TJ - Let's not act like race is never an issue, okay? And what is this you guys bullshit? 1.) I'm not illegal 2.) I've always worked and supported myself and mine. Are you automatically classifying me as "you guys" because I'm Hispanic? Gee, I thought race wasn't the issue - ??
You guys as in liberals (and others) who turn everything into race baiting to divert attention away from the "real" problem, I had no idea you were hispanic, although "Chi" now makes sense.
I never said race "was never" an issue, I said it was not an issue now or with the current inability to pay for the 12 million illegals currently in America. We have a massive problem, it needs to be dealt with, sticking your head in the sand and pretending to not see the problem just because you want to defend your fellow hispanics is not going to fix this problem Chi. Where is your first loyalty Chi?
America or Mexico?
If your an American than be concerned with an American issue, if your a Mexican first then be proud that your invasion is going well and your infiltration of our political system has been so successful so far.