Book Of Matt

He's coming people!!! MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! I'm SUPERSTOKED!!! MATTY IS GONNA BE HERE SO SOON!!! *climbs on a table in a uniquely Greek way and screams excitedly* Matty my English puppy I just can't wait to squeeze you to death!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Actually, he was texting me last night and he said there was a chance he was coming back today but then he sent me another text today and he told me it didn't work so he'll prolly be on on Friday or Saturday. That's the latest news! Anyway 2 or 3 days pass so quickly the point is... HE'S COMING!!! :D :D :D Oh guys you can't believe how much he's missed this place!!! He can't wait...awww he's so sweet, bless him... <3's the deserve it man

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Don't blame the poor lad he's doing his best... He's upset, especially today, because he thought everything was set and that he could come online, but he couldn't connect as much as he tried. He messaged me today saying the signal was failing or something... Hope he sorts things out soon, if not for us here then certainly for him. He's disappointed and I understand him cause I am too... I've missed him terribly... We'll have to wait and see now. He doesn't even know, that bloody thing might or might not work any day from now on... Could be tomorrow, or maybe later. This is a day-to-day thing now.
It's not that cheap lol.
To get someone to come out an fix it is like loads and the call centres are like expensive too.
Especially down south where he is.
I won't complain about here again... I got a fast ADSL connection for only 20 Euros per month! Yeah anyway I hope this problem with Matty's internet is only temporary. Or, let me put it this way... Whoever is responsible for his signal they'd better fix it or I'm gonna get really pissed!! I want him back tomorrow... :( (or today cause it's a new day now)