, at least support yourself in the process instead of acting like a cancer and killing the host your invading.



New member
Exactly. So minorities are taking over in numbers, so deal with it! We're taking our land back.
Well race has nothign to do with it, why is it you far liberals always have to insert things like race into a discussion to try and derail it?

I said before, if we were being invaded by white Canadians we would still have the exact same problem of running out of money to pay for them Chi. That is the one thing you guys will never admit to.

If you guys want to invade and take over, at least support yourself in the process instead of acting like a cancer and killing the host your invading.
TJ - Let's not act like race is never an issue, okay? And what is this you guys bullshit? 1.) I'm not illegal 2.) I've always worked and supported myself and mine. Are you automatically classifying me as "you guys" because I'm Hispanic? Gee, I thought race wasn't the issue - ??

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Well Chi...Hispanic is one strike, Liberal is two (Liberal equals anyone in disagreement of TJ and his troglodytic views). You "guys" are either one or the other. I bet you throw your empty water bottles on the street, break into homes and do jobs most Americans think are unworthy of their skills. You guys...tsk tsk.
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TJ - Let's not act like race is never an issue, okay? And what is this you guys bullshit? 1.) I'm not illegal 2.) I've always worked and supported myself and mine. Are you automatically classifying me as "you guys" because I'm Hispanic? Gee, I thought race wasn't the issue - ??
You guys as in liberals (and others) who turn everything into race baiting to divert attention away from the "real" problem, I had no idea you were hispanic, although "Chi" now makes sense.

I never said race "was never" an issue, I said it was not an issue now or with the current inability to pay for the 12 million illegals currently in America. We have a massive problem, it needs to be dealt with, sticking your head in the sand and pretending to not see the problem just because you want to defend your fellow hispanics is not going to fix this problem Chi. Where is your first loyalty Chi?

America or Mexico?

If your an American than be concerned with an American issue, if your a Mexican first then be proud that your invasion is going well and your infiltration of our political system has been so successful so far.



New member
Well Chi...Hispanic is one strike, Liberal is two (Liberal equals anyone in disagreement of TJ and his troglodytic views). You "guys" are either one or the other. I bet you throw your empty water bottles on the street, break into homes and do jobs most Americans think are unworthy of their skills. You guys...tsk tsk.
You nailed it. I think I'll go kick a puppy now too for good measure.



Active Members
Well Chi...Hispanic is one strike, Liberal is two (Liberal equals anyone in disagreement of TJ and his troglodytic views). You "guys" are either one or the other. I bet you throw your empty water bottles on the street, break into homes and do jobs most Americans think are unworthy of their skills. You guys...tsk tsk.
You nailed it. I think I'll go kick a puppy now too for good measure.
No, you wouldn't want to bruise the meat before cooking it, ruins the taste even with BBQ sauce.



New member
Well Chi...Hispanic is one strike, Liberal is two (Liberal equals anyone in disagreement of TJ and his troglodytic views). You "guys" are either one or the other. I bet you throw your empty water bottles on the street, break into homes and do jobs most Americans think are unworthy of their skills. You guys...tsk tsk.
You nailed it. I think I'll go kick a puppy now too for good measure.
No, you wouldn't want to bruise the meat before cooking it, ruins the taste even with BBQ sauce.
oooh an attempt at humor....


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New member
TJ - Let's not act like race is never an issue, okay? And what is this you guys bullshit? 1.) I'm not illegal 2.) I've always worked and supported myself and mine. Are you automatically classifying me as "you guys" because I'm Hispanic? Gee, I thought race wasn't the issue - ??
You guys as in liberals (and others) who turn everything into race baiting to divert attention away from the "real" problem, I had no idea you were hispanic, although "Chi" now makes sense.

I never said race "was never" an issue, I said it was not an issue now or with the current inability to pay for the 12 million illegals currently in America. We have a massive problem, it needs to be dealt with, sticking your head in the sand and pretending to not see the problem just because you want to defend your fellow hispanics is not going to fix this problem Chi. Where is your first loyalty Chi?

America or Mexico?

