Book Of Matt

Book Of Matt
Chapter: 45
Title: Thou Shalt Not Let Matt Pump Up A Ball!
Time Woked Up: Meh around 11am
Thoughts When Woked Up: ****ing phone woke me up!

Anyways yah yesterday was pretty much a normal weekend for me, I didnt do anything much till around 3 of which I went up town to get a new football! Why u ask? Cause we wanted to play football (soccer) so yah we got into 'Sports World' which may be cheap but is like one of the chaviest places in the world! Anyways we saw a ball for £2.38! 70% off, we quickt pounced on this marvelous opputunity and proceeded to purchase the ball ^_^. Anyways after an 7minute queue! I swear the staff there are like 4 or 5 evolution steps behind us or something!

Anyways we played a lil football and threw a lil frisbee and so on nothin much, had dinner went to bar for a couple and nothin that spectacular happend there! Got to bed around 2am.

O btw i broke my mates pump by lack luster ball pumpage
Yah. told ya average ^_^

Today: Pigeion Detective w/ Pull Tiger Tail at Brighton Audio
I will try, I also hope to get a couple kick ass photos of the gig!

So wish me luck as i try to take photos in the certain to be mosh pit
Thats very much the plan, yup :)

Some photos from the last gig i went to (Spinto band & Air Traffic)


Thank u very much, it was hard to get good photos as, although I was close.... i wasnt that close! So kept in getting toones of the crowd in the band shots
Main Act: Pigeon Detectives
Supporting Acts: PULL TIGER TAIL, cheap hotel
Venue: Audio
Sell Out? Yes

I love intimate venues but bands can either be amazing or amazingly average, tonight we were lucky we had a good time.

Cheap Hotel:
The vocalist/guitarist was hot, the bass was catchy and the drummer was awesome. Never heard of them but totally got into their act... quite suprised!




Pull Tiger Tail

I liked some of there songs before I went here and hoped for the best, unfourtenetly they were generic and didnt interact or get the crowd going at all.... shame, loved the masks we got though!



Pigeon Detectives

I Loved their studio stuff but I never thought they would be this good live! The band where full of energy and got the crowd going extremely well. Top that off with crowd interaction, stage diving and dousing us with water and on the final song getting everyone in the venue to jump, well done!



Awesome pics Matt! At least now I got an idea what British gigs are like! lol Cheap Hotel is a girls' band? Interesting I'm thinking of maybe persuading sis to start one of our own! Also, is the guy in the last pictures actually hanging from that thing? Must have been fun!! Gee I'm kinda jealous...well, I always am when you go to gigs and I CAN'T GO!!! Thanks for sharing honey, at least you got us into the whole atmosphere! Oh and cool masks! Send me one when you can!! :thumbsup:
HAHAH Thanks!

Pigeon Detectives where awesome live and have an amazing collection of songs for such a new band, look out for them. They are one of the bands hotly tipped to make it big this year in the UK!