Book Of Matt

I told him today that his journal is now nearly 10 pages longer than it was when he left and he was like "Wow I wanna read it I wanna come back, that's unfair!" Awww <3 I must say there is nothing more annoying than this. My sweet Matty... he was getting prepared to come back, he was soooo enthusiastic about it and now... *snuffle* we just have to wait. Date of return unknown I'm afraid. My optimism says though the problem should be fixed by the end of this week. We'll see...*sigh*
wooooot awesome so he fixed his internet?
"lets get load, lets lets get load, turn on the music and makes some sound" hehe
dont forget boobies and cake :D
Yeah he did!!! That's what he said, he'll be on soon!! Oh God who says I'm excited??? HAHAHAHAHA I'm just jumping around like a silly crazy goat!!! YEEEEEEHAAAAAA!!!! *hugs everyone* :D :D :D :D

Turns out I did something wrong in the setup, but I didn't call the man £65! **** that lol, just doing it all my way. Been busy I have, like a beaver with vodka! So much has changed it's surreal but I don't mind cha know!

Good to see I still has all that rep n stuff and I want to see all de crew! But I dont see them online, get your asses online!
Hey Matt, just wanted to stop in and say WELCOME BACK! I'm not sure if you realise just how much we have missed you around here in your absence - you're irreplacable, that's for sure. And me personally, I have missed your unique SOH. Welcome back. Hope things are better now... *tackle hugs Matty back onto the floor then steals his hat and runs off with it to keep as a momento*