If your an American than be concerned with an American issue, if your a Mexican first then be proud that your invasion is going well and your infiltration of our political system has been so successful so far.
Eh sure, whatever, TJ. And yes, I'm such a liberal! If you really must know, my loyalty is to what is right. When something is wrong or unfair, it doesn't stop being that way just because I'm legal or Hispanic, black, white or purple. People don't come to this country to cause trouble, **** people off or mooch off of others, they come here to work, survive and try to obtain a decent life like everyone else. If people can't see that and choose to treat their fellow man a certain way, then so be it. Justice will just have to come at a price like it has many times in the past.



New member
People that have a problem with immigrants do so because they are bigoted and are afraid of their numbers and prevalance, not because anyone is taking anything away from them.


I think that statement just embedded the point TJ was getting at with this thread. That was a terrible accusation! I resent being even considered a bigot!

Everybody is invited to camp out at Chi’s house! I want sausage and eggs for my breakfast Chi or I’m eating your dog!



New member
Hey TJ.. was it "legal" what "Americans" did to take away this country from those who lived here prior to Columbus "discovering" America? What makes it legal? Might = right?
They didn't have a flag...
What a ****=poor excuse for a response that is Tori. They didn't have a flag???? Did they even know about flags? Jeezus lovaduck? Do you have any idea what it means to have a connection to the land your **** was born on?
Um, the comedian, Eddie Izzard. Making fun of Europe for invading so many countries.


New member
People that have a problem with immigrants do so because they are bigoted and are afraid of their numbers and prevalance, not because anyone is taking anything away from them.


I think that statement just embedded the point TJ was getting at with this thread. That was a terrible accusation! I resent being even considered a bigot!

Everybody is invited to camp out at Chi’s house! I want sausage and eggs for my breakfast Chi or I’m eating your dog!
Really Snaf? Now why would you do that? It doesn't even make sense.



New member
People that have a problem with immigrants do so because they are bigoted and are afraid of their numbers and prevalance, not because anyone is taking anything away from them.


I think that statement just embedded the point TJ was getting at with this thread. That was a terrible accusation! I resent being even considered a bigot!

Everybody is invited to camp out at Chi’s house! I want sausage and eggs for my breakfast Chi or I’m eating your dog!
Really Snaf? Now why would you do that? It doesn't even make sense.



New member
Chi If they are such hard workers why don’t you pay one to go and do your job? You might even get a raise!
Again Snaf, your comments have to make sense. 1.) How am I going to pay someone to do my job? When I would need money from my job to pay someone for anything... 2.) My company doesn't hire illegals 3.) You need to have certain skills and experience to do certain jobs. Otherwise anyone could just do any job that they wanted without any skills or education.



New member
People that have a problem with immigrants do so because they are bigoted and are afraid of their numbers and prevalance, not because anyone is taking anything away from them.


I think that statement just embedded the point TJ was getting at with this thread. That was a terrible accusation! I resent being even considered a bigot!

Everybody is invited to camp out at Chi’s house! I want sausage and eggs for my breakfast Chi or I’m eating your dog!
Really Snaf? Now why would you do that? It doesn't even make sense.
Oh my...



New member
People that have a problem with immigrants do so because they are bigoted and are afraid of their numbers and prevalance, not because anyone is taking anything away from them.


I think that statement just embedded the point TJ was getting at with this thread. That was a terrible accusation! I resent being even considered a bigot!

Everybody is invited to camp out at Chi’s house! I want sausage and eggs for my breakfast Chi or I’m eating your dog!
Really Snaf? Now why would you do that? It doesn't even make sense.
Someone wanting to protect their family and property does not make them a bigot.



New member
People that have a problem with immigrants do so because they are bigoted and are afraid of their numbers and prevalance, not because anyone is taking anything away from them.


I think that statement just embedded the point TJ was getting at with this thread. That was a terrible accusation! I resent being even considered a bigot!

Everybody is invited to camp out at Chi’s house! I want sausage and eggs for my breakfast Chi or I’m eating your dog!
Really Snaf? Now why would you do that? It doesn't even make sense.
Someone wanting to protect their family and property does not make them a bigot.
Protecting their family and property? And just how are illegals threatening and harming your family and property?

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